CEGUIPython - Downloads Broken?

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CEGUIPython - Downloads Broken?

Postby oneshoturdone » Sat May 22, 2010 00:20

Hi there, I noticed that the tar files linked from http://www.cegui.org.uk/wiki/index.php/CEGUIPython all appear to be dead links. The SVN and CVS repos are both up and running, however they seem to be outdated. I am looking for a GUI solution to my Pyglet game, and CEGUI seems to be a solid GUI platform. I was considering creating Python bindings for it myself, however after a little digging I discovered that it has already been done! I'd really like to get a hold of those tar files, or the current source. Thanks!

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Re: CEGUIPython - Downloads Broken?

Postby CrazyEddie » Sat May 22, 2010 08:09

Those files were made available through other people's efforts and are not something that I have a copy of. To go off at a tangents slightly, the Wiki is desperately outdated in many areas and needs a clean up in others - unfortunately it's something I do not have time to deal with myself at the moment :(

You're right also that the code available via CVS / SVN for these bindings is out of date as regards to the latest CEGUI 0.7.x releases. Again, the bindings were a community driven project and not something the CEGUI developers were directly involved with - meaning you should contact the authors of the binding to see if they intend to update it, and if not, try and get that effort underway yourself ;) The SVN repository the binding is hosted on is not under CEGUI project control, but if you were to work on an updated version of that we could certainly sort out some form of repository to host your efforts if you wish.

The only potentially up to date bindings likely to exist will be as part of the Python-Ogre project, which I believe also offers support for CEGUI, though I do not know how complete or up to date that support is, nor how easily separable from the Ogre parts the CEGUI parts are, but it's certainly worth a look.


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