Where are the sources of the latest OgreGUIRenderer ?

For help with anything that CEGUI doesn't offer straight out-of-the-box, e.g.:
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Where are the sources of the latest OgreGUIRenderer ?

Postby karmaGfa » Wed Feb 23, 2005 07:49


Today I wanted to update the libraries of CEGUI and Ogre to be synchronized with the latest stable releases, so I installed Ogre 1.0.0 RC1 and CEGUI mk2 0.2.0

I saw that the OgreGUIRenderer project is no longer in the CEGUI lib as the news said, but I was not able to find where on the web this project is.

In ogre, I was only able to find the includes of it, and I also noticed that those includes are not synch with CEGUI mk2 0.2.0
:cry: ..

Somebody knows where are those sources ?

Thank you,
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Re: Where are the sources of the latest OgreGUIRenderer ?

Postby karmaGfa » Wed Feb 23, 2005 10:53

Found : it is on the v1-0 branch of Ogre on CVS.
For the 2005 year, I will not complain anymore about open source projects. :pint:

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