some general doubts regarding cegui

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Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk
Posts: 26
Joined: Mon Sep 28, 2009 19:06

some general doubts regarding cegui

Postby saurabh » Tue Nov 03, 2009 05:07


First, i would attach log files :)

Code: Select all

02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   +                     Crazy Eddie's GUI System - Event log                    +
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   +                          (                         +
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   CEGUI::Logger singleton created.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   ---- Begining CEGUI System initialisation ----
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   CEGUI::ImagesetManager singleton created
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   CEGUI::FontManager singleton created.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   CEGUI::WindowFactoryManager singleton created
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   CEGUI::WindowManager singleton created
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   CEGUI::SchemeManager singleton created.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   CEGUI::MouseCursor singleton created.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   CEGUI::GlobalEventSet singleton created.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   CEGUI::WidgetLookManager singleton created.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   CEGUI::WindowRendererManager singleton created
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowFactory for 'DefaultWindow' windows added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowFactory for 'DragContainer' windows added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowFactory for 'ScrolledContainer' windows added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowFactory for 'ClippedContainer' windows added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Checkbox' windows added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/PushButton' windows added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/RadioButton' windows added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Combobox' windows added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ComboDropList' windows added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Editbox' windows added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/FrameWindow' windows added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ItemEntry' windows added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Listbox' windows added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ListHeader' windows added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ListHeaderSegment' windows added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Menubar' windows added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/PopupMenu' windows added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/MenuItem' windows added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/MultiColumnList' windows added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/MultiLineEditbox' windows added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ProgressBar' windows added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ScrollablePane' windows added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Scrollbar' windows added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Slider' windows added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Spinner' windows added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/TabButton' windows added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/TabControl' windows added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Thumb' windows added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Titlebar' windows added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Tooltip' windows added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ItemListbox' windows added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   Window type alias named 'DefaultGUISheet' added for window type 'DefaultWindow'.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   CEGUI::System singleton created.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   ---- CEGUI System initialisation completed ----
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   ---- Version 0.5.1 ----
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   ---- Renderer module is: CEGUI::OgreRenderer - Official Ogre based renderer module for CEGUI ----
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   ---- XML Parser module is: CEGUI::ExpatParser - Official expat based parser module for CEGUI ----
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   ---- Scripting module is: None ----
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   Attempting to load Scheme from file 'VanillaSkin.scheme'.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   Attempting to create an Imageset from the information specified in file 'Vanilla.imageset'.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   Started creation of Imageset from XML specification:
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   ---- CEGUI Imageset name: Vanilla
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   ---- Source texture file: vanilla.tga in resource group: (Default)
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   ===== Falagard 'root' element: look and feel parsing begins =====
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   ===== Look and feel parsing completed =====
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   No window renderer factories specified for module 'CEGUIFalagardWRBase' - adding all available factories...
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/Button' added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/Default' added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/Editbox' added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/FrameWindow' added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/ItemEntry' added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/ListHeader' added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/ListHeaderSegment' added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/Listbox' added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/Menubar' added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/MenuItem' added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/MultiColumnList' added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/MultiLineEditbox' added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/PopupMenu' added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/ProgressBar' added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/ScrollablePane' added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/Scrollbar' added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/Slider' added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/Static' added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/StaticImage' added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/StaticText' added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/SystemButton' added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/TabButton' added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/TabControl' added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/Titlebar' added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/ToggleButton' added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/Tooltip' added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/ItemListbox' added.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   Creating falagard mapping for type 'Vanilla/Titlebar' using base type 'CEGUI/Titlebar', window renderer 'Falagard/Titlebar' and Look'N'Feel 'Vanilla/Titlebar'.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   Creating falagard mapping for type 'Vanilla/Button' using base type 'CEGUI/PushButton', window renderer 'Falagard/Button' and Look'N'Feel 'Vanilla/Button'.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   Creating falagard mapping for type 'Vanilla/FrameWindow' using base type 'CEGUI/FrameWindow', window renderer 'Falagard/FrameWindow' and Look'N'Feel 'Vanilla/FrameWindow'.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   Creating falagard mapping for type 'Vanilla/Editbox' using base type 'CEGUI/Editbox', window renderer 'Falagard/Editbox' and Look'N'Feel 'Vanilla/Editbox'.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   Creating falagard mapping for type 'Vanilla/VerticalScrollbarThumb' using base type 'CEGUI/Thumb', window renderer 'Falagard/Button' and Look'N'Feel 'Vanilla/VerticalScrollbarThumb'.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   Creating falagard mapping for type 'Vanilla/VerticalScrollbar' using base type 'CEGUI/Scrollbar', window renderer 'Falagard/Scrollbar' and Look'N'Feel 'Vanilla/VerticalScrollbar'.