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ScrollablePane not showing

Posted: Wed Feb 03, 2016 22:16
by TheWanderer
Hi everyone,

I'm attempting to get a ScrollablePane working using the code found in the sample page, but it is not being displayed.

There is no code; only the schema in the layout file (which may be the issue?) and the schema appears to parse correctly (no errors are thrown / logged).

The window hierarchy is as follows:

Code: Select all


The definition for the ScrollablePane is as follows:

Code: Select all

<Window name="OptionsControlsKeyList_ScrollablePane"  type="TaharezLook/ScrollablePane" >
     <Property name="ContentArea" value="l:0 t:0 r:0 b:0" />
     <Property name="Position" value="{{0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0}}" />
     <Property name="Size" value="{{1.0,0,0},{0.8,0.0}}" />
     <Property name="ForceVertScrollbar" value="true" />
     <Property name="SizingEnabled" Value="false" />

     <AutoWindow namePath="__auto_container__">
          <Property name="ContentArea" value="l:0 t:0 r:0 b:0" />
          <Window name="OptionsControlsTest_Button"  type="TaharezLook/Button" >
               <Property name="Text" value="Test" />
               <Property name="Position" value="{{0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0}}" />
               <Property name="Size" value="{{0,125},{0,30}}" />

Removing the ScrollablePane definition makes the "Test" button appears correctly on the upper-left corner of the tab. Also, moving the definition of the test button outside of the AutoWindow definition doesn't fix the issue.

Trying the above in CEED shows the outline of the scrollable pane and the button inside, but it's a hollow outline (suggesting non-visibility), which makes me think that there is something missing from the definition.

As you can see from above, I'm trying to get the ScrollPane to appear inside one of the tabs of a tabbed selection box. Am I missing a component or adding them incorrectly? Everything in the layout file is displayed correctly.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Let me know if there's any more information I can add.

