Wikied: Menu and Submenus

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Wikied: Menu and Submenus

Postby Rackle » Wed May 02, 2007 16:34

I've Wikied code showing the usage of a menu and popup menus. In addition submenus are automatically opened when the mouse hovers over the submenu, and menus are automatically closed when the mouse leaves the menu.

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Postby Pompei2 » Wed May 02, 2007 21:38

You really did a very good job ! Thanks !

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Postby jtracy » Fri Jul 20, 2007 13:23

Is there an easy way to get popup menus to pop in the up direction instead of the down direction. I have what is essentially a menubar on the bottom of my window, but whenever I create a popup menu and put it a down there I have to manually adjust the position of the popup so that it will show on the screen otherwise it would pop down off the bottom of the screen. I also have to adjust to position every time I want to show it because if I add or remove items from the menu it will show differently on the screen at the bottom.



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Postby Rackle » Fri Jul 20, 2007 15:07

Look through the code of the onPopupMenu() function; that's what it does. I'm not sure if that's only for the first menu or if it also handles submenus.

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