Custom HUD - Help me.
Posted: Wed May 10, 2017 20:50
Hello, I'm using CEGUI and I'm trying to create a custom HUD. My game is a copy of "Duck Hunt" and I need the screen to display an ammo icon and the ammo number above that icon, I also need a charger icon and the amount of remaining chargers. I would also like to make a custom design to go showing the remaining time.
I'm using a translator because my English is not very good, I'm sorry. Please, I would appreciate an example with code.
Here are some examples:
- ... f3-hud.jpg
I would also like to add a look to my weapon, for example:
I've had trouble installing CEED, the CEGUI editor:
These are the steps I followed to install it.
- Download here: ... 2/download
cd ceed-0.8.0
sudo python install
cd / bin /
The mistake is that it never opens.
I'm using a translator because my English is not very good, I'm sorry. Please, I would appreciate an example with code.
Here are some examples:
- ... f3-hud.jpg
I would also like to add a look to my weapon, for example:
I've had trouble installing CEED, the CEGUI editor:
These are the steps I followed to install it.
- Download here: ... 2/download
cd ceed-0.8.0
sudo python install
cd / bin /
The mistake is that it never opens.