Required Info

Code: Select all

[11:33:20] Cegui: ********************************************************************************
[11:33:20] Cegui: * Important:                                                                   *
[11:33:20] Cegui: *     To get support at the CEGUI forums, you must post _at least_ the section *
[11:33:20] Cegui: *     of this log file indicated below.  Failure to do this will result in no  *
[11:33:20] Cegui: *     support being given; please do not waste our time.                       *
[11:33:20] Cegui: ********************************************************************************
[11:33:20] Cegui: ********************************************************************************
[11:33:20] Cegui: * -------- START OF ESSENTIAL SECTION TO BE POSTED ON THE FORUM       -------- *
[11:33:20] Cegui: ********************************************************************************
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---- Version: 0.8.4 (Build: Oct  2 2015 Static Debug Microsoft Windows MSVC++ 11.0 32 bit) ----
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---- Renderer module is: CEGUI::OgreRenderer - Official OGRE based 2nd generation renderer module. ----
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---- XML Parser module is: CEGUI::RapidXMLParser - Official RapidXML based parser module for CEGUI ----
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---- Image Codec module is: OgreImageCodec - Integrated ImageCodec using the Ogre engine. ----
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---- Scripting module is: None ----
[11:33:20] Cegui: ********************************************************************************
[11:33:20] Cegui: * -------- END OF ESSENTIAL SECTION TO BE POSTED ON THE FORUM         -------- *
[11:33:20] Cegui: ********************************************************************************
[11:33:20] Cegui:
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---- Begining CEGUI System initialisation ----
[11:33:20] Cegui: [CEGUI::ImageManager] Singleton created (082494D8)
[11:33:20] Cegui: [CEGUI::ImageManager] Registered Image type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: CEGUI::FontManager singleton created. (0824E720)
[11:33:20] Cegui: CEGUI::WindowFactoryManager singleton created
[11:33:20] Cegui: CEGUI::WindowManager singleton created (082479A0)
[11:33:20] Cegui: CEGUI::SchemeManager singleton created. (082459E8)
[11:33:20] Cegui: CEGUI::GlobalEventSet singleton created. (08245CB0)
[11:33:20] Cegui: CEGUI::AnimationManager singleton created (08245E38)
[11:33:20] Cegui: CEGUI::WidgetLookManager singleton created. (08253BF8)
[11:33:20] Cegui: CEGUI::WindowRendererManager singleton created (0824FCB8)
[11:33:20] Cegui: CEGUI::RenderEffectManager singleton created (0824FE38)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowFactory for 'DefaultWindow' windows.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowFactory for 'DefaultWindow' windows added. (08257590)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowFactory for 'DragContainer' windows.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowFactory for 'DragContainer' windows added. (08257790)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowFactory for 'ScrolledContainer' windows.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowFactory for 'ScrolledContainer' windows added. (08257998)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowFactory for 'ClippedContainer' windows.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowFactory for 'ClippedContainer' windows added. (08257BA0)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/PushButton' windows.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/PushButton' windows added. (08257DB0)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/RadioButton' windows.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/RadioButton' windows added. (08257FC8)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Combobox' windows.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Combobox' windows added. (08258188)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ComboDropList' windows.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ComboDropList' windows added. (082583A8)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Editbox' windows.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Editbox' windows added. (08258568)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/FrameWindow' windows.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/FrameWindow' windows added. (08258728)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ItemEntry' windows.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ItemEntry' windows added. (08258958)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Listbox' windows.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Listbox' windows added. (08258B18)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ListHeader' windows.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ListHeader' windows added. (08258CD8)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ListHeaderSegment' windows.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ListHeaderSegment' windows added. (08258E98)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Menubar' windows.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Menubar' windows added. (082590E0)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/PopupMenu' windows.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/PopupMenu' windows added. (082592A0)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/MenuItem' windows.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/MenuItem' windows added. (08259460)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/MultiColumnList' windows.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/MultiColumnList' windows added. (08259620)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/MultiLineEditbox' windows.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/MultiLineEditbox' windows added. (082597E0)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ProgressBar' windows.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ProgressBar' windows added. (082599A0)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ScrollablePane' windows.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ScrollablePane' windows added. (08259C10)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Scrollbar' windows.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Scrollbar' windows added. (08259DD0)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Slider' windows.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Slider' windows added. (08259F90)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Spinner' windows.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Spinner' windows added. (0825A150)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/TabButton' windows.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/TabButton' windows added. (0825A310)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/TabControl' windows.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/TabControl' windows added. (0825A4D0)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Thumb' windows.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Thumb' windows added. (0825A690)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Titlebar' windows.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Titlebar' windows added. (0825A850)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ToggleButton' windows.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ToggleButton' windows added. (0825AA10)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Tooltip' windows.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Tooltip' windows added. (0825ACB8)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ItemListbox' windows.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ItemListbox' windows added. (0825AE78)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/GroupBox' windows.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/GroupBox' windows added. (0825B038)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Tree' windows.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Tree' windows added. (0825B1F8)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowFactory for 'LayoutCell' windows.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowFactory for 'LayoutCell' windows added. (0825B3B8)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowFactory for 'HorizontalLayoutContainer' windows.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowFactory for 'HorizontalLayoutContainer' windows added. (0825B578)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowFactory for 'VerticalLayoutContainer' windows.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowFactory for 'VerticalLayoutContainer' windows added. (0825B738)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowFactory for 'GridLayoutContainer' windows.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowFactory for 'GridLayoutContainer' windows added. (0825B8F8)
[11:33:20] Cegui: CEGUI::System singleton created. (08245430)
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---- CEGUI System initialisation completed ----
[11:33:20] Cegui:
[11:33:20] Cegui: Started creation of Scheme from XML specification:
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---- CEGUI GUIScheme name: TaharezLook
[11:33:20] Cegui: Finished creation of GUIScheme 'TaharezLook' via XML file. (08260670)
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---- Begining resource loading for GUI scheme 'TaharezLook' ----
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Started creation of Imageset from XML specification:
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] ---- CEGUI Imageset name: TaharezLook
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] ---- Source texture file: TaharezLook.png
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] ---- Source texture resource group: (Default)
[11:33:20] Cegui: [OgreRenderer] Created texture: TaharezLook
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/ClientBrush' (0825EF68) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/GenericBrush' (0825EDE8) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/WindowLeftEdge' (0825F300) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/WindowRightEdge' (0825CD38) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/WindowTopEdge' (082603F0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/WindowBottomEdge' (0825E368) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/WindowTopLeft' (0825E578) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/WindowTopRight' (0825F6B8) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/WindowBottomLeft' (0825FBC8) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/WindowBottomRight' (0825EC08) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/ButtonLeftNormal' (0827F0F8) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/ButtonMiddleNormal' (0827F308) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/ButtonRightNormal' (0827F518) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/ButtonLeftPushed' (0827F728) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/ButtonMiddlePushed' (0827F938) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/ButtonRightPushed' (0827FB48) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/ButtonLeftHighlight' (0827FD58) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/ButtonMiddleHighlight' (082800E8) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/ButtonRightHighlight' (08260270) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/CheckboxNormal' (08280880) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/CheckboxHover' (08280A90) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/CheckboxMark' (08280CA0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/RadioButtonNormal' (08280EB0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/RadioButtonHover' (082810C0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/RadioButtonMark' (082812D0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TitlebarLeft' (082814E0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TitlebarMiddle' (082816F0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TitlebarRight' (08281900) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/NewTitlebarLeft' (08281B10) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/NewTitlebarMiddle' (08281D20) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/NewTitlebarRight' (08281F30) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/SysAreaMiddle' (08282140) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/SysAreaRight' (08282350) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/StaticLeft' (08282560) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/StaticRight' (08282770) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/StaticTop' (08282980) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/StaticBottom' (08282B90) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/StaticTopLeft' (08282DA0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/StaticTopRight' (08282FB0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/StaticBottomLeft' (082831C0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/StaticBottomRight' (082833D0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/StaticBackdrop' (082835E0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/ProgressBarLeft' (082837F0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/ProgressBarMiddle' (08283A00) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/ProgressBarRight' (08283C10) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/ProgressBarDimSegment' (08283FA0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/ProgressBarLitSegment' (082600F0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/EditBoxLeft' (08284750) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/EditBoxMiddle' (08284960) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/EditBoxRight' (08284B70) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/EditBoxCaret' (08284D80) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/SpinnerUpNormal' (08284F90) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/SpinnerDownNormal' (082851A0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/SpinnerUpHover' (082853B0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/SpinnerDownHover' (0825EA88) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TextSelectionBrush' (0826B008) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/VertScrollTop' (0826B218) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/VertScrollMiddle' (0826B428) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/VertScrollBottom' (0826B638) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/VertScrollBarSegment' (0826B848) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/VertScrollThumbNormal' (0826BBD8) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/VertScrollThumbHover' (0825D150) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/VertScrollUpNormal' (0826C1F0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/VertScrollDownNormal' (0826C400) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/VertScrollUpHover' (0826C790) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/VertScrollDownHover' (0826C9A0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MiniVertScrollBarSegment' (0826CD30) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MiniVertScrollThumbNormal' (0826D330) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MiniVertScrollThumbTopNormal' (0826D7C8) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MiniVertScrollThumbMiddleNormal' (0826DC78) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MiniVertScrollThumbBottomNormal' (0825E908) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MiniVertScrollThumbTopHover' (0825FA48) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MiniVertScrollThumbMiddleHover' (0826E948) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MiniVertScrollThumbBottomHover' (0825FF70) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MiniVertScrollThumbHover' (0826F1B8) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MiniVertScrollUpNormal' (0826F2D8) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MiniVertScrollDownNormal' (0826F5B0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MiniVertScrollUpHover' (0826F960) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MiniVertScrollDownHover' (0826FD00) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/VertSliderBody' (08270180) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/VertSliderThumbNormal' (08270390) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/VertSliderThumbHover' (08270668) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MiniHorzScrollBarSegment' (082709F8) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MiniHorzScrollThumbNormal' (08270FF8) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MiniHorzScrollThumbLeftNormal' (08271490) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MiniHorzScrollThumbMiddleNormal' (08271958) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MiniHorzScrollThumbRightNormal' (0825CA38) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MiniHorzScrollThumbHover' (08272010) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MiniHorzScrollThumbLeftHover' (082722B0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MiniHorzScrollThumbMiddleHover' (08272760) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MiniHorzScrollThumbRightHover' (0825D408) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MiniHorzScrollLeftNormal' (08272EE8) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MiniHorzScrollRightNormal' (082C5980) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MiniHorzScrollLeftHover' (082C5E18) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MiniHorzScrollRightHover' (082C6028) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/ListboxLeft' (082C63D8) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/ListboxRight' (082C65E8) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/ListboxTop' (082C67F8) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/ListboxBottom' (082C6A08) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/ListboxTopLeft' (082C6C18) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/ListboxTopRight' (082C6E28) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/ListboxBottomLeft' (082C7038) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/ListboxBottomRight' (082C7248) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/ListboxBackdrop' (082C7458) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/ListboxSelectionBrush' (082C7668) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/ComboboxEditLeft' (082C7940) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/ComboboxEditMiddle' (082C7B50) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/ComboboxListButtonNormal' (082C7D60) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/ComboboxListButtonHover' (082C81E0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/ComboboxListLeft' (082C8590) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/ComboboxListRight' (082C87A0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/ComboboxListTop' (082C89B0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/ComboboxListBottom' (082C8BC0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/ComboboxListTopLeft' (082C8DD0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/ComboboxListTopRight' (082C8FE0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/ComboboxListBottomLeft' (082C91F0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/ComboboxListBottomRight' (082C9658) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/ComboboxListBackdrop' (082C9AD8) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/ComboboxSelectionBrush' (082C9CE8) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/ComboboxDividerLeft' (082CA150) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/ComboboxDividerMiddle' (082CA360) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/ComboboxDividerRight' (082CA700) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/HeaderBarBackdropNormal' (082CAC10) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/HeaderBarBackdropHover' (082CA910) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/HeaderBarSplitterNormal' (082CB248) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/HeaderBarSplitterHover' (082CB6C8) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/HeaderBarSortUp' (082CB9A0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/HeaderBarSortDown' (082CBAC0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MultiListLeft' (082CBCD0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MultiListRight' (082CBEE0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MultiListTop' (082CC0F0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MultiListBottom' (082CC300) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MultiListTopLeft' (082CC510) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MultiListTopRight' (082CC720) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MultiListBottomLeft' (082CC930) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MultiListBottomRight' (082CCB40) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MultiListBackdrop' (082CCE10) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MultiListSelectionBrush' (082CD1A0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/AltProgressLeft' (0825F088) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/AltProgressMiddle' (082CD710) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/AltProgressRight' (082CD920) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/AltProgressQuarter' (082CDB30) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/AltProgressHalf' (082CDD40) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/AltProgressLight1' (082CDF50) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/AltProgressLight2' (082CE160) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/AltProgressLight3' (082CE370) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/AltProgressLight4' (082CE580) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/AltProgressLight5' (082CE790) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/AltProgressLight6' (082CE9A0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/AltProgressLight7' (082CEBB0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/AltProgressLight8' (082CEDC0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/AltProgressLight9' (082CEFD0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/AltProgressLight10' (082CF1E0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/CloseButtonNormal' (082CF3F0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/CloseButtonHover' (082CF600) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/CloseButtonPressed' (082CF810) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/NewCloseButtonNormal' (082CFA20) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/NewCloseButtonHover' (082CFCF0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/NewCloseButtonPressed' (082D0080) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MultiLineEditboxLeft' (082CFF00) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MultiLineEditboxRight' (082D0818) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MultiLineEditboxTop' (082D0698) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MultiLineEditboxBottom' (082D0D70) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MultiLineEditboxTopLeft' (082D1358) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MultiLineEditboxTopRight' (082D11D8) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MultiLineEditboxBottomLeft' (082D1E38) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MultiLineEditboxBottomRight' (082D22D0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MultiLineEditboxBackdrop' (082D1B38) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MultiLineEditboxSelectionBrush' (082D2900) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MouseTarget' (082D3248) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MouseArrow' (082CD020) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MouseMoveCursor' (082D3668) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MouseNoSoCursor' (082D3878) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MouseEsWeCursor' (082D3A88) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MouseNeSwCursor' (082D3C98) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MouseNwSeCursor' (082D3EA8) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MouseTextBar' (082D40B8) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TabHorizontalFiller' (082D3368) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TabContentPaneUpperLeft' (082D2EB8) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TabContentPaneUpper' (082D30A8) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TabContentPaneUpperRight' (082D43B8) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TabContentPaneLeft' (082D4768) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TabContentPaneRight' (082D4978) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