GIF to Texture conversion

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GIF to Texture conversion

Postby parul » Mon May 02, 2005 07:31


In my application I am trying to convert a GIF file to Texture. But it is giving some error. Below is line of code and error message

CEGUI::Texture* myTexture =
CEGUI::Imageset* pImageSet =
pImageSet->defineImage((utf8*)"background", Point(0.0f,

StaticImage* si =
(StaticImage*)WindowManager::getSingleton().createWindow((utf8*)"TaharezLook/StaticImage", (utf8*)"fond");
si->setPosition(Point(0.0f, 0.0f));
si->setSize(Size(1.0f, 1.0f));

Error Message:

Exception: Failed to create Texture object from file 'giffile.gif'. Additional Information:
An exception has been thrown!

Error #: 0
Function: invalid enumerant
Description: IL Error.
File: C:\Ogre\ogrenew\OgreMain\src\OgreILImageCodec.cpp
Line: 123
Stack unwinding: (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- (..) <- D3D9RenderSystem::refreshD3DSettings(..) <- ILImageCodec::decode(..) <- Image::load(..) <- <<beginning of stack>>

Is there any way to create texture of GIF file by using either OGRE Texture or CEGUI Texture.
waiting for response.
Thanking you


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