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   Creating falagard mapping for type 'Vanilla/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' using base type 'CEGUI/Thumb', window renderer 'Falagard/Button' and Look'N'Feel 'Vanilla/HorizontalScrollbarThumb'.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   Creating falagard mapping for type 'Vanilla/HorizontalScrollbar' using base type 'CEGUI/Scrollbar', window renderer 'Falagard/Scrollbar' and Look'N'Feel 'Vanilla/HorizontalScrollbar'.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   Creating falagard mapping for type 'Vanilla/StaticImage' using base type 'DefaultWindow', window renderer 'Falagard/StaticImage' and Look'N'Feel 'Vanilla/StaticImage'.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   Creating falagard mapping for type 'Vanilla/StaticText' using base type 'DefaultWindow', window renderer 'Falagard/StaticText' and Look'N'Feel 'Vanilla/StaticText'.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   Creating falagard mapping for type 'Vanilla/Listbox' using base type 'CEGUI/Listbox', window renderer 'Falagard/Listbox' and Look'N'Feel 'Vanilla/Listbox'.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   Creating falagard mapping for type 'Vanilla/MultiLineEditbox' using base type 'CEGUI/MultiLineEditbox', window renderer 'Falagard/MultiLineEditbox' and Look'N'Feel 'Vanilla/MultiLineEditbox'.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   Attempting to create Font from the information specified in file 'Refsan.font'.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   Started creation of FreeType Font:
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   ---- CEGUI font name: REFSAN
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   ----     Source file: REFSAN.TTF in resource group: (Default)
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   ---- Real point size: 10
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   Succsessfully loaded 1170 glyphs
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   Attempting to load Scheme from file 'Screen.scheme'.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   Attempting to create an Imageset from the information specified in file 'background.imageset'.
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   Started creation of Imageset from XML specification:
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   ---- CEGUI Imageset name: Background
02/11/2009 22:44:20 (InfL1)   ---- Source texture file: background.png in resource group: General
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL1)   Attempting to create an Imageset from the information specified in file 'Buttons.imageset'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL1)   Started creation of Imageset from XML specification:
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL1)   ---- CEGUI Imageset name: Buttons
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL1)   ---- Source texture file: option_ButtonSET.png in resource group: (Default)
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL1)   Attempting to create an Imageset from the information specified in file 'backbtn.imageset'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL1)   Started creation of Imageset from XML specification:
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL1)   ---- CEGUI Imageset name: backbtn
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL1)   ---- Source texture file: back_Button.png in resource group: (Default)
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL1)   Attempting to create an Imageset from the information specified in file 'logoutbtn.imageset'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL1)   Started creation of Imageset from XML specification:
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL1)   ---- CEGUI Imageset name: logoutbtn
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL1)   ---- Source texture file: logout_Button.png in resource group: (Default)
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL1)   Attempting to create an Imageset from the information specified in file 'mainmenubtn.imageset'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL1)   Started creation of Imageset from XML specification:
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL1)   ---- CEGUI Imageset name: menubtn
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL1)   ---- Source texture file: mainmenu_Button.png in resource group: (Default)
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL1)   Attempting to create an Imageset from the information specified in file 'titlebar.imageset'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL1)   Started creation of Imageset from XML specification:
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL1)   ---- CEGUI Imageset name: titlebar
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL1)   ---- Source texture file: title_Bar.png in resource group: General
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL1)   Attempting to create an Imageset from the information specified in file 'loginimageBox.imageset'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL1)   Started creation of Imageset from XML specification:
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL1)   ---- CEGUI Imageset name: loginImage
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL1)   ---- Source texture file: loginWindow.png in resource group: General
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   ---- Beginning loading of GUI layout from 'loginlayout.layout' ----
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'LOGIN_WINDOW$login/Background' of type 'Vanilla/StaticImage' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/StaticImage' to the window 'LOGIN_WINDOW$login/Background'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/StaticImage' to window 'LOGIN_WINDOW$login/Background'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'LOGIN_WINDOW$login/Background/titleBar' of type 'Vanilla/StaticImage' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/StaticImage' to the window 'LOGIN_WINDOW$login/Background/titleBar'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/StaticImage' to window 'LOGIN_WINDOW$login/Background/titleBar'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'LOGIN_WINDOW$login/Background/loginSpace' of type 'Vanilla/StaticImage' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/StaticImage' to the window 'LOGIN_WINDOW$login/Background/loginSpace'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/StaticImage' to window 'LOGIN_WINDOW$login/Background/loginSpace'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'LOGIN_WINDOW$login/Background/logintxtBox' of type 'Vanilla/Editbox' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Editbox' to the window 'LOGIN_WINDOW$login/Background/logintxtBox'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/Editbox' to window 'LOGIN_WINDOW$login/Background/logintxtBox'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'LOGIN_WINDOW$login/Background/passwdtxtBox' of type 'Vanilla/Editbox' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Editbox' to the window 'LOGIN_WINDOW$login/Background/passwdtxtBox'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/Editbox' to window 'LOGIN_WINDOW$login/Background/passwdtxtBox'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'LOGIN_WINDOW$login/Background/submitBtn' of type 'Vanilla/Button' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'LOGIN_WINDOW$login/Background/submitBtn'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/Button' to window 'LOGIN_WINDOW$login/Background/submitBtn'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'LOGIN_WINDOW$login/Background/messageBox' of type 'Vanilla/Titlebar' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Titlebar' to the window 'LOGIN_WINDOW$login/Background/messageBox'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/Titlebar' to window 'LOGIN_WINDOW$login/Background/messageBox'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (Error)   Exception: There is no Property named 'NonClient' available in the set.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL1)   ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'loginlayout.layout' ----
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   ---- Beginning loading of GUI layout from 'MainMenu.layout' ----
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'MAIN_MENU$Menu/Background' of type 'Vanilla/StaticImage' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/StaticImage' to the window 'MAIN_MENU$Menu/Background'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/StaticImage' to window 'MAIN_MENU$Menu/Background'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (Error)   Exception: FontManager::getFont - A Font object with the specified name 'Commonwealth-10' does not exist within the system
