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Global Window Scaleing

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 00:15
by mouglue
How do you handle multiple screen resolutions with CEGUI?

Is it possible to make a sigle window XML file with scaling to handle multiple resolutions (say 640x480 up to 1280x1024) or is it best to have a couple different XML files?

Re: Global Window Scaleing

Posted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 09:53
by martignasse
hi mouglue,

Yes, you can use only one xml layout definition for all screen resolution.

of course there is some properties at differentes levels (imageset, font, layout...) to manage how things react to the resolution change.

Re: Global Window Scaleing

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 00:32
by mouglue
ok, I found the default resolution stuff in the imageset, font, and layout.

My next question.

Is there a way to let the user change that during runtime.
What I am looking for is to be able to globaly "Resize" everything about the GUI. Either Up or down. After its all been loaded.

I know this may be easy but I am just not getting it. :shock:
If someone could give me a basic code example that would be great. :P

Re: Global Window Scaleing

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2006 13:24
by martignasse
I believe it's at the renderer level, with the setDisplaySize methode.

here in the API reference for the for the OpenGl renderer :

[url=]void CEGUI::OpenGLRenderer::setDisplaySize ( const Size & sz )

try a search on the forum with the "screen resolution" words, there was some discussions about that in the past.