Alpha channel from texture is being ignored

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Alpha channel from texture is being ignored

Postby joeludwig » Thu Oct 16, 2008 18:06

This is my image:

THis is my Imageset:
<Imageset Name="Cooldowns" Imagefile="Cooldowns.png" NativeHorzRes="800" NativeVertRes="600" >
<Image Name="0" XPos="0" YPos="0" Width="32" Height="32" />
<Image Name="1" XPos="32" YPos="0" Width="32" Height="32" />
<Image Name="15" XPos="96" YPos="96" Width="32" Height="32" />

The problem is that when this image is layered over an image button with a no-frame static image the alpha is ignored and the image is drawn as fully opaque. If I set an alpha on the static image control it's used universally for the whole image and still ignores the texture alpha.

Is something wrong with my image, or maybe with my Imageset? I have tried both PNG and TGA versions of the file, and both files look right in Photoshop. (And you can even see the alpha working on the embedded image above.)


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Postby Jamarr » Fri Oct 17, 2008 16:23

Your imageset looks right, and I don't think it has any properties for affecting the images alpha channel (or any other property) anyway.

I know that using the supplied TaharezLook.tga, which uses alpha, works fine. I can also verify that saving and using it as a png works fine as well.

That only leaves a couple of options. Either there is some conflict between CEGUI and your image, possibly the settings you are using to save it? Or perhaps your application is still loading an old version of the image that was not using alpha?

Sorry I couldn't be of any more help.

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Postby CrazyEddie » Sun Oct 26, 2008 09:59

Yeah, just to confirm - alpha information is taken from the image itself, so if that's not saved correcting from the image editing software, there's nothing in CEGUI that can 'fix' it afterwards ;)


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