Search found 10 matches

by eggman3344
Tue Oct 11, 2011 16:04
Forum: Help
Topic: creating a 3D user interface.
Replies: 6
Views: 7138

Re: creating a 3D user interface.

Ok, i just tried this:

Code: Select all


and thought that would actually work....but it didn't there HAS to be a way to get it to work........i'll work on it. It's not that important right now i just wanted to see if i could do it
by eggman3344
Tue Oct 11, 2011 14:51
Forum: Help
Topic: creating a 3D user interface.
Replies: 6
Views: 7138

Re: creating a 3D user interface.

nope says can't access protected member like that. damn it
by eggman3344
Mon Oct 10, 2011 19:20
Forum: Help
Topic: creating a 3D user interface.
Replies: 6
Views: 7138

Re: creating a 3D user interface.

no because the only way was to re-create the Ogre renderer with the texture in the constructor. and im alrteayy using it for the UI on the screen. but i wanted to add a UI like in DOOM3 or something else.
by eggman3344
Thu Oct 06, 2011 22:32
Forum: Help
Topic: creating a 3D user interface.
Replies: 6
Views: 7138

creating a 3D user interface.

I was trying to render CEGUI to an Ogre render target in order to create a gui like monitor like in games like Quake 4, Prey and Deus Ex HR. This is how i tried to do it and i think it's pretty much how one would do it except since I needed a pointer to the render target to create the desired effect...
by eggman3344
Sat Aug 06, 2011 11:32
Forum: Help
Topic: really weird errors found in CEGUI.log...
Replies: 2
Views: 3190

really weird errors found in CEGUI.log...

Ok, now for some reason i get these errors from the CEGUI log: 06/08/2011 02:51:23 (Error) Attempt to set value of '95' to read only property 'HorzExtent' on window: Health 06/08/2011 02:51:23 (Error) Attempt to set value of '19.8618' to read only property 'VertExtent' on window: Health 06/08/2011 0...
by eggman3344
Tue Aug 02, 2011 01:33
Forum: Help
Topic: xtree debug assertion.......(you get help fixing one thing.)
Replies: 2
Views: 2092

Re: xtree debug assertion.......(you get help fixing one thi

and.......i figured it out. LOL i was detroying the whole system leaving the menu not just removing the i feel stupid
by eggman3344
Mon Aug 01, 2011 21:07
Forum: Help
Topic: xtree debug assertion.......(you get help fixing one thing.)
Replies: 2
Views: 2092

xtree debug assertion.......(you get help fixing one thing.)

Well, i'm back to ask another question, thanks to the kind person who helped me out in the other thread, sorry but your name escapes me. anyways.......Thanks to him I got the layout to load right and everything but now for some reason which i cannot explain (other then being CEGUI/xtree related) why...
by eggman3344
Mon Aug 01, 2011 19:07
Forum: Help
Topic: problem with loading a gui sheet. (not registering scheme)
Replies: 4
Views: 2923

Re: problem with loading a gui sheet. (not registering schem

well, i was going off of the Basic Tutorial of Ogre # 7 so you'll excuse me if i did it wrong the way i'm using it has always worked for me so i thought this was the right way
by eggman3344
Mon Aug 01, 2011 18:27
Forum: Help
Topic: problem with loading a gui sheet. (not registering scheme)
Replies: 4
Views: 2923

Re: problem with loading a gui sheet. (not registering schem

01/08/2011 13:11:19 (Std) +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 01/08/2011 13:11:19 (Std) + Crazy Eddie's GUI System - Event log + 01/08/2011 13:11:19 (Std) + ( + 01/08/2011 13:11:19 (Std) +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+...
by eggman3344
Mon Aug 01, 2011 17:51
Forum: Help
Topic: problem with loading a gui sheet. (not registering scheme)
Replies: 4
Views: 2923

problem with loading a gui sheet. (not registering scheme)

Ok, well, I'm having this one little problem right now.......anyways, i used CEGUI's layout editor and all seemed good until i tried to use it and got this nasty little error: 01/08/2011 13:11:19 (Error) CEGUI::UnknownObjectException in file c:\cegui-0.7.4\cegui\src\ceguiwindowfactorymanager.cpp(180...

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