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svn code: undefined refernces for Tree ?

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 14:18
by Pompei2
I can compile the svn source withoute problems (on linux), but when it comes to compile the samples, it aborts with an error. This error is the same when I try to compile my project that uses CEGUI:

Code: Select all

./linux/lib/CEGUI/ undefined reference to `CEGUI::FalagardTree::FalagardTree(CEGUI::String const&)'
./linux/lib/CEGUI/ undefined reference to `CEGUI::FalagardTree::TypeName'
./linux/lib/CEGUI/ undefined reference to `CEGUI::Tree::WidgetTypeName'
./linux/lib/CEGUI/ undefined reference to `CEGUI::Tree::Tree(CEGUI::String const&, CEGUI::String const&)'

I took a look at the code and these elements exist. What's wrong ? previous versions worked.

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 15:39
by ldb
see this thread:

nobody has applied the patch yet apparently.

i should split the patch up into separate patches, a patch to fix the makefiles, and a patch to update the ogre samples to use ois 1.0. but, if you want, you could just go in by hand and remove the ois patches if you want from the patch file. but, i tested it, and it works, so, use your own discretion.

also, without this patch, building the ogre cegui renderer in the ogre source will fail because header files that arent installed are included, which will cause the cegui ogre renderer build to fail.

dunno how familiar you are with autotools, but you will need to run bootstrap after applying the patch.

please let me know how it works out, and if it is successfull, maybe we could convince someone to apply the patch.

if it matters -- i have no problem with maintaining the linux version. ive used linux for many years and am very experienced with it.

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 22:57
by Pompei2
I think it is a shame to have a non-working version in the svn, and a patch to make it work for more then two weeks now. But if we have no linux maintainer this is normal.

I would like to have a linux maintainer, but i do not decide here :)

I applied your patch and it compiles all fine. If someone applies this patch, it would also be nice to add a newline at the end of CEGUIScriptWindowHelper.h to avoid having this warning for every file that includes CEGUI:

Code: Select all

../include/CEGUIScriptWindowHelper.h:89:7: warning: no newline at end of file

Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2007 09:14
by scriptkid
^^ Done.