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'MAIN_MENU$Menu/Background/TitleImage' of type 'Vanilla/StaticImage' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/StaticImage' to the window 'MAIN_MENU$Menu/Background/TitleImage'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/StaticImage' to window 'MAIN_MENU$Menu/Background/TitleImage'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'MAIN_MENU$Menu/Menu/IntroBtn' of type 'Vanilla/Button' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'MAIN_MENU$Menu/Menu/IntroBtn'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/Button' to window 'MAIN_MENU$Menu/Menu/IntroBtn'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (Error)   Exception: FontManager::getFont - A Font object with the specified name 'Commonwealth-10' does not exist within the system
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (Error)   Exception: There is no Property named 'Fontsize' available in the set.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'MAIN_MENU$Menu/Menu/ExerciseBtn' of type 'Vanilla/Button' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'MAIN_MENU$Menu/Menu/ExerciseBtn'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/Button' to window 'MAIN_MENU$Menu/Menu/ExerciseBtn'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (Error)   Exception: FontManager::getFont - A Font object with the specified name 'Commonwealth-10' does not exist within the system
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'MAIN_MENU$Menu/Menu/UserdataBtn' of type 'Vanilla/Button' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'MAIN_MENU$Menu/Menu/UserdataBtn'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/Button' to window 'MAIN_MENU$Menu/Menu/UserdataBtn'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (Error)   Exception: FontManager::getFont - A Font object with the specified name 'Commonwealth-10' does not exist within the system
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'MAIN_MENU$Menu/Background/MenuBtn' of type 'Vanilla/Button' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'MAIN_MENU$Menu/Background/MenuBtn'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/Button' to window 'MAIN_MENU$Menu/Background/MenuBtn'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'MAIN_MENU$Menu/Background/LogoutBtn' of type 'Vanilla/Button' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'MAIN_MENU$Menu/Background/LogoutBtn'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/Button' to window 'MAIN_MENU$Menu/Background/LogoutBtn'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'MAIN_MENU$Menu/Background/BackBtn' of type 'Vanilla/Button' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'MAIN_MENU$Menu/Background/BackBtn'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/Button' to window 'MAIN_MENU$Menu/Background/BackBtn'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL1)   ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'MainMenu.layout' ----
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   ---- Beginning loading of GUI layout from 'exerciseScreen.layout' ----
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'EXERCISE_MENU$exercise/Background' of type 'Vanilla/StaticImage' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/StaticImage' to the window 'EXERCISE_MENU$exercise/Background'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/StaticImage' to window 'EXERCISE_MENU$exercise/Background'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (Error)   Exception: FontManager::getFont - A Font object with the specified name 'Commonwealth-10' does not exist within the system
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'EXERCISE_MENU$exercise/Background/TitleImage' of type 'Vanilla/StaticImage' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/StaticImage' to the window 'EXERCISE_MENU$exercise/Background/TitleImage'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/StaticImage' to window 'EXERCISE_MENU$exercise/Background/TitleImage'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (Error)   Exception: There is no Property named 'UseStandardImagery' available in the set.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'EXERCISE_MENU$exercise/Menu/TrainingBtn' of type 'Vanilla/Button' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'EXERCISE_MENU$exercise/Menu/TrainingBtn'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/Button' to window 'EXERCISE_MENU$exercise/Menu/TrainingBtn'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (Error)   Exception: FontManager::getFont - A Font object with the specified name 'Commonwealth-10' does not exist within the system
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'EXERCISE_MENU$exercise/Menu/CaseBtn' of type 'Vanilla/Button' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'EXERCISE_MENU$exercise/Menu/CaseBtn'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/Button' to window 'EXERCISE_MENU$exercise/Menu/CaseBtn'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (Error)   Exception: FontManager::getFont - A Font object with the specified name 'Commonwealth-10' does not exist within the system
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'EXERCISE_MENU$exercise/Background/MenuBtn' of type 'Vanilla/Button' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'EXERCISE_MENU$exercise/Background/MenuBtn'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/Button' to window 'EXERCISE_MENU$exercise/Background/MenuBtn'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'EXERCISE_MENU$exercise/Background/LogoutBtn' of type 'Vanilla/Button' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'EXERCISE_MENU$exercise/Background/LogoutBtn'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/Button' to window 'EXERCISE_MENU$exercise/Background/LogoutBtn'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'EXERCISE_MENU$exercise/Background/BackBtn' of type 'Vanilla/Button' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'EXERCISE_MENU$exercise/Background/BackBtn'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/Button' to window 'EXERCISE_MENU$exercise/Background/BackBtn'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL1)   ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'exerciseScreen.layout' ----
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   ---- Beginning loading of GUI layout from 'casesScreen.layout' ----
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'CASE_MENU$Case/Background' of type 'Vanilla/StaticImage' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/StaticImage' to the window 'CASE_MENU$Case/Background'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/StaticImage' to window 'CASE_MENU$Case/Background'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (Error)   Exception: FontManager::getFont - A Font object with the specified name 'Commonwealth-10' does not exist within the system
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'CASE_MENU$Case/Background/TitleImage' of type 'Vanilla/StaticImage' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/StaticImage' to the window 'CASE_MENU$Case/Background/TitleImage'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/StaticImage' to window 'CASE_MENU$Case/Background/TitleImage'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (Error)   Exception: There is no Property named 'UseStandardImagery' available in the set.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'CASE_MENU$Case/Menu/SmallBtn' of type 'Vanilla/Button' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'CASE_MENU$Case/Menu/SmallBtn'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/Button' to window 'CASE_MENU$Case/Menu/SmallBtn'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (Error)   Exception: FontManager::getFont - A Font object with the specified name 'Commonwealth-10' does not exist within the system
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'CASE_MENU$Case/Menu/MedianBtn' of type 'Vanilla/Button' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'CASE_MENU$Case/Menu/MedianBtn'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/Button' to window 'CASE_MENU$Case/Menu/MedianBtn'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (Error)   Exception: FontManager::getFont - A Font object with the specified name 'Commonwealth-10' does not exist within the system
