[SOLVED] LNK2019, VS8.0
Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 10:45
It's first time I'm trying to use CEGUI. Some words for my application: my engine is built as library that is statically linked to the main application, the library is linked to all the CEGUI libraries (static_d versions).
Everything compiles successfully, until I had to use the code to initialize with the resources:
I get LNK2019 in my engine library with all those 6 functions, which I found declared as static in the headers of CEGUI. I cannot understand why after those functions are static, I get this:
Any help will be much appreciated
EDIT: My bad, I forgot to put preprocessor "CEGUI_STATIC" Everything works fine now
It's first time I'm trying to use CEGUI. Some words for my application: my engine is built as library that is statically linked to the main application, the library is linked to all the CEGUI libraries (static_d versions).
Everything compiles successfully, until I had to use the code to initialize with the resources:
Code: Select all
// set the default resource groups to be used
I get LNK2019 in my engine library with all those 6 functions, which I found declared as static in the headers of CEGUI. I cannot understand why after those functions are static, I get this:
Code: Select all
Error 74 error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: static void __cdecl CEGUI::ScriptModule::setDefaultResourceGroup(class CEGUI::String const &)" (__imp_?setDefaultResourceGroup@ScriptModule@CEGUI@@SAXABVString@2@@Z) referenced in function "public: long __thiscall MySystem::Initialize(void)" (?Initialize@MySystem@@QAEJXZ)
Any help will be much appreciated
EDIT: My bad, I forgot to put preprocessor "CEGUI_STATIC" Everything works fine now