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Problem with my imageset

Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 04:46
by Donner

I have a new problem.

I created a imageset which contains icons (toolbar-icons). Now I want to crate a little toolbar, based on the TaharezLook-Skin. So I use the ImageButton-Window to draw the buttons of the Toolbar.

I created the imageset with the imageset editor and with the imageset editor everything is drawn correctly.
But if I use the images from the imageset, they are drawn wrong: the button-image is moved by one pixel.
So, the top row of pixels and the left column of pixels is drawn twice, the last row and the last column is cut (it becomes the first row of the second button).

What is wrong with my imageset? What is wrong with my imagebutton??

Here a picture, to show, what I mean:

So if you look at the "New"-button: differenz between the paper and the border is on the imageset-image 1 pixel and on the screenshot (on the imagebutton) there are two buttens difference, the first row is exactly thy same like the second row of pixels. Why?

The TGA-File of the imageset: click
The imageset-file: click

Thank you very much!

Posted: Mon Sep 15, 2008 09:17
by CrazyEddie

It looks like some texture filtering issue. Which renderer do you use? Irrlicht perhaps?


Posted: Sun Oct 05, 2008 02:09
by Donner
yes, I use IrrlichtRenderer... is that a problem?

Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 09:53
by CrazyEddie
Using Irrlicht is not a problem in and of itself, just that the APIs used to draw CEGUI do/did not support filtering other than nearest pixel, which leads to some anomalies.

Shortly after CEGUI 0.6.0 was released a patch was submitted to the Irrlicht project to resolve this (not by us, but that's of no consequence) - I believe the patch was incorporated into Irrlicht, though I'm not sure if a) it's in an Irrlicht release yet, or b) if we need to do anything at our end to take advantage of the better filtering.

Alternatively, it could be a texel-pixel mapping issue, which could be a CEGUI renderer issue. I might try and look into this to determine the issue for sure, though I do not have a lot of time to spend on CEGUI currently.


Posted: Mon Oct 06, 2008 16:42
by jtracy
We noticed similar issues using CEGUI 0.5 and the OpenGL renderer. The way we solve it is by leaving an extra 1 pixel border around everything so this does not happen. Maybe this could help with you.