Here is the CEGUI east language display optimized arithmetic. I don't know why I cann't access Mantis tracker
(, so I decided post it here.
1. In class Texture (CEGUITexture.h) add:
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virtual void updateFromMemory(int xOffset, int yOffset, int subWidth, int subHeight, void const *pData) = 0;
2. In class DirectX9Texture (d3d9texture.h) add
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update an subimage in memory into the texture.
\param xOffset
the point x of the texture for update area
\param xOffset
the point y of the texture for update area
\param subWidth
the width of subimage
\param subHeight
the height of subimage
\param pData
the buffer (in 0xAARRGGBB pixels)
virtual void updateFromMemory(int xOffset, int yOffset, int subWidth, int subHeight, void const *pData);
then, in (d3d9texture.cpp) implement it.
if you use OpenGL, please implement it by yourself because I don't know how to do it.