How do I determine what window type my Window is, as in Editbox, MultilineEditbox, Button or something else?
With the CEGUI::Window::getType() I only get the looknfeel type which could be ANYTHING in the heart of the dear guy who wrote it (MyGUISheet/Editbox or even MyGUISheet/LeetBoxForJustAboutEverything).
Maybe I don't need it at all? Say I wan't to set readonly on my window.
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That works.. If the window is an editbox.
I need a function to cast it to the right Window type and then set read only, or abort if the Window type isn't a type who has setReadOnly anyway.
My original plan was something like this
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String type = m_Window->getType().c_str();
if(type == "Editbox")
else if(type == "MultiLineEditbox")
Log("Don't set read only on something that can't be...");
Thank you for your help