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vc2003 and vc2005
Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 08:14
by ttom
Dear All:
I test the CEGUI under the vc2003 and the vc2005. I find the Chinese font in the vc2003 is ok,but vc2005 is not correct.
I want to show "中文測試".
Any can help? thanks
below is vc2003
below is vc2005
ps:Sorry for my english.
Posted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 12:44
by Rackle
I edited your title, such that vc200 now shows vc2003. The images are not showing on this board but on your blog I see them. Since I cannot read that language, can you explain the difference between the two? It seems that one character/letter/word is missing from the image below.
How are you specifying these titles, within a .layout file or via a call to Cegui::setText("xxxxxHello World!") ?
Have you checked the font definition file that you are using? Does it in fact contain every character/letter/word that you are trying to use?
Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 01:54
by ttom
Thanks to Rackle
I amn't to post my code, Sorry. Below is my code.
I modify the Sample_FirstWindow to Show the windows.
Code: Select all
bool FirstWindowSample::initialiseSample()
using namespace CEGUI;
// load in the scheme file, which auto-loads the TaharezLook imageset
// load in a font. The first font loaded automatically becomes the default font.
WindowManager& wmgr = WindowManager::getSingleton();
Window* myRoot = wmgr.createWindow("DefaultWindow", "root");
FrameWindow* fWnd = (FrameWindow*)wmgr.createWindow("TaharezLook/FrameWindow", "testWindow");
fWnd->setPosition( UVector2(cegui_reldim(0.25f), cegui_reldim( 0.25f)));
fWnd->setSize(UVector2(cegui_reldim(0.5f), cegui_reldim( 0.5f)));
fWnd->setText((utf8*)"中文測試Hello World!TUTOR1" );
return true;
mingliu-12.font" is the chinese of TTF.
Posted: Mon Apr 02, 2007 16:24
by Rackle
Sadly I do not know the answer to this problem. That source file should be in the proper code page/unicode format since it displays your text correctly when you look at in in your editor. The problem then becomes one of properly converting from your litteral string (in code) to UTF-8. Could the project settings have an impact, such as setting Visual Studio to use unicode versus the other settings?
Hopefully someone else can provide a better answer.
Posted: Tue Apr 03, 2007 05:21
by ttom
Thanks again to Rackle.
if I use the file of 'test.layout' to creat the windows, it is ok.
Below is the 'test.layout'
Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<Window Type="DefaultWindow" Name="root">
<Window Type="TaharezLook/FrameWindow" Name="testWindow">
<!-- Property Name="Position" Value="x:0.25 y:0.25" /-->
<!-- Property Name="Size" Value="w:0.5 h:0.5" /-->
<!-- with CEGUI >= 0.4.0 you can and should use instead:
<Property Name="UnifiedPosition" Value="{{0.25,0},{0.25,0}}" />
<Property Name="UnifiedSize" Value="{{0.5,0},{0.5,0}}" />
<Property Name="Text" Value="中文測式Hello World!TUTOR2" />
So I search the forms to find the solution. I find someone to post the code.
Code: Select all
std::wstring szWstring(L"中文測試wstring" );
char *szUtf8String = NULL;
int iLengthAnsiString = 0;
iLengthAnsiString = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0,szWstring.c_str(), szWstring.capacity(), NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
szUtf8String = new char[ iLengthAnsiString];
memset(szUtf8String, 0, sizeof(char)*(iLengthAnsiString));
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8, 0,szWstring.c_str(), szWstring.length(), szUtf8String, iLengthAnsiString, NULL, NULL);
delete [] szUtf8String;
szUtf8String = NULL;
I found this can work.