TabContentPaneLower' (082D4B88) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TabContentPaneLowerLeft' (082D4D98) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TabContentPaneLowerRight' (082D5148) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TabContentPaneMiddle' (082D54F8) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TabButtonScrollLeftNormal' (082D5A08) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TabButtonScrollRightNormal' (082D5888) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TabButtonScrollLeftHover' (082D5708) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TabButtonScrollRightHover' (082D6558) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TabButtonLeftNormal' (082D63D8) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TabButtonRightNormal' (082D6AE0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TabButtonUpperNormal' (082D6CF0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TabButtonLowerNormal' (082D6F00) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TabButtonUpperLeftNormal' (082D7590) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TabButtonUpperLeft2Normal' (082D7A10) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TabButtonUpperRightNormal' (082D7410) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TabButtonLowerLeftNormal' (082D7290) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TabButtonLowerRightNormal' (082D8630) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TabButtonLowerRight2Normal' (082D84B0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TabButtonMiddleNormal' (082D8E40) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TabButtonLeftSelected' (082D9050) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TabButtonRightSelected' (082D93F0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TabButtonUpperSelected' (082D9790) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TabButtonLowerSelected' (082D9B30) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TabButtonUpperLeftSelected' (082DA1D0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TabButtonUpperRightSelected' (082DA668) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TabButtonLowerLeftSelected' (082D9ED0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TabButtonLowerRightSelected' (082DACE0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TabButtonMiddleSelected' (082DB190) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TooltipTopLeft' (082DB470) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TooltipTopRight' (082DB590) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TooltipBottomLeft' (082DB7A0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TooltipBottomRight' (082DB9B0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TooltipLeftEdge' (082DBBC0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TooltipRightEdge' (082DBDD0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TooltipTopEdge' (082DBFE0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TooltipBottomEdge' (082DC1F0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TooltipMiddle' (082DC400) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MenuTopLeft' (082DC610) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MenuTopRight' (082DC820) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MenuBottomLeft' (082DCA30) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MenuBottomRight' (082DCC40) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MenuLeft' (082DCE50) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MenuRight' (082DD060) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MenuTop' (082DD270) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MenuBottom' (082DD480) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/MenuMiddle' (082DD690) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/PopupMenuFrameTopLeft' (082DD8A0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/PopupMenuFrameTopRight' (082DDAB0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/PopupMenuFrameBottomLeft' (082DE150) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/PopupMenuFrameBottomRight' (082DE5D0) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/PopupMenuFrameLeft' (082DDE50) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/PopupMenuFrameRight' (082DEA68) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/PopupMenuFrameTop' (082DEB88) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/PopupMenuFrameBottom' (082DED98) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/PopupMenuMiddle' (082DEFA8) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/PopupMenuArrowRight' (082DF1B8) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/PopupMenuArrowLeft' (082DF3C8) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TreeListClosed' (082DF5D8) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: [ImageManager] Created image: 'TaharezLook/TreeListOpened' (082DF7E8) of type: BasicImage
[11:33:20] Cegui: Successfully loaded 5633 glyphs
[11:33:20] Cegui: Finished creation of Font 'DejaVuSans-12' via XML file. (0825D840)
[11:33:20] Cegui: ===== Falagard 'root' element: look and feel parsing begins =====
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Label'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Label'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Button'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Button'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/RadioButton'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/RadioButton'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Checkbox'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Checkbox'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Editbox'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Editbox'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Titlebar'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Titlebar'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/FrameWindow'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/FrameWindow'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/GroupBox'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/GroupBox'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/ProgressBar'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/ProgressBar'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/AltProgressBar'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/AltProgressBar'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/VUMeter'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/VUMeter'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/SliderThumb'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/SliderThumb'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Slider'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Slider'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbar'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbar'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Listbox'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Listbox'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/ComboDropList'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/ComboDropList'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/ComboEditbox'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/ComboEditbox'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Combobox'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Combobox'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Spinner'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Spinner'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/StaticShared'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/StaticShared'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/StaticImage'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/StaticImage'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/StaticText'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/StaticText'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/ListHeaderSegment'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/ListHeaderSegment'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/ListHeader'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/ListHeader'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/MultiColumnList'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/MultiColumnList'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/MultiLineEditbox'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/MultiLineEditbox'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Tooltip'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Tooltip'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/ScrollablePane'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/ScrollablePane'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/TabButton'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/TabButton'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/TabContentPane'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/TabContentPane'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/TabButtonPane'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/TabButtonPane'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/TabControl'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/TabControl'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/MenuItem'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/MenuItem'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/PopupMenu'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/PopupMenu'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Menubar'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Menubar'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/LargeVerticalScrollbarThumb'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/LargeVerticalScrollbarThumb'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/LargeVerticalScrollbar'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/LargeVerticalScrollbar'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/ImageButton'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/ImageButton'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/ItemListbox'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/ItemListbox'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/ListboxItem'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/ListboxItem'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---> Start of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Tree'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---< End of definition for widget look 'TaharezLook/Tree'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: ===== Look and feel parsing completed =====
[11:33:20] Cegui: No window renderer factories specified for module 'CEGUICoreWindowRendererSet' - adding all available factories...