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'CASE_MENU$Case/Background/MedianBarBtn' of type 'Vanilla/Button' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'CASE_MENU$Case/Background/MedianBarBtn'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/Button' to window 'CASE_MENU$Case/Background/MedianBarBtn'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'CASE_MENU$Case/Background/FibrousBtn' of type 'Vanilla/Button' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'CASE_MENU$Case/Background/FibrousBtn'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/Button' to window 'CASE_MENU$Case/Background/FibrousBtn'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'CASE_MENU$Case/Background/Trilobar' of type 'Vanilla/Button' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'CASE_MENU$Case/Background/Trilobar'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/Button' to window 'CASE_MENU$Case/Background/Trilobar'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'CASE_MENU$Case/Background/prominentBtn' of type 'Vanilla/Button' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'CASE_MENU$Case/Background/prominentBtn'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/Button' to window 'CASE_MENU$Case/Background/prominentBtn'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'CASE_MENU$Case/Background/MenuBtn' of type 'Vanilla/Button' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'CASE_MENU$Case/Background/MenuBtn'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/Button' to window 'CASE_MENU$Case/Background/MenuBtn'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'CASE_MENU$Case/Background/LogoutBtn' of type 'Vanilla/Button' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'CASE_MENU$Case/Background/LogoutBtn'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/Button' to window 'CASE_MENU$Case/Background/LogoutBtn'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'CASE_MENU$Case/Background/BackBtn' of type 'Vanilla/Button' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'CASE_MENU$Case/Background/BackBtn'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/Button' to window 'CASE_MENU$Case/Background/BackBtn'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL1)   ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'casesScreen.layout' ----
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   ---- Beginning loading of GUI layout from 'Introduction.layout' ----
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'INTRO_MENU$Intro/Background' of type 'Vanilla/StaticImage' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/StaticImage' to the window 'INTRO_MENU$Intro/Background'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/StaticImage' to window 'INTRO_MENU$Intro/Background'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (Error)   Exception: FontManager::getFont - A Font object with the specified name 'Commonwealth-10' does not exist within the system
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'INTRO_MENU$Intro/Background/TitleImage' of type 'Vanilla/StaticImage' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/StaticImage' to the window 'INTRO_MENU$Intro/Background/TitleImage'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/StaticImage' to window 'INTRO_MENU$Intro/Background/TitleImage'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'INTRO_MENU$Intro/Background/MenuBtn' of type 'Vanilla/Button' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'INTRO_MENU$Intro/Background/MenuBtn'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/Button' to window 'INTRO_MENU$Intro/Background/MenuBtn'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'INTRO_MENU$Intro/Background/LogoutBtn' of type 'Vanilla/Button' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'INTRO_MENU$Intro/Background/LogoutBtn'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/Button' to window 'INTRO_MENU$Intro/Background/LogoutBtn'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'INTRO_MENU$Intro/Background/BackBtn' of type 'Vanilla/Button' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'INTRO_MENU$Intro/Background/BackBtn'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/Button' to window 'INTRO_MENU$Intro/Background/BackBtn'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL1)   ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'Introduction.layout' ----
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   ---- Beginning loading of GUI layout from 'Userdata.layout' ----
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background' of type 'Vanilla/StaticImage' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/StaticImage' to the window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/StaticImage' to window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (Error)   Exception: FontManager::getFont - A Font object with the specified name 'Commonwealth-10' does not exist within the system
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/TitleImage' of type 'Vanilla/StaticImage' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/StaticImage' to the window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/TitleImage'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/StaticImage' to window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/TitleImage'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/MenuBtn' of type 'Vanilla/Button' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/MenuBtn'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/Button' to window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/MenuBtn'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/LogoutBtn' of type 'Vanilla/Button' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/LogoutBtn'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/Button' to window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/LogoutBtn'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/BackBtn' of type 'Vanilla/Button' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/BackBtn'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/Button' to window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/BackBtn'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/lstbox' of type 'Vanilla/Listbox' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Listbox' to the window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/lstbox'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/Listbox' to window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/lstbox'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/lstbox__auto_hscrollbar__' of type 'Vanilla/HorizontalScrollbar' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Scrollbar' to the window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/lstbox__auto_hscrollbar__'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/HorizontalScrollbar' to window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/lstbox__auto_hscrollbar__'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/lstbox__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' of type 'Vanilla/Button' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/lstbox__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/Button' to window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/lstbox__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/lstbox__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' of type 'Vanilla/Button' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/lstbox__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/Button' to window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/lstbox__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/lstbox__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__' of type 'Vanilla/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/lstbox__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' to window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/lstbox__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/lstbox__auto_vscrollbar__' of type 'Vanilla/VerticalScrollbar' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Scrollbar' to the window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/lstbox__auto_vscrollbar__'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/VerticalScrollbar' to window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/lstbox__auto_vscrollbar__'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/lstbox__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' of type 'Vanilla/Button' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/lstbox__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/Button' to window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/lstbox__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/lstbox__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' of type 'Vanilla/Button' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/lstbox__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/Button' to window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/lstbox__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/lstbox__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__' of type 'Vanilla/VerticalScrollbarThumb' has been created.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/lstbox__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__'
