"This application has failed to start because its side-by-side configuration is incorrect."
I searched and it seems a number of people have had this issue when building CEGUI and Ogre with an IDE that the generated project was not made for. I obviously chose the MSVC 2010 IDE in CMake, but CEGUI had no options for 2010 so I used the MSVC9 project files instead. I believe this is causing the issue as my application crashes in Release once it starts loading the GUI. I did read on this forum from a search someone said they were missing "Silly dll" so I tried copying SILLY_d.dll in but it didn't change anything. Any help on resolving this would be appreciated.
Here is my config.lua if it helps http://ampaste.net/m2e22dea
Also, here is my mainfest file from building. I am wondering now if its because my project was originally made with MSVC9 and is now using MSVC 2010, or if it is because I built CEGUI with the build_vs2008 option (why isnt there a vs2010 option yet?) Im assuming it could be both but not sure how to resolve it.
Relevant part of my project manifest...
Code: Select all
<assemblyIdentity type='win32' name='Microsoft.VC90.DebugCRT' version='9.0.21022.8' processorArchitecture='x86' publicKeyToken='1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b' />