KeyEvent not called even with capture() & setEventCallba

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KeyEvent not called even with capture() & setEventCallba

Postby __bf_ddc__ » Fri Nov 09, 2007 20:33


First of all -- Yes I'm setting up my Keyboard the way showed in tutorials/wiki and from past experience.

I'm calling keyboard->setEventCallback(this) in my constructor with an inheritance of OIS::KeyListener, and in frameStart() I'm calling keyboard->capture().

My mouse is set up the exact same way and all MouseEvents are called perfectly and interacting with CEGUI also fine. I've debugged and all values seem to be running perfectly in initialisation just when the actual key is pressed, no event is being hit...

I've also done it manually through processUnbufferedKeyInput() to inject the key press into CEGUI and that calls my events no problem.

So why would this not be calling key events automatically? Do I need to handle every single key that I'll be using with the CEGUI manually? That'd be quite a pain if so...


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