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL2)   Assigning LookNFeel 'Vanilla/VerticalScrollbarThumb' to window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/lstbox__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__'.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (Error)   Exception: There is no Property named 'UseStandardImagery' available in the set.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (Error)   GUILayout_xmlHandler::startElement - Unexpected data was found while parsing the gui-layout file: 'StateImagery' is unknown.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (Error)   GUILayout_xmlHandler::startElement - Unexpected data was found while parsing the gui-layout file: 'Layer' is unknown.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (Error)   GUILayout_xmlHandler::startElement - Unexpected data was found while parsing the gui-layout file: 'Section' is unknown.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (Error)   GUILayout_xmlHandler::startElement - Unexpected data was found while parsing the gui-layout file: 'Colours' is unknown.
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL1)   ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'Userdata.layout' ----
02/11/2009 22:44:21 (InfL1)   Attempting to create Imageset 'REFSAN_auto_glyph_images_ ' with texture only.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL1)   ---- Begining CEGUI System destruction ----
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'LOGIN_WINDOW$login/Background/titleBar' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'LOGIN_WINDOW$login/Background/logintxtBox' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'LOGIN_WINDOW$login/Background/passwdtxtBox' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'LOGIN_WINDOW$login/Background/submitBtn' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'LOGIN_WINDOW$login/Background/messageBox' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'LOGIN_WINDOW$login/Background/loginSpace' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'LOGIN_WINDOW$login/Background' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'MAIN_MENU$Menu/Background/TitleImage' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'MAIN_MENU$Menu/Menu/IntroBtn' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'MAIN_MENU$Menu/Menu/ExerciseBtn' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'MAIN_MENU$Menu/Menu/UserdataBtn' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'MAIN_MENU$Menu/Background/MenuBtn' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'MAIN_MENU$Menu/Background/LogoutBtn' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'MAIN_MENU$Menu/Background/BackBtn' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'MAIN_MENU$Menu/Background' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'EXERCISE_MENU$exercise/Background/TitleImage' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'EXERCISE_MENU$exercise/Menu/TrainingBtn' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'EXERCISE_MENU$exercise/Menu/CaseBtn' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'EXERCISE_MENU$exercise/Background/MenuBtn' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'EXERCISE_MENU$exercise/Background/LogoutBtn' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'EXERCISE_MENU$exercise/Background/BackBtn' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'EXERCISE_MENU$exercise/Background' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'CASE_MENU$Case/Background/TitleImage' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'CASE_MENU$Case/Menu/SmallBtn' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'CASE_MENU$Case/Menu/MedianBtn' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'CASE_MENU$Case/Background/MedianBarBtn' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'CASE_MENU$Case/Background/FibrousBtn' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'CASE_MENU$Case/Background/Trilobar' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'CASE_MENU$Case/Background/prominentBtn' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'CASE_MENU$Case/Background/MenuBtn' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'CASE_MENU$Case/Background/LogoutBtn' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'CASE_MENU$Case/Background/BackBtn' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'CASE_MENU$Case/Background' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'INTRO_MENU$Intro/Background/TitleImage' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'INTRO_MENU$Intro/Background/MenuBtn' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'INTRO_MENU$Intro/Background/LogoutBtn' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'INTRO_MENU$Intro/Background/BackBtn' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'INTRO_MENU$Intro/Background' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/TitleImage' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/MenuBtn' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/LogoutBtn' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/BackBtn' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/lstbox__auto_hscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/lstbox__auto_hscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/lstbox__auto_hscrollbar____auto_thumb__' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/lstbox__auto_hscrollbar__' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/lstbox__auto_vscrollbar____auto_incbtn__' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/lstbox__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/lstbox__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/lstbox__auto_vscrollbar__' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background/lstbox' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'UDATA_MENU$Udata/Background' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'RootWindow' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Window 'CEGUIDemo/Sheet' has been added to dead pool.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL1)   ---- Begining cleanup of GUI Scheme system ----
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   ---- Begining resource cleanup for GUI scheme 'Screen' ----
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Imageset 'Background' has been destroyed.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Imageset 'Buttons' has been destroyed.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Imageset 'backbtn' has been destroyed.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Imageset 'logoutbtn' has been destroyed.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Imageset 'menubtn' has been destroyed.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Imageset 'titlebar' has been destroyed.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Imageset 'loginImage' has been destroyed.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   ---- Resource cleanup for GUI scheme 'Screen' completed ----
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   GUI scheme 'Screen' has been unloaded.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL1)   Scheme 'Screen' has been unloaded.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   ---- Begining resource cleanup for GUI scheme 'VanillaSkin' ----
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Imageset 'Vanilla' has been destroyed.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   ---- Resource cleanup for GUI scheme 'VanillaSkin' completed ----
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   GUI scheme 'VanillaSkin' has been unloaded.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL1)   Scheme 'VanillaSkin' has been unloaded.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL1)   CEGUI::SchemeManager singleton destroyed.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL1)   CEGUI::WindowManager singleton destroyed
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL1)   CEGUI::WindowFactoryManager singleton destroyed
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL1)   CEGUI::WidgetLookManager singleton destroyed.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL1)   CEGUI::WindowRendererManager singleton destroyed
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL1)   ---- Begining cleanup of Font system ----
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL2)   Imageset 'REFSAN_auto_glyph_images_ ' has been destroyed.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL1)   Font 'REFSAN' has been destroyed.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL1)   CEGUI::FontManager singleton destroyed.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL1)   CEGUI::MouseCursor singleton destroyed.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL1)   ---- Begining cleanup of Imageset system ----
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL1)   CEGUI::ImagesetManager singleton destroyed
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL1)   CEGUI::GlobalEventSet singleton destroyed.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL1)   CEGUI::System singleton destroyed.
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL1)   ---- CEGUI System destruction completed ----
02/11/2009 22:44:32 (InfL1)   CEGUI::Logger singleton destroyed.

