how to hiding the CEGUI default image

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how to hiding the CEGUI default image

Postby rick » Mon Aug 15, 2005 08:02

i want hiding the widget default image,such as Editbox,MultiLineEditbox's default background image ,just draw text. how do it?

thanks for any help.

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Re: how to hiding the CEGUI default image

Postby J_A_X » Mon Aug 15, 2005 15:06

Well, there are 2 ways to do this. Go into your TaharezLook.imageset (or the windowslook, which ever you're using) and you will see a bunch of xml code.

Every line specified an image with x,y coordinates with height and width and it assigns it to a specific name. If you do not want say the background for editbox, you just have to find the line for the editbox background and change the x and y coord. to 0,0 and your length/width to 1.

Though, with this technique, no editbox from the scheme you are using will have a background. If you do want a background for some and none for others, you'd need to create a new scheme (or you can use the windows look as a dummy scheme) and then set in that scheme an editbox background as being nothing and you'd have to load both scheme so you can use the 2 accordingly.

Creating your own scheme is a bit complex, so I suggest using the windowslook scheme as your dummy scheme

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Re: how to hiding the CEGUI default image

Postby rick » Mon Aug 15, 2005 19:03

thanks for your help.

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