I am tired of spending hours of going through the CEGUI code to figure out what and how to do something. My previous post about Drag and Drop not supported in the list boxes is a fine example of how CEGUI wasted my time. I know it wasn't claimed that it was support, but no where did it say it WASN'T supported either and I would think that most people would assume it was support.
Now I am trying to figure the damn PopupMenu. I understand the concept, but I can't get it working.. Ah, I will look at the documentation to see how its done - nope, nothing there - what a surprise. OK, I will look at the Demo's. Crap, nothing there either. I'll check the Wiki - WIKI WORTHLESS.
Someone needs to break down and spend some time doing documentation and samples. They don't have to be working samples, but something like this in the wiki would be nice:
Code: Select all
Steps to creating a PopupMenu:
1. blah
2. blah blah
3. blah and blah but can't do blah
Here is example code:
some code
I know I am being critical but there is insufficient amount of knowledgable CEGUI people in the community and it puts an undo burden on the only TWO people that do know the library. This isn't like the Ogre or Newton communities where there are alot of people and plenty of documentation and examples.
And before someone comes up with the smartass remark of Why don't you do the documentation and contribute - think about: Would I be making this post if I knew CEGUI? I do contribute, I have contributed to ALL the libraries I use and I will do the same with CEGUI. But I have to get a point where I am confindent with the product.
So, will the developers of CEGUI PLEASE get some documentation and samples into the wiki?