OGRE log is as follows:

Code: Select all

22:44:14: Parsing script deferred_post_debug.program
22:44:14: Parsing script deferred_post_minilight.glsl.program
22:44:14: Parsing script deferred_post_minilight.hlsl.program
22:44:14: OGRE EXCEPTION(2:InvalidParametersException): Parameter called lightFalloff does not exist.  in GpuProgramParameters::_findNamedConstantDefinition at ..\src\OgreGpuProgram.cpp (line 1097)
22:44:14: Compiler error: invalid parameters in deferred_post_minilight.hlsl.program(27): setting of constant failed
22:44:14: Parsing script deferred_post_minilight.program
22:44:14: Parsing script deferred_post_multipass.glsl.program
22:44:14: Parsing script deferred_post_multipass.hlsl.program
22:44:14: Parsing script deferred_post_onepass.glsl.program
22:44:14: Parsing script deferred_post_onepass.hlsl.program
22:44:14: Parsing script deferred_post_vs.program
22:44:14: Parsing script ASCII.material
22:44:14: Parsing script ASMSwizzle.material
22:44:14: Compiler error: object unsupported by render system in ASMSwizzle.material(1)
22:44:14: Parsing script BlackAndWhite.material
22:44:14: Parsing script Bloom.material
22:44:14: Parsing script Bloom2.material
22:44:14: Parsing script CGSwizzle.material
22:44:14: Parsing script DepthShadowmap.material
22:44:15: Parsing script Dither.material
22:44:15: Parsing script DOF.material
22:44:15: Parsing script Embossed.material
22:44:15: Parsing script Example-DynTex.material
22:44:15: Parsing script Example-Water.material
22:44:15: Parsing script Example.material
22:44:15: OGRE EXCEPTION(2:InvalidParametersException): Parameter called camObjPos does not exist.  in GpuProgramParameters::_findNamedConstantDefinition at ..\src\OgreGpuProgram.cpp (line 1097)
22:44:15: Compiler error: invalid parameters in Example.material(762): setting of constant failed
22:44:15: Parsing script Examples-Advanced.material
22:44:15: Parsing script facial.material
22:44:15: Parsing script Glass.material
22:44:15: Parsing script GLSLSwizzle.material
22:44:15: Parsing script Halftone.material
22:44:15: Parsing script hdr.material
22:44:16: Parsing script HeatVision.material
22:44:16: Parsing script Hurt.material
22:44:16: Parsing script instancing.material
22:44:16: Parsing script Invert.material
22:44:16: Parsing script IsoSurf.material
22:44:16: Parsing script Laplace.material
22:44:16: Parsing script MotionBlur.material
22:44:16: Parsing script MRTtest.material
22:44:16: Parsing script NightVision.material
22:44:16: Parsing script Ocean.material
22:44:16: Parsing script OffsetMapping.material
22:44:17: Parsing script Ogre.material
22:44:17: Parsing script OldMovie.material
22:44:17: Parsing script OldTV.material
22:44:17: Parsing script ParticleGS.material
22:44:17: OGRE EXCEPTION(7:InternalErrorException): Unable to compile Cg program Ogre/ParticleGS/GenerateVS: CG ERROR : The compile returned an error.
(0) : error C6015: Output 'POSITION' not completely written
 in CgProgram::loadFromSource at ..\src\OgreCgProgramManagerDll.cpp (line 66)
22:44:17: High-level program Ogre/ParticleGS/GenerateVS encountered an error during loading and is thus not supported.
OGRE EXCEPTION(7:InternalErrorException): Unable to compile Cg program Ogre/ParticleGS/GenerateVS: CG ERROR : The compile returned an error.
(0) : error C6015: Output 'POSITION' not completely written
 in CgProgram::loadFromSource at ..\src\OgreCgProgramManagerDll.cpp (line 66)
22:44:17: OGRE EXCEPTION(7:InternalErrorException): Unable to compile Cg program Ogre/ParticleGS/DisplayVS: CG ERROR : The compile returned an error.
(249) : warning C7050: "output.color" might be used before being initialized
(0) : error C6015: Output 'POSITION' not completely written
 in CgProgram::loadFromSource at ..\src\OgreCgProgramManagerDll.cpp (line 66)
22:44:17: High-level program Ogre/ParticleGS/DisplayVS encountered an error during loading and is thus not supported.
OGRE EXCEPTION(7:InternalErrorException): Unable to compile Cg program Ogre/ParticleGS/DisplayVS: CG ERROR : The compile returned an error.
(249) : warning C7050: "output.color" might be used before being initialized
(0) : error C6015: Output 'POSITION' not completely written
 in CgProgram::loadFromSource at ..\src\OgreCgProgramManagerDll.cpp (line 66)
22:44:17: OGRE EXCEPTION(7:InternalErrorException): Unable to compile Cg program Ogre/ParticleGS/DisplayPS: CG ERROR : The compile returned an error.
(323) : fatal error C9999: unexpected cast operation
 in CgProgram::loadFromSource at ..\src\OgreCgProgramManagerDll.cpp (line 66)
22:44:17: High-level program Ogre/ParticleGS/DisplayPS encountered an error during loading and is thus not supported.
OGRE EXCEPTION(7:InternalErrorException): Unable to compile Cg program Ogre/ParticleGS/DisplayPS: CG ERROR : The compile returned an error.
(323) : fatal error C9999: unexpected cast operation
 in CgProgram::loadFromSource at ..\src\OgreCgProgramManagerDll.cpp (line 66)
22:44:17: Parsing script Posterize.material
22:44:17: Parsing script pssm.material
22:44:18: Parsing script RadialBlur.material
22:44:18: Parsing script RZR-002.material
22:44:18: Parsing script SharpenEdges.material
