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window set

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 12:30
by apperenticegp
Hello everyone. I'm currently studying the structure of the scheme file crazy eddie uses. So far, I can understand most of the data on it except the window set (WindowSet FileName="TaharezLook" ). From the wiki:

A 'Window Set' basically specifies the name of a loadable module (.dll / .so, etc), and a set of widgets contained within that modules that you wish to register with the system.

Now comes the confusing part. When I install crazy eddie, I can only use two windowsets, one is the CEGUITaharezLook and the other CEGUIWindowsLook. The windowsets load as expected. But looking forward, what if I want to make another type of windowset? Can I do this? If it is possible, is it recommended or it is more advisable to stay on one of the given windowset types and just change the look and feel per application?

I can't find any specific post on windowsets here on the forums so I assume the people here use either CEGUITaharezLook or CEGUIWindowsLook and just change the picture files and the like.

Re: window set

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 13:54
by Blakharaz
If you want to change things beyond the images, like the text color of a whole widget class, you could copy the whole TaharezLook or WindowsLook to your own look DLL. Rename all the classes and the Look-Strings, compile it into your own DLL and change the scheme to use it. This is what we did.

Or you wait a little for CEGUI 0.4 (or use the 0.4 branch in the CVS) and use the Falagard look, which is completely data driven.

Re: window set

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 16:25
by apperenticegp
Thanks for the advice Blakharaz. I got lost earlier when I'm on the WindowSet attribute of the scheme files.