CEGUI & Ubuntu 9.04 without Xerces

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CEGUI & Ubuntu 9.04 without Xerces

Postby raymccooney » Sat Jul 18, 2009 23:54

Hi guys

I already searched through this forum but couldn't find any hints regarding my problem:
When trying to install the Ubuntu packages libcegui-mk2-1 and libcegui-mk2-dev the packet manager installs the 'old' version 0.6.1. That isn't a problem for me, but since the 0.6.1 package is built with the default xerces XML reader, I have errors when linking against xerces due to unresolved symbols. I already tried adding '-lxerces-c' to the linking options but I still get errors.
Then I tried building the SVN repository version. Although it built successfully, I couldn't dynamically link against this library, pkg-config gives me the wrong linking options without paths. Also the thread http://www.cegui.org.uk/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=4001&p=18283&hilit=linking+problems#p18283 didn't help.

Is there any ubuntu binary package that isn't built with the xerces xml library? I've seen that the new Ubuntu 9.10 uses the new one, which isn't released by now.
Does anybody else have similar problems?

Thanks in advance,

Ray McCooney

EDIT: I forgot to mention that I don't use any 3D Engine like Ogre or Irrlicht. I use native OpenGL which works when not using

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But since the ubuntu package is compile with xerces, it needs that .xsd file, therefore I need to adjust my default resource group location...

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Re: CEGUI & Ubuntu 9.04 without Xerces

Postby CrazyEddie » Sun Jul 19, 2009 09:24

First I must qualify this post by saying that I've not looked at or tested the Ubuntu prebuilt packages in any way, shape or form. I'm not aware of any binary builds that specifically avoid xerces-c as the xml parser.

Then I tried building the SVN repository version. Although it built successfully, I couldn't dynamically link against this library, pkg-config gives me the wrong linking options without paths.

Do you mean of CEGUI or Xerces? If CEGUI, was that SVN trunk or the stable v0-6 branch? If trunk, thanks for the heads up ;) Currently the stable branches/v0-6 code should be good, the trunk code is pretty unstable at the moment, while I'd never tell anyone not to use it, there are many reasons to avoid if you're in any doubt.

You don't mention the exact errors you're getting, so we're at a disadvantage. If the link error relates to xerces itself, it seems they may have messed up somewhere and you might consider raising a bug with Ububtu, if the link error is more on the CEGUI side of things, then you might need to ensure you're linking against the xerces parser module (so add, for example: -lCEGUIXercesParser to your link options).

If you post the link error I could confirm one way or the other (and may be tempted to go test it for myself!).



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Re: CEGUI & Ubuntu 9.04 without Xerces

Postby raymccooney » Sun Jul 19, 2009 10:34

Hi Eddie,

Thanks for the quick reply!
First, I need to apologise, the error occured because I forgot to update the paths in my application, pkg-config returns the right paths :D.
I first didn't notice the error because I ran ./configure with --prefix=/usr (I somehow hate the /usr/local path, don't know really why). In the middle of running make install, I oversaw the line saying that the .la libraries cannot be installed in /usr/lib for unknown reasons. So I ran ./configure without changing the prefix, adjusted the linking paths in my application and it works :D

I don't know if it works with Xerces because I'm using TinyXMLParser as the default parser at the moment. If I have some time left, I'll definitively check that out!

Thanks for helping,

Ray McCooney

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Re: CEGUI & Ubuntu 9.04 without Xerces

Postby CrazyEddie » Mon Jul 20, 2009 08:22

Cool. I'm glad you got it working :)


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