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CEGUI 0.6.1 for CodeBlocks mingw / Ogre

Posted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 18:10
by Stoper
I've managed to (yay for premake :P ) build CEGUI 0.6.1 in CodeBlocks with mingw, so i could use it with Ogre 1.4.9. It's not complete, but enough to run all demos in ogre. In other words, following dlls were obtained:
+ libexpat.dll copied from Expat which also seems to be needed.

Here are they (sorry for rs): ...

Used dependencies:
- Freetype 235 (that from Ogre)
- Expat 2.0.1
- pcre-7.7

So those are just dlls, to use them precompiled sdk is needed
I use vc9.

To make it work, for example with Ogre 1.4.9:
- download sdk for vc9
- delete old CEGUI headers from Ogre
- copy new ones there from vc9 sdk
- delete old CEGUI dlls from Ogre
- copy in their place dlls provided by me (libexpat.dll both for Debug and Release)

PS. I also included FalScrollbar.cpp just to show what i've changed in it, cause it sometimes divides by 0 :|

Enjoy :P

Posted: Fri Jul 11, 2008 08:15
by CrazyEddie
Cool! Thanks for your efforts :)