Rendering text multiple times when hiding mouse cursor

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Rendering text multiple times when hiding mouse cursor

Postby renovatio.forever » Fri Sep 24, 2010 16:01

Hi all,

I came up a wierd problem. I have a transparent button defination in looknfeel file whose only difference than usual TaharezLook/Button is that there is no image element so that it display only text. It works perfectly until the time i hided mouse cursor as i had two curson on window. When i hide my mouse cursor, it renders the text shown on button multiple times so it seems like bold . When looking carefully it can be seen that rendering again and again. However, when i add a backgorund image to the button defination in looknfeel xml there is no problem. Before adding all the code , log and shots i wanted to learn that if there is any idea? I think that stuation can be created by removing image definations in TaharezLook/Button defination in xml.

Thanks all,

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