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Cegui have no listctrl

Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 13:17
by kitejohn
I want to create a listview window,but I have no control to use,so I will create a new one,but I don't know that my own class inherin from witch class of cegui,and I am a newer to cegui,could you tell me about my trouble?

Posted: Sat May 13, 2006 17:46
by Rackle
I think that by ListView you mean one of the possible views from Windows Explorer: thumbnails, tiles, icons, list, details. If that is correct then maybe the ScrollablePane widget is what you need to get you started. If you scroll down to the code section of that link you'll see sample code for an image and an EditBox; I am not an expert on the use of the ScrollablePane so my example is simple. In your case you would want an image with text to the right.