Misaligned Thumb on Sliders
Posted: Mon May 03, 2010 23:07
Hi there,
I'm using CEGUI 0.71 with the Direct3D9 renderer and I've come across a strange bug with my sliders. Before I click the slider it's perfectly fine but after it's been clicked on at all the thumb jumps above the actual bar part. Horizontally it's also offset from the bar as well (goes further to the left, not as far to the right).
This should clarify exactly what I mean.
The slider's is used in a group of controls (Editbox which affects the slider contents,StaticText displaying a label, DefaultWindow to house these). I'm creating and placing these dynamically according to the needs of my app. I tried creating a layout which included a slider and didn't call any methods on any of the GUI displayed and still had this problem.
The layout file for my group of controls is
Thanks in advance for any help.
I'm using CEGUI 0.71 with the Direct3D9 renderer and I've come across a strange bug with my sliders. Before I click the slider it's perfectly fine but after it's been clicked on at all the thumb jumps above the actual bar part. Horizontally it's also offset from the bar as well (goes further to the left, not as far to the right).
This should clarify exactly what I mean.
The slider's is used in a group of controls (Editbox which affects the slider contents,StaticText displaying a label, DefaultWindow to house these). I'm creating and placing these dynamically according to the needs of my app. I tried creating a layout which included a slider and didn't call any methods on any of the GUI displayed and still had this problem.
The layout file for my group of controls is
Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<GUILayout >
<Window Type="DefaultWindow" Name="LabelledEditSlider" >
<Property Name="UnifiedAreaRect" Value="{{0,0},{0,0},{0,250},{0,92}}" />
<Window Type="WindowsLook/Slider" Name="LabelledEditSlider/Slider" >
<Property Name="CurrentValue" Value="0" />
<Property Name="MaximumValue" Value="1" />
<Property Name="ClickStepSize" Value="0.01" />
<Property Name="UnifiedAreaRect" Value="{{0,2},{0,40},{0,148},{0,90}" />
<Window Type="WindowsLook/StaticText" Name="LabelledEditSlider/Label" >
<Property Name="Text" Value="Property Name" />
<Property Name="HorzExtent" Value="136" />
<Property Name="VertExtent" Value="19.4435" />
<Property Name="UnifiedAreaRect" Value="{{0,2},{0,2},{0,248},{0,48}}" />
<Window Type="WindowsLook/Editbox" Name="LabelledEditSlider/Edit" >
<Property Name="Text" Value="5000" />
<Property Name="MaxTextLength" Value="1073741823" />
<Property Name="UnifiedAreaRect" Value="{{0.738867,0},{0.46117,0},{0.99668,0},{0.889556,0}}" />
<Property Name="TextParsingEnabled" Value="False" />
Thanks in advance for any help.