Vanilla theme

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Vanilla theme

Postby babbelfisken » Tue Dec 06, 2005 11:41

Hi, im stuck... :)

I have tried the TaharezLook and WindowsLook schemes and saw that i had these files aswell:

Vanilla.imageset, vanilla.tga, Vanilla.looknfeel, VanillaSkin.scheme

I have coded similiar as before but it doesn't work..

Does anyone know how to use this "vanilla" :)

This is my code for TaharezLook:

/* Create a console window with c++ code */
CEGUI::WindowManager& wmgr = CEGUI::WindowManager::getSingleton();
CEGUI::Window* myRoot =wmgr.createWindow("DefaultWindow","root");

CEGUI::FrameWindow *consoleframe = (CEGUI::FrameWindow*)wmgr.createWindow("TaharezLook/FrameWindow", "consoleframe");


This is working, but isn't this code also applied to VanillaSkin.scheme ?? Probably need some pointers .. ;)



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Re: Vanilla theme

Postby lindquist » Tue Dec 06, 2005 12:04

Are you properly changing all the 'TaharezLook' instances to 'Vanilla' ?

The window type should be 'Vanilla/FrameWindow'.
The default mouse cursor must be changed as well.

If you've already done this we need more info. The log would be optimal.

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Re: Vanilla theme

Postby babbelfisken » Tue Dec 06, 2005 13:23

This is the code:

CEGUI::System::getSingleton().setDefaultFont((CEGUI::utf8*)"Commonwealth-10"); CEGUI::System::getSingleton().setDefaultMouseCursor("Vanilla", "MouseArrow");

CEGUI::WindowManager& wmgr = CEGUI::WindowManager::getSingleton();
CEGUI::Window* myRoot = wmgr.createWindow("DefaultWindow", "root");

CEGUI::FrameWindow *consoleframe = (CEGUI::FrameWindow*)wmgr.createWindow("Vanilla/FrameWindow", "consoleframe");
consoleframe->setPosition(CEGUI::Point(0.25f, 0.25f));
consoleframe->setSize(CEGUI::Size(0.2f, 0.2f));
consoleframe->setText(":: Console ::");

CEGUI::Editbox *editbox = (CEGUI::Editbox*)wmgr.createWindow("Vanilla/Editbox","editbox");
editbox->setPosition(CEGUI::Point(0.0f, 0.8f));
editbox->setMaximumSize(CEGUI::Size(1.0f, 0.04f));
editbox->setSize(CEGUI::Size(1.0f, 1.0f));

This is the informative CEGUI log:

06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL1) +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL1) + Crazy Eddie's GUI System - Event log +
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL1) + ( +
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL1) +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+