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Button' WindowRenderers.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowRendererFactory 'Core/Button' added. (09987350)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Default' WindowRenderers.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowRendererFactory 'Core/Default' added. (098E9D78)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Editbox' WindowRenderers.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowRendererFactory 'Core/Editbox' added. (098E9F38)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/FrameWindow' WindowRenderers.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowRendererFactory 'Core/FrameWindow' added. (0997BC88)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/ItemEntry' WindowRenderers.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowRendererFactory 'Core/ItemEntry' added. (099638B0)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/ListHeader' WindowRenderers.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowRendererFactory 'Core/ListHeader' added. (09963A70)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/ListHeaderSegment' WindowRenderers.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowRendererFactory 'Core/ListHeaderSegment' added. (09963B48)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Listbox' WindowRenderers.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowRendererFactory 'Core/Listbox' added. (0998B1B8)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Menubar' WindowRenderers.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowRendererFactory 'Core/Menubar' added. (0997F4D8)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/MenuItem' WindowRenderers.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowRendererFactory 'Core/MenuItem' added. (0997F698)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/MultiColumnList' WindowRenderers.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowRendererFactory 'Core/MultiColumnList' added. (0997F858)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/MultiLineEditbox' WindowRenderers.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowRendererFactory 'Core/MultiLineEditbox' added. (099A0C88)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/PopupMenu' WindowRenderers.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowRendererFactory 'Core/PopupMenu' added. (099A0E48)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/ProgressBar' WindowRenderers.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowRendererFactory 'Core/ProgressBar' added. (09997DA8)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/ScrollablePane' WindowRenderers.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowRendererFactory 'Core/ScrollablePane' added. (09997F68)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Scrollbar' WindowRenderers.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowRendererFactory 'Core/Scrollbar' added. (09998128)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Slider' WindowRenderers.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowRendererFactory 'Core/Slider' added. (09966550)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Static' WindowRenderers.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowRendererFactory 'Core/Static' added. (09966710)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/StaticImage' WindowRenderers.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowRendererFactory 'Core/StaticImage' added. (099668D0)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/StaticText' WindowRenderers.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowRendererFactory 'Core/StaticText' added. (099898B8)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/TabButton' WindowRenderers.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowRendererFactory 'Core/TabButton' added. (09989A78)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/TabControl' WindowRenderers.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowRendererFactory 'Core/TabControl' added. (09989C38)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Titlebar' WindowRenderers.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowRendererFactory 'Core/Titlebar' added. (09989DF8)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/ToggleButton' WindowRenderers.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowRendererFactory 'Core/ToggleButton' added. (09989FB8)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Tooltip' WindowRenderers.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowRendererFactory 'Core/Tooltip' added. (0999F348)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/ItemListbox' WindowRenderers.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowRendererFactory 'Core/ItemListbox' added. (0999F508)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Core/Tree' WindowRenderers.
[11:33:20] Cegui: WindowRendererFactory 'Core/Tree' added. (0999F6C8)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/Label' using base type 'DefaultWindow', window renderer 'Core/Default' Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/Label' and RenderEffect ''. (0033CB80)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/Button' using base type 'CEGUI/PushButton', window renderer 'Core/Button' Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/Button' and RenderEffect ''. (0033CB80)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/Checkbox' using base type 'CEGUI/ToggleButton', window renderer 'Core/ToggleButton' Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/Checkbox' and RenderEffect ''. (0033CB80)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' using base type 'CEGUI/PushButton', window renderer 'Core/Button' Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' and RenderEffect ''. (0033CB80)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/RadioButton' using base type 'CEGUI/RadioButton', window renderer 'Core/ToggleButton' Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/RadioButton' and RenderEffect ''. (0033CB80)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/FrameWindow' using base type 'CEGUI/FrameWindow', window renderer 'Core/FrameWindow' Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/FrameWindow' and RenderEffect ''. (0033CB80)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/Titlebar' using base type 'CEGUI/Titlebar', window renderer 'Core/Titlebar' Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/Titlebar' and RenderEffect ''. (0033CB80)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/Editbox' using base type 'CEGUI/Editbox', window renderer 'Core/Editbox' Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/Editbox' and RenderEffect ''. (0033CB80)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/MultiLineEditbox' using base type 'CEGUI/MultiLineEditbox', window renderer 'Core/MultiLineEditbox' Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/MultiLineEditbox' and RenderEffect ''. (0033CB80)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/Menubar' using base type 'CEGUI/Menubar', window renderer 'Core/Menubar' Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/Menubar' and RenderEffect ''. (0033CB80)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/PopupMenu' using base type 'CEGUI/PopupMenu', window renderer 'Core/PopupMenu' Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/PopupMenu' and RenderEffect ''. (0033CB80)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/MenuItem' using base type 'CEGUI/MenuItem', window renderer 'Core/MenuItem' Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/MenuItem' and RenderEffect ''. (0033CB80)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/AlternateProgressBar' using base type 'CEGUI/ProgressBar', window renderer 'Core/ProgressBar' Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/AltProgressBar' and RenderEffect ''. (0033CB80)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/ProgressBar' using base type 'CEGUI/ProgressBar', window renderer 'Core/ProgressBar' Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/ProgressBar' and RenderEffect ''. (0033CB80)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/VUMeter' using base type 'CEGUI/ProgressBar', window renderer 'Core/ProgressBar' Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/VUMeter' and RenderEffect ''. (0033CB80)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbar' using base type 'CEGUI/Scrollbar', window renderer 'Core/Scrollbar' Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbar' and RenderEffect ''. (0033CB80)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' using base type 'CEGUI/Scrollbar', window renderer 'Core/Scrollbar' Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' and RenderEffect ''. (0033CB80)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb' using base type 'CEGUI/Thumb', window renderer 'Core/Button' Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb' and RenderEffect ''. (0033CB80)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' using base type 'CEGUI/Thumb', window renderer 'Core/Button' Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' and RenderEffect ''. (0033CB80)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/LargeVerticalScrollbar' using base type 'CEGUI/Scrollbar', window renderer 'Core/Scrollbar' Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/LargeVerticalScrollbar' and RenderEffect ''. (0033CB80)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/LargeVerticalScrollbarThumb' using base type 'CEGUI/Thumb', window renderer 'Core/Button' Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/LargeVerticalScrollbarThumb' and RenderEffect ''. (0033CB80)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/TabButton' using base type 'CEGUI/TabButton', window renderer 'Core/TabButton' Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/TabButton' and RenderEffect ''. (0033CB80)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/TabControl' using base type 'CEGUI/TabControl', window renderer 'Core/TabControl' Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/TabControl' and RenderEffect ''. (0033CB80)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/TabContentPane' using base type 'DefaultWindow', window renderer 'Core/Default' Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/TabContentPane' and RenderEffect ''. (0033CB80)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/TabButtonPane' using base type 'DefaultWindow', window renderer 'Core/Default' Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/TabButtonPane' and RenderEffect ''. (0033CB80)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/ComboDropList' using base type 'CEGUI/ComboDropList', window renderer 'Core/Listbox' Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/ComboDropList' and RenderEffect ''. (0033CB80)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/ComboEditbox' using base type 'CEGUI/Editbox', window renderer 'Core/Editbox' Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/ComboEditbox' and RenderEffect ''. (0033CB80)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/Combobox' using base type 'CEGUI/Combobox', window renderer 'Core/Default' Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/Combobox' and RenderEffect ''. (0033CB80)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/Listbox' using base type 'CEGUI/Listbox', window renderer 'Core/Listbox' Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/Listbox' and RenderEffect ''. (0033CB80)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/ListHeader' using base type 'CEGUI/ListHeader', window renderer 'Core/ListHeader' Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/ListHeader' and RenderEffect ''. (0033CB80)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/ListHeaderSegment' using base type 'CEGUI/ListHeaderSegment', window renderer 'Core/ListHeaderSegment' Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/ListHeaderSegment' and RenderEffect ''. (0033CB80)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/MultiColumnList' using base type 'CEGUI/MultiColumnList', window renderer 'Core/MultiColumnList' Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/MultiColumnList' and RenderEffect ''. (0033CB80)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/Slider' using base type 'CEGUI/Slider', window renderer 'Core/Slider' Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/Slider' and RenderEffect ''. (0033CB80)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/SliderThumb' using base type 'CEGUI/Thumb', window renderer 'Core/Button' Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/SliderThumb' and RenderEffect ''. (0033CB80)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/ScrollablePane' using base type 'CEGUI/ScrollablePane', window renderer 'Core/ScrollablePane' Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/ScrollablePane' and RenderEffect ''. (0033CB80)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/Spinner' using base type 'CEGUI/Spinner', window renderer 'Core/Default' Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/Spinner' and RenderEffect ''. (0033CB80)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/Tooltip' using base type 'CEGUI/Tooltip', window renderer 'Core/Tooltip' Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/Tooltip' and RenderEffect ''. (0033CB80)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/StaticImage' using base type 'DefaultWindow', window renderer 'Core/StaticImage' Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/StaticImage' and RenderEffect ''. (0033CB80)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/StaticText' using base type 'DefaultWindow', window renderer 'Core/StaticText' Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/StaticText' and RenderEffect ''. (0033CB80)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/ItemListbox' using base type 'CEGUI/ItemListbox', window renderer 'Core/ItemListbox' Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/ItemListbox' and RenderEffect ''. (0033CB80)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/ListboxItem' using base type 'CEGUI/ItemEntry', window renderer 'Core/ItemEntry' Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/ListboxItem' and RenderEffect ''. (0033CB80)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/GroupBox' using base type 'DefaultWindow', window renderer 'Core/Default' Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/GroupBox' and RenderEffect ''. (0033CB80)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Creating falagard mapping for type 'TaharezLook/Tree' using base type 'CEGUI/Tree', window renderer 'Core/Tree' Look'N'Feel 'TaharezLook/Tree' and RenderEffect ''. (0033CB80)
