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CEGUI for C#

Postby NSXEagle » Thu Feb 23, 2006 23:15

I recently had a look into C# and was totally hooked. :D

Now here comes the standard question: Are there any ports underway or available? I searched the internet, but everything I found didn't look active advanced... :?

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Postby CrazyEddie » Sat Feb 25, 2006 12:50

There was an official C# port named ceguisharp, however the project was effectively abandoned by the lead developer.

The project was then picked up by the Realmforge guys, though due to some decisions they took relating to integration, that particular effort is not recognised as an "official" port anymore (though that is in no way a slight on the work they're doing over there, which is excellent).


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Postby RenjiKage » Sat Feb 25, 2006 14:21

I am currently thinking about using CEGUI in C#, too. So there is no port available right now...

The best solution is perhaps "do-it-yourself". If I want a port, I should make one... :?

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Postby CrazyEddie » Sat Feb 25, 2006 15:15

Well, that's no mean feat, so you might investigate some kind of wrapper system (the OgreDotNet effort uses a wrapped CEGUI (I think) - so you might be able to get some info there).

Also, the Realmforge stuff is active as far as I know, though I'm not sure how "stand-alone" it is - but worth a look if it will help / save some effort (even though it's not an "official" 1 to 1 port anymore).

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Postby RenjiKage » Sat Feb 25, 2006 15:35

I'll have a look at the OgreDotNet project and perhaps ask them how they did it and what their progress is.

However, another question would be: How many people here want to use CEGUI with C#?

I looked at the ODN project. They use SWIG to generate a wrapper and CEGUI is wrapped with Ogre because it's part of the Ogre SDK...

But I don't know if this exactly serves my purpose. I am currently comparing the pros and cons of a port. It will be a lot of work, but it would be a cleaner solution and it would be faster than a wrapper... :?

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