I was wondering whether the following is a known problem:
When using the HEAD revision of CEGUI I got got hit with problems I did not have while using 0.5. The reason I switched was because I need Tree widget support. Not only do I get the message shown below, if I try to add items to the Tree control the whole thing crashes with an access violation in a string object (CEGUIString.cpp line 670). It seems like the string object being accessed is invalid.
The 'there is no property FrameColours error' is one I get every time I resize the window which causes a stack unwind making everything very slow. Of course the error should not occur in the first place.
Code: Select all
-- snip --
[SYSTEM] [LVL 2] [CEGUI] Window 'CGUIEditor:WindowTree__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__' of type 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' has been created.
[SYSTEM] [LVL 2] [CEGUI] Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'CGUIEditor:WindowTree__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__'
[SYSTEM] [LVL 2] [CEGUI] Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/ImageButton' to window 'CGUIEditor:WindowTree__auto_vscrollbar____auto_decbtn__'.
[SYSTEM] [LVL 2] [CEGUI] Window 'CGUIEditor:WindowTree__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__' of type 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb' has been created.
[SYSTEM] [LVL 2] [CEGUI] Assigning the window renderer 'Falagard/Button' to the window 'CGUIEditor:WindowTree__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__'
[SYSTEM] [LVL 2] [CEGUI] Assigning LookNFeel 'TaharezLook/VerticalScrollbarThumb' to window 'CGUIEditor:WindowTree__auto_vscrollbar____auto_thumb__'.
[SYSTEM] [LVL 0] [CEGUI] Exception: There is no Property named 'SelectionBrushImage' available in the set.
[SYSTEM] [LVL 0] [CEGUI] Exception: There is no Property named 'NormalTextColour' available in the set.
[SYSTEM] [LVL 0] [CEGUI] Exception: There is no Property named 'SelectedTextColour' available in the set.
[SYSTEM] [LVL 0] [CEGUI] Exception: There is no Property named 'ActiveSelectionColour' available in the set.
[SYSTEM] [LVL 0] [CEGUI] Exception: There is no Property named
'InactiveSelectionColour' available in the set.
-- snip --
I have also tried the CEGUI samples and only a sub-set of them actually work. I compiled the samples to use OpenGL while my engine uses Ogre.