I am a beginner of CEGUI and Ogre, what I am doing is that writing a 3D game with using the OGRE, and I am respond to the GUI part. Indeed, I have very limited knowledge in CEGUI. and I want to simply load a image into the game scene and show it. But i cannot find any simply solution to my problem. Except, the method taught in tutorial 2 at the below, which is exactly the code in my porgram, but it does not work. I am wondering are there any other method which will be simpler, and actually where is the root directory of the path that one of the input argument?
Code: Select all
mGUIRenderer = new CEGUI::OgreCEGUIRenderer(mWindow, Ogre::RENDER_QUEUE_OVERLAY, false, 3000, mSceneMgr);
mGUISystem = new CEGUI::System(mGUIRenderer);
CEGUI::DefaultResourceProvider* rp = static_cast<CEGUI::DefaultResourceProvider*>(CEGUI::System::getSingleton().getResourceProvider());
rp->setResourceGroupDirectory("imagesets", "C:\\OgreSDK\\bin\\debug\\image/");