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---- Resource loading for GUI scheme 'TaharezLook' completed ----
[11:33:20] StateMachine [Main] initialized
[11:33:20] Cegui: ---- Beginning loading of GUI layout from 'Outpost26_LoginState.layout' ----
[11:33:20] Cegui: GUILayout_xmlHandler::startElement - Unexpected data was found while parsing the gui-layout file: 'VoidwarLayout' is unknown.
[11:33:20] Cegui: Window 'root' of type 'DefaultWindow' has been created. (097CAB30)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Window 'LoginStateRootMenu_ImageBox' of type 'TaharezLook/StaticImage' has been created. (097E5918)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/StaticImage' to the window 'LoginStateRootMenu_ImageBox'
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/StaticImage' to window 'LoginStateRootMenu_ImageBox'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: Window 'NewGame_Button' of type 'TaharezLook/Button' has been created. (097EC470)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window 'NewGame_Button'
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Button' to window 'NewGame_Button'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: Window 'LoadGame_Button' of type 'TaharezLook/Button' has been created. (097F1B10)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window 'LoadGame_Button'
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Button' to window 'LoadGame_Button'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: Window 'Options_Button' of type 'TaharezLook/Button' has been created. (097F8428)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window 'Options_Button'
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Button' to window 'Options_Button'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: Window 'Exit_Button' of type 'TaharezLook/Button' has been created. (097FECA8)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window 'Exit_Button'
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Button' to window 'Exit_Button'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: Window 'NewGameOptions_ImageBox' of type 'TaharezLook/StaticImage' has been created. (09806AA0)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/StaticImage' to the window 'NewGameOptions_ImageBox'
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/StaticImage' to window 'NewGameOptions_ImageBox'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: Window 'OutpostName_Label' of type 'TaharezLook/Label' has been created. (0980DE60)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Default' to the window 'OutpostName_Label'
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Label' to window 'OutpostName_Label'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: Window 'OutpostName_EditBox' of type 'TaharezLook/Editbox' has been created. (09812E90)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Editbox' to the window 'OutpostName_EditBox'
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Editbox' to window 'OutpostName_EditBox'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: Window 'Seed_Label' of type 'TaharezLook/Label' has been created. (0981A770)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Default' to the window 'Seed_Label'
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Label' to window 'Seed_Label'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: Window 'Seed_EditBox' of type 'TaharezLook/Editbox' has been created. (0981F388)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Editbox' to the window 'Seed_EditBox'
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Editbox' to window 'Seed_EditBox'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: Window 'RegionSize_Label' of type 'TaharezLook/Label' has been created. (09825640)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Default' to the window 'RegionSize_Label'
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Label' to window 'RegionSize_Label'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: Window 'RegionSize_ComboBox' of type 'TaharezLook/Combobox' has been created. (0982A198)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Default' to the window 'RegionSize_ComboBox'
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Combobox' to window 'RegionSize_ComboBox'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: Window '__auto_editbox__' of type 'TaharezLook/ComboEditbox' has been created. (098309C8)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Editbox' to the window '__auto_editbox__'
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ComboEditbox' to window '__auto_editbox__'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: Window '__auto_droplist__' of type 'TaharezLook/ComboDropList' has been created. (09838958)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Listbox' to the window '__auto_droplist__'
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ComboDropList' to window '__auto_droplist__'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: Window '__auto_hscrollbar__' of type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' has been created. (0983DB20)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Scrollbar' to the window '__auto_hscrollbar__'
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' to window '__auto_hscrollbar__'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: Window '__auto_incbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. (09843708)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window '__auto_incbtn__'
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window '__auto_incbtn__'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: Window '__auto_decbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. (0984A3F0)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window '__auto_decbtn__'
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window '__auto_decbtn__'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: Window '__auto_thumb__' of type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' has been created. (099A19E8)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window '__auto_thumb__'
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' to window '__auto_thumb__'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: Window '__auto_vscrollbar__' of type 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbar' has been created. (099A99B8)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Scrollbar' to the window '__auto_vscrollbar__'
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbar' to window '__auto_vscrollbar__'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: Window '__auto_incbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. (099AE7C0)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window '__auto_incbtn__'
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window '__auto_incbtn__'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: Window '__auto_decbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. (099B55A0)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window '__auto_decbtn__'
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window '__auto_decbtn__'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: Window '__auto_thumb__' of type 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb' has been created. (099BC4C0)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window '__auto_thumb__'
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb' to window '__auto_thumb__'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: Window '__auto_button__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. (099C4E68)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window '__auto_button__'
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window '__auto_button__'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: Window 'NewGameBack_Button' of type 'TaharezLook/Button' has been created. (099D0898)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window 'NewGameBack_Button'
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Button' to window 'NewGameBack_Button'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: Window 'NewGameGenerate_Button' of type 'TaharezLook/Button' has been created. (099D53B0)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window 'NewGameGenerate_Button'
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Button' to window 'NewGameGenerate_Button'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: Window 'LoadGame_ImageBox' of type 'TaharezLook/StaticImage' has been created. (099DBC10)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/StaticImage' to the window 'LoadGame_ImageBox'
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/StaticImage' to window 'LoadGame_ImageBox'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: Window 'LoadGameFileList_ListBox' of type 'TaharezLook/Listbox' has been created. (099E2FD0)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Listbox' to the window 'LoadGameFileList_ListBox'
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Listbox' to window 'LoadGameFileList_ListBox'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: Window '__auto_hscrollbar__' of type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' has been created. (099E77B0)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Scrollbar' to the window '__auto_hscrollbar__'
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' to window '__auto_hscrollbar__'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: Window '__auto_incbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. (099EC4E0)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window '__auto_incbtn__'
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window '__auto_incbtn__'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: Window '__auto_decbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. (099F49A0)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window '__auto_decbtn__'
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window '__auto_decbtn__'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: Window '__auto_thumb__' of type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' has been created. (099FBA00)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window '__auto_thumb__'
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' to window '__auto_thumb__'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: Window '__auto_vscrollbar__' of type 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbar' has been created. (09A02EB0)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Scrollbar' to the window '__auto_vscrollbar__'
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbar' to window '__auto_vscrollbar__'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: Window '__auto_incbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. (09A07CB8)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window '__auto_incbtn__'
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window '__auto_incbtn__'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: Window '__auto_decbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. (09A0EAD8)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window '__auto_decbtn__'
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window '__auto_decbtn__'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: Window '__auto_thumb__' of type 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb' has been created. (09A15A98)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window '__auto_thumb__'
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb' to window '__auto_thumb__'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: Window 'LoadGameLoad_Button' of type 'TaharezLook/Button' has been created. (09A1D640)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window 'LoadGameLoad_Button'
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Button' to window 'LoadGameLoad_Button'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: Window 'LoadGameDelete_Button' of type 'TaharezLook/Button' has been created. (09A24970)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window 'LoadGameDelete_Button'
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Button' to window 'LoadGameDelete_Button'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: Window 'LoadGameBack_Button' of type 'TaharezLook/Button' has been created. (09A28A68)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window 'LoadGameBack_Button'
