Rackle wrote:There's a difference between a display state and an internal state.
When the internal state is hover then the display state is change accordingly, as well as activating the tooltip system; when the mouse hovers over a window its tooltip is displayed/shown if the mouse remains there for some time and hidden when the mouse moves.
If you monitor the ??mouse enters/hovers my window?? event then you can respond by changing the visual representation of your window, the so called display state. However the internal state of the window remains consistent with the other parts of Cegui, mainly the tooltip system.
Hope this is clear.
I understand this, however, CE implies that the display state is the priority, although he hints at it being the internal state. To say having two mouse hovers creates an inconsistent state is silly, because internally, you can do whatever you want if you program for it. It is only consistent because of the visual link to that state. If you create an event "EventActivateOther" it doesn't create an inconsistent state because...you programmed for it. Again, it is only inconsistent because you let it be.
And you shouldn't be programming the core of the system to make some other aspect ( that uses the core ) work. If you have to build your events in such a way to make tooltips work, that just means the tooltip is built wrong, I would think...yeah?
edit: Bah, I followed this link from another thread, saw my post, and thought I had just forgotten about a post I had made. Then I checked the dates =p Oh well, hehe, the point remains =p