22:44:18: Parsing script SimpleVideo.material
22:44:18: Creating ogg_video texture on material: SimpleVideo
22:44:18: Vorbis Headers: 0 Theora Headers : 3
22:44:18: Vorbis Headers: 0 Theora Headers : 3
22:44:18: Parsing script smoke.material
22:44:18: Parsing script Tiling.material
22:44:18: Parsing script VarianceShadowmap.material
22:44:19: Parsing script deferred.material
22:44:19: Parsing script deferreddemo.material
22:44:19: Parsing script deferred_post_ambient.material
22:44:19: Parsing script deferred_post_debug.material
22:44:19: Parsing script deferred_post_minilight.material
22:44:19: Parsing script deferred_post_multipass.material
22:44:19: Parsing script deferred_post_onepass.material
22:44:19: Parsing script ROOM.material
22:44:20: Parsing script RomanBath.material
22:44:20: Parsing script emitted_emitter.particle
22:44:20: Parsing script Example-Water.particle
22:44:20: Parsing script Example.particle
22:44:20: Parsing script smoke.particle
22:44:20: Parsing script Examples.compositor
22:44:20: Parsing script deferred.compositor
22:44:20: Parsing script sample.fontdef
22:44:20: Parsing script Compositor.overlay
22:44:20: Parsing script DP3.overlay
22:44:20: Parsing script Example-CubeMapping.overlay
22:44:20: Parsing script Example-DynTex.overlay
22:44:20: Parsing script Example-Water.overlay
22:44:20: Parsing script Shadows.overlay
22:44:20: Finished parsing scripts for resource group General
22:44:20: Parsing scripts for resource group Internal
22:44:20: Finished parsing scripts for resource group Internal
22:44:20: Texture: vanilla.tga: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,128x128x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,128x128x1.
22:44:21: Texture: background.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,1280x1024x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,1280x1024x1.
22:44:21: Texture: option_ButtonSET.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,592x366x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,592x366x1.
22:44:21: Texture: back_Button.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,119x80x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,119x80x1.
22:44:21: Texture: logout_Button.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,138x80x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,138x80x1.
22:44:21: Texture: mainmenu_Button.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,156x80x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,156x80x1.
22:44:21: Texture: title_Bar.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,819x133x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,819x133x1.
22:44:21: Texture: loginWindow.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,675x497x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,675x497x1.
22:44:21: Texture: spot_shadow_fade.png: Loading 1 faces(PF_R8G8B8,128x128x1) with  hardware generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_X8R8G8B8,128x128x1.
22:44:21: Texture: _cegui_ogre_0: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8R8G8B8,256x256x1.
22:44:32: PCZone Factory Type 'ZoneType_Octree' unregistered
22:44:32: PCZone Factory Type 'ZoneType_Terrain' unregistered
22:44:32: Unregistering ResourceManager for type BspLevel
22:44:32: *-*-* OGRE Shutdown
22:44:32: Unregistering ResourceManager for type Compositor
22:44:32: Unregistering ResourceManager for type Font
22:44:32: Unregistering ResourceManager for type Skeleton
22:44:32: Unregistering ResourceManager for type Mesh
22:44:32: Unregistering ResourceManager for type HighLevelGpuProgram
22:44:32: Unloading library .\Plugin_TheoraVideoSystem
22:44:32: Uninstalling plugin: Octree & Terrain Scene Manager
22:44:32: Plugin successfully uninstalled
22:44:32: Unloading library .\Plugin_OctreeSceneManager
22:44:32: Uninstalling plugin: Octree Zone Factory
22:44:32: Plugin successfully uninstalled
22:44:32: Unloading library .\Plugin_OctreeZone.dll
22:44:32: Uninstalling plugin: Portal Connected Zone Scene Manager
22:44:32: Plugin successfully uninstalled
22:44:32: Unloading library .\Plugin_PCZSceneManager.dll
22:44:32: Uninstalling plugin: Cg Program Manager
22:44:32: Plugin successfully uninstalled
22:44:32: Unloading library .\Plugin_CgProgramManager
22:44:32: Uninstalling plugin: BSP Scene Manager
22:44:32: Plugin successfully uninstalled
22:44:32: Unloading library .\Plugin_BSPSceneManager
22:44:32: Uninstalling plugin: ParticleFX
22:44:32: Plugin successfully uninstalled
22:44:32: Unloading library .\Plugin_ParticleFX
22:44:32: Uninstalling plugin: GL RenderSystem
22:44:32: *** Stopping Win32GL Subsystem ***
22:44:32: Plugin successfully uninstalled
22:44:32: Unloading library .\RenderSystem_GL
22:44:32: Uninstalling plugin: D3D9 RenderSystem
22:44:32: D3D9 : Shutting down cleanly.
22:44:32: Unregistering ResourceManager for type Texture
22:44:32: Unregistering ResourceManager for type GpuProgram
22:44:32: D3D9 : Direct3D9 Rendering Subsystem destroyed.
22:44:32: Plugin successfully uninstalled
22:44:32: Unloading library .\RenderSystem_Direct3D9
22:44:32: Unregistering ResourceManager for type Material