06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL1) CEGUI::Logger singleton created.
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL1) ---- Begining CEGUI System initialisation ----
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL1) CEGUI::ImagesetManager singleton created
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL1) CEGUI::FontManager singleton created.
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL1) CEGUI::WindowFactoryManager singleton created
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL1) CEGUI::WindowManager singleton created
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL1) CEGUI::SchemeManager singleton created.
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL1) CEGUI::MouseCursor singleton created.
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL1) CEGUI::GlobalEventSet singleton created.
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL1) CEGUI::WidgetLookManager singleton created.
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'DefaultWindow' windows added.
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'DragContainer' windows added.
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'ScrolledContainer' windows added.
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL1) Window type alias named 'DefaultGUISheet' added for window type 'DefaultWindow'.
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL1) CEGUI::System singleton created.
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL1) ---- CEGUI System initialisation completed ----
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL1) ---- Version 0.4.1 ----
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL1) ---- Renderer module is: CEGUI::OgreRenderer - Official Ogre based renderer module for CEGUI ----
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL1) ---- XML Parser module is: CEGUI::TinyXMLParser - Official tinyXML based parser module for CEGUI ----
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL1) ---- Scripting module is: None ----
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL1) Attempting to load Scheme from file 'VanillaSkin.scheme'.
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL2) Started creation of Scheme 'VanillaSkin' via XML file.
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL2) Finished creation of Scheme 'VanillaSkin' via XML file.
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL2) Loaded GUI scheme 'VanillaSkin' from data in file 'VanillaSkin.scheme'.
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL2) ---- Begining resource loading for GUI scheme 'VanillaSkin' ----
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL1) Attempting to create an Imageset from the information specified in file '../datafiles/imagesets/Vanilla.imageset'.
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL2) Started creation of Imageset 'Vanilla-Images' via XML file.
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL2) Finished creation of Imageset 'Vanilla-Images' via XML file.
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL1) ===== Falagard 'root' element: look and feel parsing begins =====
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'Vanilla/Shared'.
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'Vanilla/Shared'.
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'Vanilla/Titlebar'.
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'Vanilla/Titlebar'.
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'Vanilla/Button'.
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'Vanilla/Button'.
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'Vanilla/FrameWindow'.
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'Vanilla/FrameWindow'.
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'Vanilla/Editbox'.
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'Vanilla/Editbox'.
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'Vanilla/VerticalScrollbarThumb'.
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'Vanilla/VerticalScrollbarThumb'.
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'Vanilla/HorizontalScrollbarThumb'.
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'Vanilla/HorizontalScrollbarThumb'.
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'Vanilla/HorizontalScrollbar'.
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'Vanilla/HorizontalScrollbar'.
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'Vanilla/VerticalScrollbar'.
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'Vanilla/VerticalScrollbar'.
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'Vanilla/StaticImage'.
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'Vanilla/StaticImage'.
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'Vanilla/StaticText'.
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'Vanilla/StaticText'.
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'Vanilla/Listbox'.
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'Vanilla/Listbox'.
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL2) ---> Start of definition for widget look 'Vanilla/MultiLineEditbox'.
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL2) ---< End of definition for widget look 'Vanilla/MultiLineEditbox'.
06/12/2005 14:11:38 (InfL1) ===== Look and feel parsing completed =====
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (InfL1) No window factories specified for module 'CEGUIFalagardBase' - adding all available factories...
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/Button' windows added.
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/Checkbox' windows added.
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/ComboDropList' windows added.
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/Combobox' windows added.
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/Editbox' windows added.
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/FrameWindow' windows added.
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/ListHeader' windows added.
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/ListHeaderSegment' windows added.
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/Listbox' windows added.
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/Menubar' windows added.
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/MenuItem' windows added.
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/MultiColumnList' windows added.
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/MultiLineEditbox' windows added.
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/PopupMenu' windows added.
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/ProgressBar' windows added.
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/RadioButton' windows added.
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/ScrollablePane' windows added.
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/Scrollbar' windows added.
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/Slider' windows added.
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/Spinner' windows added.
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/StaticImage' windows added.
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/StaticText' windows added.
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/SystemButton' windows added.
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/TabButton' windows added.
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/TabControl' windows added.
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/TabPane' windows added.
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/Thumb' windows added.
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/Titlebar' windows added.
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (InfL1) WindowFactory for 'Falagard/Tooltip' windows added.
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Vanilla/Titlebar' using base type 'Falagard/Titlebar' and LookN'Feel 'Vanilla/Titlebar'.
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Vanilla/Button' using base type 'Falagard/Button' and LookN'Feel 'Vanilla/Button'.
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Vanilla/FrameWindow' using base type 'Falagard/FrameWindow' and LookN'Feel 'Vanilla/FrameWindow'.
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Vanilla/Editbox' using base type 'Falagard/Editbox' and LookN'Feel 'Vanilla/Editbox'.
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Vanilla/VerticalScrollbarThumb' using base type 'Falagard/Thumb' and LookN'Feel 'Vanilla/VerticalScrollbarThumb'.
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Vanilla/VerticalScrollbar' using base type 'Falagard/Scrollbar' and LookN'Feel 'Vanilla/VerticalScrollbar'.
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Vanilla/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' using base type 'Falagard/Thumb' and LookN'Feel 'Vanilla/HorizontalScrollbarThumb'.
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Vanilla/HorizontalScrollbar' using base type 'Falagard/Scrollbar' and LookN'Feel 'Vanilla/HorizontalScrollbar'.
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Vanilla/StaticImage' using base type 'Falagard/StaticImage' and LookN'Feel 'Vanilla/StaticImage'.
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Vanilla/StaticText' using base type 'Falagard/StaticText' and LookN'Feel 'Vanilla/StaticText'.
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Vanilla/Listbox' using base type 'Falagard/Listbox' and LookN'Feel 'Vanilla/Listbox'.
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (InfL1) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Vanilla/MultiLineEditbox' using base type 'Falagard/MultiLineEditbox' and LookN'Feel 'Vanilla/MultiLineEditbox'.
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (InfL2) ---- Resource loading for GUI scheme 'VanillaSkin' completed ----
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (InfL1) Attempting to create Font from the information specified in file 'Z:/CEGUI/datafiles/fonts/Commonwealth-10.font'.
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (InfL2) Started creation of Font 'Commonwealth-10' via XML file.
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (InfL1) Attempting to create Imageset 'Commonwealth-10_auto_glyph_images' with texture only.
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (InfL2) Font 'Commonwealth-10' now has the following glyphs defined: ' !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~'.
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (InfL2) Finished creation of Font 'Commonwealth-10' via XML file.
06/12/2005 14:11:39 (Error) Exception: ImagesetManager::getImageset - No Imageset named 'Vanilla' is present in the system.

How to fix the error msg? I thought it already was processed by the scheme file ?



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Re: Vanilla theme

Postby Varity » Thu Dec 08, 2005 06:26

You might try changing this:
CEGUI::System::getSingleton().setDefaultMouseCursor("Vanilla", "MouseArrow" ) ;


CEGUI::System::getSingleton().setDefaultMouseCursor("Vanilla-Images", "MouseArrow" ) ;


and this:




The name you need is defined in the file "vanilla.imageset". If you haven't changed it, the above should work.

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