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19/07/2008 17:31:18 (Std) No window renderer factories specified for module 'ceguifalagard_r' - adding all available factories...
19/07/2008 17:31:18 (Error) CEGUI::InvalidRequestException in file src\CEGUIFactoryModule.cpp(124) : FactoryModule::registerAllFactories - Required function export 'uint registerAllFactories(void)' was not found in module 'ceguifalagard_r'.
I checked, and it seems the 'registerAllFactories' method is not getting exported to the Falagard DLL, and I haven't modified the code in any way. I'm using Eclipse + MinGW, and defining 'FALAGARDWRBASE_EXPORTS'. What could cause this to happen?
EDIT: Okay, nevermind, it seems I also need to define 'CEGUIWRMODULE_EXPORTS'. Everything is working fine now.