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Button' to window 'LoadGameBack_Button'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: Window 'OptionsRootWindow_ImageBox' of type 'TaharezLook/TabControl' has been created. (09A2F338)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/TabControl' to the window 'OptionsRootWindow_ImageBox'
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/TabControl' to window 'OptionsRootWindow_ImageBox'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: Window '__auto_TabPane__' of type 'TaharezLook/TabContentPane' has been created. (09A35FB0)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Default' to the window '__auto_TabPane__'
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/TabContentPane' to window '__auto_TabPane__'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: Window '__auto_TabPane__Buttons' of type 'TaharezLook/TabButtonPane' has been created. (09A3AC58)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Default' to the window '__auto_TabPane__Buttons'
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/TabButtonPane' to window '__auto_TabPane__Buttons'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: Window '__auto_TabPane__ScrollLeft' of type 'TaharezLook/Button' has been created. (09A3FD80)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window '__auto_TabPane__ScrollLeft'
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Button' to window '__auto_TabPane__ScrollLeft'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: Window '__auto_TabPane__ScrollRight' of type 'TaharezLook/Button' has been created. (09A473C8)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window '__auto_TabPane__ScrollRight'
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Button' to window '__auto_TabPane__ScrollRight'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: Window 'Options_TabGameplay' of type 'DefaultWindow' has been created. (09A4F290)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Window '__auto_btnOptions_TabGameplay' of type 'TaharezLook/TabButton' has been created. (09A531F0)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/TabButton' to the window '__auto_btnOptions_TabGameplay'
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/TabButton' to window '__auto_btnOptions_TabGameplay'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: [OgreRenderer] Created texture: DejaVuSans-12_auto_glyph_images_32
[11:33:20] Cegui: Window 'OptionsGameplayAutoSaveEnabled_Checkbox' of type 'TaharezLook/Checkbox' has been created. (09A5EFE0)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/ToggleButton' to the window 'OptionsGameplayAutoSaveEnabled_Checkbox'
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Checkbox' to window 'OptionsGameplayAutoSaveEnabled_Checkbox'.
[11:33:20] Cegui: Window 'OptionsAutosaveRate_ComboBox' of type 'TaharezLook/Combobox' has been created. (09A635C8)
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Default' to the window 'OptionsAutosaveRate_ComboBox'
[11:33:20] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Combobox' to window 'OptionsAutosaveRate_ComboBox'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window '__auto_editbox__' of type 'TaharezLook/ComboEditbox' has been created. (09A68088)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Editbox' to the window '__auto_editbox__'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ComboEditbox' to window '__auto_editbox__'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window '__auto_droplist__' of type 'TaharezLook/ComboDropList' has been created. (09A6ED00)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Listbox' to the window '__auto_droplist__'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ComboDropList' to window '__auto_droplist__'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window '__auto_hscrollbar__' of type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' has been created. (09A733F8)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Scrollbar' to the window '__auto_hscrollbar__'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' to window '__auto_hscrollbar__'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window '__auto_incbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. (09A78128)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window '__auto_incbtn__'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window '__auto_incbtn__'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window '__auto_decbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. (09A7EF68)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window '__auto_decbtn__'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window '__auto_decbtn__'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window '__auto_thumb__' of type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' has been created. (09A85EE0)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window '__auto_thumb__'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' to window '__auto_thumb__'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window '__auto_vscrollbar__' of type 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbar' has been created. (09A8D418)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Scrollbar' to the window '__auto_vscrollbar__'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbar' to window '__auto_vscrollbar__'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window '__auto_incbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. (09A92220)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window '__auto_incbtn__'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window '__auto_incbtn__'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window '__auto_decbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. (09A99050)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window '__auto_decbtn__'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window '__auto_decbtn__'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window '__auto_thumb__' of type 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb' has been created. (09AF35A8)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window '__auto_thumb__'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb' to window '__auto_thumb__'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window '__auto_button__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. (09AFBE10)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window '__auto_button__'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window '__auto_button__'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window 'OptionsGameplayBack_Button' of type 'TaharezLook/Button' has been created. (09B07830)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window 'OptionsGameplayBack_Button'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Button' to window 'OptionsGameplayBack_Button'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window 'Options_TabGraphics' of type 'DefaultWindow' has been created. (09B0D840)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window '__auto_btnOptions_TabGraphics' of type 'TaharezLook/TabButton' has been created. (09B130C0)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/TabButton' to the window '__auto_btnOptions_TabGraphics'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/TabButton' to window '__auto_btnOptions_TabGraphics'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window 'OptionsGraphics_ResolutionLabel' of type 'TaharezLook/Label' has been created. (09B1A710)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Default' to the window 'OptionsGraphics_ResolutionLabel'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Label' to window 'OptionsGraphics_ResolutionLabel'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window 'OptionsGraphics_ResolutionComboBox' of type 'TaharezLook/Combobox' has been created. (09B1F810)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Default' to the window 'OptionsGraphics_ResolutionComboBox'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Combobox' to window 'OptionsGraphics_ResolutionComboBox'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window '__auto_editbox__' of type 'TaharezLook/ComboEditbox' has been created. (09B24888)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Editbox' to the window '__auto_editbox__'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ComboEditbox' to window '__auto_editbox__'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window '__auto_droplist__' of type 'TaharezLook/ComboDropList' has been created. (09B2B608)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Listbox' to the window '__auto_droplist__'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ComboDropList' to window '__auto_droplist__'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window '__auto_hscrollbar__' of type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' has been created. (09B2FC78)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Scrollbar' to the window '__auto_hscrollbar__'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' to window '__auto_hscrollbar__'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window '__auto_incbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. (09B349A8)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window '__auto_incbtn__'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window '__auto_incbtn__'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window '__auto_decbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. (09B3B808)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window '__auto_decbtn__'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window '__auto_decbtn__'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window '__auto_thumb__' of type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' has been created. (09B427A8)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window '__auto_thumb__'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' to window '__auto_thumb__'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window '__auto_vscrollbar__' of type 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbar' has been created. (09B49CE0)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Scrollbar' to the window '__auto_vscrollbar__'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbar' to window '__auto_vscrollbar__'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window '__auto_incbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. (09B4EAE8)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window '__auto_incbtn__'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window '__auto_incbtn__'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window '__auto_decbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. (09B55918)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window '__auto_decbtn__'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window '__auto_decbtn__'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window '__auto_thumb__' of type 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb' has been created. (09B5C780)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window '__auto_thumb__'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb' to window '__auto_thumb__'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window '__auto_button__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. (09B64F48)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window '__auto_button__'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window '__auto_button__'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window 'OptionsGraphics_FullScreenCheckbox' of type 'TaharezLook/Checkbox' has been created. (09B70970)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/ToggleButton' to the window 'OptionsGraphics_FullScreenCheckbox'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Checkbox' to window 'OptionsGraphics_FullScreenCheckbox'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window 'OptionsGraphics_VSyncCheckbox' of type 'TaharezLook/Checkbox' has been created. (09B760E0)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/ToggleButton' to the window 'OptionsGraphics_VSyncCheckbox'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Checkbox' to window 'OptionsGraphics_VSyncCheckbox'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window 'OptionsGraphicsBack_Button' of type 'TaharezLook/Button' has been created. (09B7B1A0)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window 'OptionsGraphicsBack_Button'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Button' to window 'OptionsGraphicsBack_Button'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window 