Linux configure problems

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Linux configure problems

Postby Spudder » Thu Apr 28, 2005 11:25

I've downloaded the 0.2.0 source package and also the xerces-c binary package which I've installed to /usr/lib and /usr/include.

My problem is when trying to configure CEGui, it complains about not being able to find the xerces-c library. I've checked through the configure script options and it didn't mention anything about setting environment variables to the library's path or anything else.

There must be something I have missed along the way so if anyone can offer any pointers I'd appreciate it, if it helps at all I'm running FC3.

Thanks in advance.

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Re: Linux configure problems

Postby _mental_ » Wed May 04, 2005 01:48

What's the output from the following command:

/sbin/ldconfig -p | grep xerces

also could you post your config.log

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