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CEGUI Error: Multisampling is On

Posted: Tue May 24, 2011 14:42
by kintaroe

I usually create my Device with a 2x multisampling factor. I noticed that CEGUI gave me some bad artifacs during resize.

Running Directx Runtime in debug mode, the following error raised:

Direct3D9: (ERROR) :MultiSampleType between DepthStencil Buffer and RenderTarget must match.

Actually it seems that Directx cegui targets do not support multisampling.

Is that true? In that case, is it planned to introduce that support?

Thanks in advance.

Re: CEGUI Error: Multisampling is On

Posted: Wed May 25, 2011 06:00
by CrazyEddie
I've never tested this, so don't know if it's a cegui issue or not. It's surprising that it has not come up previously.

If you add this to mantis ( using your forum log-in) - with as much information as possible, as well as a link back here - that will ensure that this is not forgotten and gets tested at some point in the future.