'Options_TabAudio' of type 'DefaultWindow' has been created. (09B7F838)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window '__auto_btnOptions_TabAudio' of type 'TaharezLook/TabButton' has been created. (09B85078)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/TabButton' to the window '__auto_btnOptions_TabAudio'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/TabButton' to window '__auto_btnOptions_TabAudio'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window 'OptionsMasterVolume_Label' of type 'TaharezLook/Label' has been created. (09B8C688)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Default' to the window 'OptionsMasterVolume_Label'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Label' to window 'OptionsMasterVolume_Label'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window 'OptionsMasterVolume_Slider' of type 'TaharezLook/Slider' has been created. (09B91820)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Slider' to the window 'OptionsMasterVolume_Slider'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Slider' to window 'OptionsMasterVolume_Slider'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window '__auto_thumb__' of type 'TaharezLook/SliderThumb' has been created. (09B964D8)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window '__auto_thumb__'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/SliderThumb' to window '__auto_thumb__'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window 'OptionsMasterVolumeLevel_Label' of type 'TaharezLook/Label' has been created. (09B9C460)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Default' to the window 'OptionsMasterVolumeLevel_Label'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Label' to window 'OptionsMasterVolumeLevel_Label'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window 'OptionsMusicVolume_Label' of type 'TaharezLook/Label' has been created. (0A051650)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Default' to the window 'OptionsMusicVolume_Label'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Label' to window 'OptionsMusicVolume_Label'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window 'OptionsMusicVolume_Slider' of type 'TaharezLook/Slider' has been created. (0A056340)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Slider' to the window 'OptionsMusicVolume_Slider'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Slider' to window 'OptionsMusicVolume_Slider'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window '__auto_thumb__' of type 'TaharezLook/SliderThumb' has been created. (0A05A6A0)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window '__auto_thumb__'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/SliderThumb' to window '__auto_thumb__'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window 'OptionsMusicVolumeLevel_Label' of type 'TaharezLook/Label' has been created. (0A060608)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Default' to the window 'OptionsMusicVolumeLevel_Label'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Label' to window 'OptionsMusicVolumeLevel_Label'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window 'OptionsEffectsVolume_Label' of type 'TaharezLook/Label' has been created. (0A0657E8)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Default' to the window 'OptionsEffectsVolume_Label'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Label' to window 'OptionsEffectsVolume_Label'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window 'OptionsEffectsVolume_Slider' of type 'TaharezLook/Slider' has been created. (0A06A518)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Slider' to the window 'OptionsEffectsVolume_Slider'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Slider' to window 'OptionsEffectsVolume_Slider'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window '__auto_thumb__' of type 'TaharezLook/SliderThumb' has been created. (0A06E878)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window '__auto_thumb__'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/SliderThumb' to window '__auto_thumb__'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window 'OptionsEfectsVolumeLevel_Label' of type 'TaharezLook/Label' has been created. (0A074730)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Default' to the window 'OptionsEfectsVolumeLevel_Label'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Label' to window 'OptionsEfectsVolumeLevel_Label'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window 'OptionsAudioBack_Button' of type 'TaharezLook/Button' has been created. (0A0798C8)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window 'OptionsAudioBack_Button'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Button' to window 'OptionsAudioBack_Button'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window 'Options_TabControls' of type 'DefaultWindow' has been created. (0A07DF90)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window '__auto_btnOptions_TabControls' of type 'TaharezLook/TabButton' has been created. (0A083848)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/TabButton' to the window '__auto_btnOptions_TabControls'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/TabButton' to window '__auto_btnOptions_TabControls'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window '__auto_container__' of type 'ScrolledContainer' has been created. (0A091760)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window 'OptionsControlsKeyList_ScrollablePane' of type 'TaharezLook/ScrollablePane' has been created. (0A08B3D8)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/ScrollablePane' to the window 'OptionsControlsKeyList_ScrollablePane'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ScrollablePane' to window 'OptionsControlsKeyList_ScrollablePane'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window '__auto_hscrollbar__' of type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' has been created. (0A096BB0)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Scrollbar' to the window '__auto_hscrollbar__'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbar' to window '__auto_hscrollbar__'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window '__auto_incbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. (0A09B8E0)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window '__auto_incbtn__'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window '__auto_incbtn__'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window '__auto_decbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. (0A0A26C0)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window '__auto_decbtn__'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window '__auto_decbtn__'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window '__auto_thumb__' of type 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' has been created. (0A0A9640)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window '__auto_thumb__'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' to window '__auto_thumb__'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window '__auto_vscrollbar__' of type 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbar' has been created. (0A0B0B58)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Scrollbar' to the window '__auto_vscrollbar__'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbar' to window '__auto_vscrollbar__'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window '__auto_incbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. (0A0B5918)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window '__auto_incbtn__'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window '__auto_incbtn__'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window '__auto_decbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created. (0A0BC6F0)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window '__auto_decbtn__'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window '__auto_decbtn__'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window '__auto_thumb__' of type 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb' has been created. (0A0C3598)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window '__auto_thumb__'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb' to window '__auto_thumb__'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window 'OptionsControlsTest_Button' of type 'TaharezLook/Button' has been created. (0A0CBD78)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window 'OptionsControlsTest_Button'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Button' to window 'OptionsControlsTest_Button'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window 'OptionsControlsBack_Button' of type 'TaharezLook/Button' has been created. (0A0D2FB8)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window 'OptionsControlsBack_Button'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Button' to window 'OptionsControlsBack_Button'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'Outpost26_LoginState.layout' ----
[11:33:21] Cegui: ---- Beginning loading of GUI layout from 'Outpost26_PlayState.layout' ----
[11:33:21] Cegui: GUILayout_xmlHandler::startElement - Unexpected data was found while parsing the gui-layout file: 'Outpost26Layout' is unknown.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window 'root' of type 'DefaultWindow' has been created. (0A0E32C0)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window 'PlayStateFPS_Label' of type 'TaharezLook/Label' has been created. (0A0E8D20)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Default' to the window 'PlayStateFPS_Label'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Label' to window 'PlayStateFPS_Label'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window 'Fader_ImageBox' of type 'TaharezLook/StaticImage' has been created. (0A0EDEB8)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/StaticImage' to the window 'Fader_ImageBox'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/StaticImage' to window 'Fader_ImageBox'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window 'PlayStateRootMenu_ImageBox' of type 'TaharezLook/StaticImage' has been created. (0A0F3608)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/StaticImage' to the window 'PlayStateRootMenu_ImageBox'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/StaticImage' to window 'PlayStateRootMenu_ImageBox'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window 'SaveAndExit_Button' of type 'TaharezLook/Button' has been created. (0A0F8C30)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window 'SaveAndExit_Button'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Button' to window 'SaveAndExit_Button'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window 'LoadGame_Button' of type 'TaharezLook/Button' has been created. (0A0FD5C8)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window 'LoadGame_Button'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Button' to window 'LoadGame_Button'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window 'Options_Button' of type 'TaharezLook/Button' has been created. (0A103E70)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window 'Options_Button'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Button' to window 'Options_Button'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: Window 'Exit_Button' of type 'TaharezLook/Button' has been created. (0A10A720)
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning the window renderer 'Core/Button' to the window 'Exit_Button'
[11:33:21] Cegui: Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/Button' to window 'Exit_Button'.
[11:33:21] Cegui: ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'Outpost26_PlayState.layout' ----

Re: ScrollablePane not showing

Posted: Thu Feb 04, 2016 21:57
by TheWanderer
So after looking at a few more examples I found that replacing the Size / Position attributes with the Area attribute fixed the issue. The changes are as follows:

Code: Select all

     <Property name="Position" value="{{0.0,0.0},{0.0,0.0}}" />
     <Property name="Size" value="{{1.0,0,0},{0.8,0.0}}" />

Code: Select all

     <Property name="Area" value="{{0.025,0},{0.025,0},{0.975,0},{0.8,0}}" />

What threw me off for a little is the fact that all other components appear to accept the Size / Position attributes just fine. Is the fact that the ScrollablePane only accepts Area the intended behavior?

Re: ScrollablePane not showing

Posted: Mon Feb 08, 2016 20:36
by Ident
Honestly, if position and size do not work then this rather sounds like a bug to me?