How get the position of a character in MultiLineEditbox?
Posted: Mon May 26, 2008 11:45
I Create a MultiLineEditbox and set text for it,then the window show:
| ABCDEFG| <--- 1th line
| ABCDEFG| <--- 2th line
| ABCDEFG| <--- 3th line
now I want get the pos of "E"character in 2th line,what should I do?
if the MultiLineEditbox has a vertical scrallbar,I want get the pos of "E"character in 2th line,what should I do?
| ABCDEFG| <--- 1th line
| ABCDEFG| <--- 2th line
| ABCDEFG| <--- 3th line
now I want get the pos of "E"character in 2th line,what should I do?
if the MultiLineEditbox has a vertical scrallbar,I want get the pos of "E"character in 2th line,what should I do?