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How to attach a texture loaded in memory to a Frame Window?

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 10:47
by strangedays
Hei, I have the following problem:

I have two rendering contexts in OpenGL, one is active the second one is not. I am trying to do some kind of render to texture: render in a separate context a scene, extract its raster image and "glue" it realtime ( for each frame ) to a CEGUI window.

Right now I have a handle to a bitmap buffer and I want to attach it to a Frame Window.

Re: How to attach a texture loaded in memory to a Frame Window?

Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 15:51
by Jamarr
This has been discussed multiple times, for many different rendering APIs. You should be able to search the forums to find an answer to your questions (whatever they are?). In fact, using RTT in CEGUI was just briefly discussed in the thread right below yours: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=4968#p23497 :hammer: