Select row in MultiColumnList [solved]

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Select row in MultiColumnList [solved]

Postby Toge » Tue Feb 03, 2009 21:57


When I click over a row in a MultiColumnList, it isn't selected. How can I select it?


Edit: ... um=2&pos=1 ... um=2&pos=5

In that screenshots, when a row is selected, the background colour is different. When I select a row, the background colour is still black, altought the row is selected. How can I change the background colour when a row is selected?


Before insert an item:

ListboxTextItem* item = new ListboxTextItem("Text");
item->setSelectionBrushImage (&ImagesetManager::getSingleton ().getImageset("TaharezLook")->getImage("MultiListSelectionBrush"));

multicolumnlist->addRow(item, id);

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