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wireframe in CEGUI !!!

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 09:14
by belkacem
hello again !

in directx we can render our scene in two different more :
solid mode
wire fame mode


now i create few window and some controls and is rendering very good but if i want to switch to wire frame mode i see the GUI in solid mode and i can't view in wire frame mode .

in my opinion about this problem is in CEGUI Library itself ( i am not sure 100/100 )
i think the object (framewindow , button , ...etc) in CEGUI are not meshes and not contain any vertices , but they are just images loaded to device11 as texture and render theme .

example : the mesh in directx are vertices attach together with triangles

but there is another problem : if i use NVIDIA Parallel Nsight to analyse and debug the application i see lines and triangles that create the window and buttons ...etc !! this is mean that the object contain vertices

NVIDIA Parallel Nsight

look at this
NOTE : the red line are triangle that create the window

Re: wireframe in CEGUI !!!

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 09:57
by Kulik
All of the things you posted are true, I am wondering why you are so surprised.

The windows are just series of quads (triangle pairs) that are textured... CEGUI itself probably resets the wireframe flag and renders solid, that's why it shows up in the NV tool but not when you switch wireframe on.

Re: wireframe in CEGUI !!!

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 10:24
by belkacem
thanks for your reply

CEGUI itself probably resets the wireframe flag and renders solid

but why !!!

Re: wireframe in CEGUI !!!

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 10:32
by belkacem
i think that i found the problem

look at the CEGUI source code at CEGUIDirect3D11RendererShader.txt

you will find something like this

Code: Select all

"RasterizerState rasterstate\n"
"   DepthClipEnable = false;\n"
"   FillMode = Solid;\n"              ////////her is the problem
"   CullMode = None;\n"
"   ScissorEnable = true;\n"

i will change it and i will past the result

Re: wireframe in CEGUI !!!

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 20:21
by Kulik
Is it really a problem though? Why do you need wireframe of your GUI?

Re: wireframe in CEGUI !!!

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 10:29
by belkacem
Is it really a problem though?

i don't think that .

Why do you need wireframe of your GUI?

it's just a Coincidence , i render my scene in wireframe mode , i see all the object wires but GUI , so i ask this question :wink: :wink: