Overlapping DefaultWindow's loose mouse press events

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Overlapping DefaultWindow's loose mouse press events

Postby exien » Sun Dec 04, 2005 09:37

I just found how great DefaultWindow's are, but now I'm stuck at another problem. Yes I'm a newb.

If I stack multiple DefaultWindow's on top of each other, (even with buttons that don't overlap), I can only access the items from the topmost DefaultWindow.

Is there a way to stop this behaviour?


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Re: Overlapping DefaultWindow's loose mouse press events

Postby martignasse » Mon Dec 05, 2005 09:09


deafault window behavor is like other widget, it stop the event at his level.
I think you can change this and choice to passthrou if the event isn't processed, but don't remenber.

Try a search on the forum, i remenber linquist speaking about that.

hope it help.

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