creating a lifebar

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creating a lifebar

Postby jchmack » Sat Jun 30, 2007 05:55

im trying to create a basic lifebar. Right now i am using the Taharez scheme for learning purposes. I think im just going to addon to the Taharez scheme. I know that i could just use one of the progress bars they have but i would like to be able to have different colors. I know very little about XML (none actually). Ive read that there are scheme editors but i think learning the code would allow me to get more in depth.

Simply put... How do i create a lifebar? Im planning to just base mine off of the taharez progress bar but change the art. I would like to be able to add my art parallel to the current art so i could use either if needed.

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Postby Pompei2 » Sat Jun 30, 2007 11:57

First, in the tutorials section, read the two beginner guides to falagard skinning, then the "Creating skin" article. After this you should be able to easily create your own healthbar, based of the progressbar.

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Postby jchmack » Sun Jul 01, 2007 03:51

thank you for the reply :D. Im reading them now

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