Okay, I need to draw my own content on top of the Parent window but beneath the Child window. The thing I want to draw is essentially a mask, that way the Child window looks special.
Imagine you are playing a game, a warning pops up and everything except for the warning window gets darker? I want that.
If you still don't get it. Here's the full story.
I have implemented a wrapper class for CEGUI::Window, lets call it "WidgetWindow".
A WidgetWindow is given a specific task and will return a specific value before its destruction.
One example would be the "Do you want to exit the game?" which returns true/false.
Another example would be the ColorPicker which collects user's input and returns 3 int values.
The reason I did this instead of using CEED to create a window and ... is that I need to be able to use these WidgetWindows from anywhere of the game. I don't want to copy and paste it to everywhere every time I need it...
Back to the story.
So I have the WidgetWindow which contains a CEGUI::Window.
My idea is that when a button is clicked, I attatch the WidgetWindow to the root CEGUI::Window so that It can receive user input from the root window's CEGUI::GUIContext without doing all the Inject input crap twice every frame.
There should be no problem if I only want that, but I also want to add some visual effects when some special kind of WidgetWindow is called.
Here's an example I found on the information superhighway.
I know I can add it in the CEED editor but that means I need to added to every .layout file (StartMenu, GameScreen, Settings...). That's just not flexible so I want to do it on my side.