VertScrollPosition with StaticText
Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2008 19:31
I am attempting to make my chat window scroll to the newest message when a new message is received (hopefully only when the user isn't scrolling up, but that's something for later).
First I call:
Then I call this line each time a new chat message is received:
However, an exception is thrown:
My widget type is TaharezLook/StaticText, which looking at it now, I guess it doesn't have this property listed under StaticText. Is there some way to get the scrollbar widget from my CEGUI::Window (which is a StaticText)?
First I call:
Code: Select all
chat_area->setProperty( "VertScrollbar", "true" );
Then I call this line each time a new chat message is received:
Code: Select all
chat_area->setProperty( "VertScrollPosition", "1.0" );
However, an exception is thrown:
Code: Select all
Exception: There is no Property named 'VertScrollPosition' available in the set.
My widget type is TaharezLook/StaticText, which looking at it now, I guess it doesn't have this property listed under StaticText. Is there some way to get the scrollbar widget from my CEGUI::Window (which is a StaticText)?