Compile errors using CEGUI on OSX

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Compile errors using CEGUI on OSX

Postby froody » Mon Jul 11, 2005 03:28

I've had a horrible time getting CEGUI to work on OSX - there is literally no documentation for getting it to work on OSX

I managed to get it to compile by commenging out "#define CEGUI_WITH_XERCES", removing the xerces library reference from the Xcode project and building, and then I put the two frameworks in /Library/Frameworks, edited the .pc file to give '-framework CEGUI -framework OpenGLRenderer' for --cflags and --libs, and that seemed to work!

Now when I try to compile, I'm including the following

Code: Select all

#include <CEGUI/CEGUI.h>
#include <OpenGLRenderer/openglrenderer.h>

and I get the following errors when I try to build the menu file in my project:

Code: Select all

src/Menu/Menu.cpp: In function 'int Menu::startup()':
src/Menu/Menu.cpp:184: error: incomplete type 'CEGUI::PushButton' used in nested name specifier
src/Menu/Menu.cpp:189: error: incomplete type 'CEGUI::PushButton' used in nested name specifier
src/Menu/Menu.cpp:194: error: incomplete type 'CEGUI::PushButton' used in nested name specifier
src/Menu/Menu.cpp:201: error: incomplete type 'CEGUI::PushButton' used in nested name specifier
src/Menu/Menu.cpp:206: error: incomplete type 'CEGUI::PushButton' used in nested name specifier
src/Menu/Menu.cpp:211: error: incomplete type 'CEGUI::PushButton' used in nested name specifier

The lines referred to in the errors are all similar to this (the first one):

Code: Select all


Any ideas what to do? I tried copying the "elements" directory from the source distribution into the framework headers folder, but that made more errors, so I renamed the includes (from "elements/<name>" to "<name>") and ended up with the exact same errors as above.

What am I doing wrong?

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Re: Compile errors using CEGUI on OSX

Postby CrazyEddie » Mon Jul 11, 2005 08:28

None of the CEGUI devs have OS X, and we don't have an OS X build maintainer at the moment - so I don't know what to advise :(

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Re: Compile errors using CEGUI on OSX

Postby _mental_ » Wed Jul 13, 2005 03:13

You are on your own I'm afraid. As CE said none of the core team have access to an OSX machine. If you do work it out feel free to post a patch.

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