problem compiling project in Debian

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problem compiling project in Debian

Postby rogerdv » Sat Oct 06, 2007 14:07

Im using CEGUI and Ogre for a project. It compiles fine under Gentoo, but when another developed joined in and tried to compile under DEbian, some problem arised:

Code: Select all

Making all in src
make[1]: Entering directory `/home/karsten/develop/ark/src'
/bin/sh ../libtool --mode=link g++ -I/usr/include/SDL -D_GNU_SOURCE=1
- -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/ include/OGRE
- -I/usr/local/include/CEGUI -I/usr/local/include/OIS   -I/usr/includ
e/lua5.1    -g -O2   -o ark  main.o ArkApplication.o gsGame.o
GameStateManager.o  gsStart.o GameEntity.o GameMap.o GuiSystem.o
MovableText.o ScriptSystem.o tinys tr.o tinyxml.o tinyxmlerror.o
tinyxmlparser.o -L/usr/lib -lSDL -L/usr/local/lib -lCEGUIOgreRenderer
- -lOgreMain -lCEGUIBase -lOIS -lopenal -lvorbisfile -lvorbis -lm
- -logg    -llua5.1   -lSDL_net  -ltolua++
- -DOGRE_CONFIG _LITTLE_ENDIAN -I/usr/local/include
- -I/usr/local/include/OGRE -I/usr/local/inclu de/CEGUI
- -I/usr/local/include/OIS -I/usr/include/lua5.1 -g -O2 -o ark main.o
Ark Application.o gsGame.o GameStateManager.o gsStart.o GameEntity.o
GameMap.o GuiSy stem.o MovableText.o ScriptSystem.o tinystr.o
tinyxml.o tinyxmlerror.o tinyxmlpa rser.o  -L/usr/lib
/usr/lib/ -L/usr/local/lib /usr/local/lib/libCEGUIOg /usr/local/lib/ /usr/lib/
/usr/local/ lib/ /usr/lib/
/usr/lib/ /usr/lib/libvorbis .so -lm
/usr/lib/ /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
- -ltolua+ + -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/usr/local/lib -Wl,--rpath -Wl,/usr/local/lib
gsStart.o: In function `gsStart::loadState()':
/home/karsten/develop/ark/src/gsStart.cpp:77: undefined reference to
`CEGUI::Sub scriberSlot::~SubscriberSlot()'
/home/karsten/develop/ark/src/gsStart.cpp:79: undefined reference to
`CEGUI::Sub scriberSlot::~SubscriberSlot()'
gsStart.o: In function `CEGUI::RefCounted<CEGUI::BoundSlot>::release()':
/usr/local/include/CEGUI/CEGUIRefCounted.h:186: undefined reference to
`CEGUI::B oundSlot::~BoundSlot()'
gsStart.o: In function `gsStart::loadState()':
/home/karsten/develop/ark/src/gsStart.cpp:79: undefined reference to
`CEGUI::Sub scriberSlot::~SubscriberSlot()'
gsStart.o: In function `CEGUI::RefCounted<CEGUI::BoundSlot>::release()':
/usr/local/include/CEGUI/CEGUIRefCounted.h:186: undefined reference to
`CEGUI::B oundSlot::~BoundSlot()'
gsStart.o: In function `gsStart::loadState()':
/home/karsten/develop/ark/src/gsStart.cpp:79: undefined reference to
`CEGUI::Sub scriberSlot::~SubscriberSlot()'
GuiSystem.o: In function `GuiSystem':
/home/karsten/develop/ark/src/GuiSystem.cpp:7: undefined reference to
`CEGUI::Sy stem::System(CEGUI::Renderer*, CEGUI::ResourceProvider*,
CEGUI::XMLParser*, CEGU I::ScriptModule*, CEGUI::String const&,
CEGUI::String const&)'
/home/karsten/develop/ark/src/GuiSystem.cpp:7: undefined reference to
`CEGUI::Sy stem::System(CEGUI::Renderer*, CEGUI::ResourceProvider*,
CEGUI::XMLParser*, CEGU I::ScriptModule*, CEGUI::String const&,
CEGUI::String const&)'
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to
`CEGUI::EventSet: :subscribeEvent(CEGUI::String const&,
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to
`CEGUI::EventSet: :subscribeEvent(CEGUI::String const&, unsigned int,
/usr/local/lib/ undefined reference to
`CEGUI::EventSet: :subscribeScriptedEvent(CEGUI::String const&,
unsigned int, CEGUI::String const& )'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[1]: *** [ark] Fehler 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/karsten/develop/ark/src'
make: *** [all-recursive] Fehler 1

We are using a pretty similar setup: Cegui 0.5 (in my case, the Gentoo patched for Lua 5.1). Can somebody give me an idea?

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