[SOLVED] Building Ogre 1.7 Project using Cegui 0.7.1 Linking
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2010 00:13
I am using Ogre 1.7 from SVN and Cegui 0.7.1 from SVN, I am using MSVC9 (Visual Studio 2008)
My project is going to start as a basic framework using Ogre 1.7 and Cegui 0.7.1, So far I have taken Xavier's Practical Application example: http://test.ogitor.org/tiki/Practical+A ... et+Started
and got it working with ogre 1.7, now I am going to try and incorporate Cegui 0.7.1 for some menu's and stuff, and then maybe add to his tutorial or release it or something, in hopes that it helps others trying to get started with the NEW Ogre 1.7 and NEW Cegui 0.7.1
I do not have a cegui log.. because it is a build/linking error, I've done a good amount of searching, and reading the tutorials and rules, im still newish to this, I've gone over it several times and cannot find what im missing.
I get an Unresolved external symbol error when I try to build (usually happens when something in the project settings isn't included, can't figure out what it could be)
I compiled both from source.
In my ogre project's settings I have added the additional include directory: cegui\cegui\include
I copied "CEGUIBase_Static_d.lib" & "CEGUIOgreRenderer_Static_d" to my "ogre\Dependencies\lib\Debug" folder,
which is in my Project's "Additional Library Directories" settings
I have "CEGUIBase_Static_d.lib" & "CEGUIOgreRenderer_Static_d.lib" defined in my additional dependencies:
I copied all the .dll files from cegui\dependencies\bin to my working directory.
I copied everything from the "cegui\dependencies\include" folder into my "ogre\Dependencies\include" folder
"ogre\Dependencies\include" is set as an include directory in my project settings as well.
in my Ogre application where my includes are (in main.cpp) i have:
then I proceeded to add (without this line there are no building issues... but then the only cegui related stuff are the two includes.):
to my WinMain{} section below:
As outlined here: http://www.cegui.org.uk/docs/current/re ... orial.html
My project is going to start as a basic framework using Ogre 1.7 and Cegui 0.7.1, So far I have taken Xavier's Practical Application example: http://test.ogitor.org/tiki/Practical+A ... et+Started
and got it working with ogre 1.7, now I am going to try and incorporate Cegui 0.7.1 for some menu's and stuff, and then maybe add to his tutorial or release it or something, in hopes that it helps others trying to get started with the NEW Ogre 1.7 and NEW Cegui 0.7.1
I do not have a cegui log.. because it is a build/linking error, I've done a good amount of searching, and reading the tutorials and rules, im still newish to this, I've gone over it several times and cannot find what im missing.
I get an Unresolved external symbol error when I try to build (usually happens when something in the project settings isn't included, can't figure out what it could be)
Code: Select all
1>------ Build started: Project: frame, Configuration: Debug Win32 ------
1>main.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport) public: static class CEGUI::OgreRenderer & __cdecl CEGUI::OgreRenderer::create(void)" (__imp_?create@OgreRenderer@CEGUI@@SAAAV12@XZ)
1>C:\Program Files (x86)\ogre\build\bin\debug\frame.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals
1>Build log was saved at "file://C:\Program Files (x86)\ogre\build\bin\debug\BuildLog.htm"
1>frame - 2 error(s), 0 warning(s)
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
I compiled both from source.
In my ogre project's settings I have added the additional include directory: cegui\cegui\include
I copied "CEGUIBase_Static_d.lib" & "CEGUIOgreRenderer_Static_d" to my "ogre\Dependencies\lib\Debug" folder,
which is in my Project's "Additional Library Directories" settings
I have "CEGUIBase_Static_d.lib" & "CEGUIOgreRenderer_Static_d.lib" defined in my additional dependencies:
Code: Select all
I copied all the .dll files from cegui\dependencies\bin to my working directory.
I copied everything from the "cegui\dependencies\include" folder into my "ogre\Dependencies\include" folder
"ogre\Dependencies\include" is set as an include directory in my project settings as well.
in my Ogre application where my includes are (in main.cpp) i have:
Code: Select all
// CEGUI includes
#include "CEGUI.h"
#include "RendererModules/Ogre/CEGUIOgreRenderer.h"
then I proceeded to add (without this line there are no building issues... but then the only cegui related stuff are the two includes.):
Code: Select all
CEGUI::OgreRenderer& myRenderer = CEGUI::OgreRenderer::create();
to my WinMain{} section below:
Code: Select all
Ogre::Root *ogre;
Ogre::RenderWindow *window;
Ogre::SceneManager *sceneMgr;
Ogre::Camera *camera;
As outlined here: http://www.cegui.org.uk/docs/current/re ... orial.html