I am using vanilla skin and I am stuck with following things....
1. Pass word character are not encrypted. They appear in the plain text on GUI.
2. If i want to put a title on the page then what window type should i use. I have an image and on top of this image i want text to appear.
I don't have text embedded in image for some reason... I want to use the background image and keep changing the title....
Right now i am using Vanilla/StaticImage but i dont know how to put text on top of it...
3. How to display the text on top of button in middle align or left align fashion... In taherezLook, i found things like horzLabelFormatting but how to do it in Vanilla skin...
4. I tried to switch to Taheraz look but few problems there as well.
4.a I want to use image as button so i use imagebutton but i want to put some text on top of image.. Is there any way to do that ..
4.b If i use normal button and put image and text on top of it then background of teharaz button appears at corner of button which i want to remove. Any clue on this?

5. This is a major doubt. I am struggling on this for a while...
I want video viewing capability on CEGUI-OGRE combination. I got the theoraPLugin working...
My problem is that i have a multiple scene manager on the same screen and i want to display different layouts in each scene manager...
Now CEGUI::System seems to be a singleton class which can be associated with only one scene manager ...

I have a screen showing the layout.. On some rectangular section of this screen, i want some control buttons (basically video control button) and in the same rectangle i wish to play one video....
To achieve this, i create a new sceneManager and create a new OgreCEGUIrenderer....
Now using new Renderer... i create a CEGUI::System object and load the video control layout and assign the sheet to this CEGUI::System object...

But program throws exception that CEGUI::System is a singleton thingy... Is any one having clue on how to achieve this thingy...

Thanks in advance... Please let me know if i am not clear....

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Posts: 26
Joined: Mon Sep 28, 2009 19:06

Re: some general doubts regarding cegui

Postby saurabh » Tue Nov 03, 2009 16:19

Also my Opearing system is Windows Xp and i am using MSVC 8 for development...


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Re: some general doubts regarding cegui

Postby scriptkid » Tue Nov 03, 2009 19:26

Hi :)

i will try to answer some questions:

1) It seems like you are -correctly- using an EditBox. Did you call 'setTextMasked(true)'? If so, does your font support the masked character?
2) For plain text, a StaticText will do.
3) Textformatting is handled by properties or method, and should not be dependend on the skin, if i'm correct. Have a look at sample 7 in this method:

Code: Select all

bool TextDemo::formatChangedHandler

4a) An easy way would be to have a button with a StaticText (with background and border disabled) as a child window. A more sofisticated way would be to define your own 'look'.
4b) do not onderstand... sorry

5) My knowledge does not reach this far. There are already posts on this forum about multiple renders. Maybe the leap to 0.7 could be of some help, because of its RenderTarget 'paradigm'. But it still accepts only one System instance for sure.

Check out my released snake game using Cegui!

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Re: some general doubts regarding cegui

Postby Jamarr » Tue Nov 03, 2009 20:12

I really shouldn't even be answering this post since most of this is redundant (you've asked these questions already in other threads), and you can already find all of these answers by using the Search tool.

Anyway, you are using a fairly old version of CEGUI, v0.5.1, which is about 3y old and as I am not familiar with that version I cannot really comment on it's capabilities. That being said, everything you want to do is possible afaik using a newer version of CEGUI.

saurabh wrote:1. Pass word character are not encrypted. They appear in the plain text on GUI.

You already asked this question and it was already answered by CE here. Basically you need to use setMaskCodePoint() (or similar function). If you had searched for password you would have figured this out yourself.

2. If i want to put a title on the page then what window type should i use. I have an image and on top of this image i want text to appear. I don't have text embedded in image for some reason... I want to use the background image and keep changing the title....Right now i am using Vanilla/StaticImage but i dont know how to put text on top of it...

The easiest way is to use a FrameWindow, though there are other alternatives. You should use the CELayoutEditor to experiment with window types and layouts.

3. How to display the text on top of button in middle align or left align fashion... In taherezLook, i found things like horzLabelFormatting but how to do it in Vanilla skin...

horzLabelFormatting is just a custom property. you can make your own custom properties, as explained here. You may also want to take a look at the updated Falagard Documentation.

5. This is a major doubt. I am struggling on this for a while...
I want video viewing capability on CEGUI-OGRE combination.

Again, you've already asked this question and it's already been answered here. To put it bluntly, you need to render the video to a texture that CEGUI can reference through an Imageset, and use this Imageset/Image with a StaticImage window.

I got the theoraPLugin working...
My problem is that i have a multiple scene manager on the same screen and i want to display different layouts in each scene manager...
Now CEGUI::System seems to be a singleton class which can be associated with only one scene manager ...

I have a screen showing the layout.. On some rectangular section of this screen, i want some control buttons (basically video control button) and in the same rectangle i wish to play one video....
To achieve this, i create a new sceneManager and create a new OgreCEGUIrenderer....
Now using new Renderer... i create a CEGUI::System object and load the video control layout and assign the sheet to this CEGUI::System object...

But program throws exception that CEGUI::System is a singleton thingy... Is any one having clue on how to achieve this thingy...

You should not have more than one CEGUI::System or CEGUI::Renderer object at any given time. I don't understand why you think you need multiple renderers/systems when you are rendering the controls and video in the same viewport? And even if you are using multiple viewports I'm fairly certain that CEGUI has some support for that. If you would have searched for viewport you would have found this thread.
If somebody helps you by replying to your thread, upvote him/her as a thanks! Make sure to include your CEGUI.log and everything you tried when posting! And remember that we are not magicians!

Not too shy to talk
Not too shy to talk
Posts: 26
Joined: Mon Sep 28, 2009 19:06

Re: some general doubts regarding cegui

Postby saurabh » Thu Nov 05, 2009 23:29

Thanks for response ...


I know that CE replied to some of questions asked in this post but i was looking for some option to set in layout file rather than calling a method in the code.
so asked it again ... Using text masking works in code...
Thanks for this...

I guess the major problem with my code and understanding of CEGUI is that i am not well versed with skinning, i am using Vanilla skin and using a 3 year old version. As i use vanilla so it has got limited options... Will switch the codebase to teharez look ... That should solves lot of my issue.

Video thingy:
I got the theora video plugin working but my issue is not render to texture problem. I was trying to create a youtube kind of window where video can be viewed in small window and later can be enlarged if required....
For this reason i created multiple scene manager and tried to render the video and video player control in that scene manager....
I wanted this video utility to be separate from whole of application so that if i wish to display some video on some gui page then i just need to call this utility. This utility should create a scenemanager and display video in there.. and one layout should be loaded with this video for enlarging , pausing , stopping video...

I again thank you guys for your patience and help extended to me via this forum. Sorry for delay in reply.. I was flying so could not try out your solution and did not wanted to post before trying out...


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