I have modified the code in a similar way. But instead of using backwards compatibility, I put in two different hlsl shader versions: one for 2.0 and one using 4.0.
It then checks if 4.0 is available, and uses the 4.0 version or, if 2.0 is available, it uses the 2.0 version. CEGUI now renders just fine for me using the d3d9 and d3d11 render system in Ogre (1.9.0).
BUT: In D3D11 I got a problem. If I rendered CEGUI, it will no longer render anything else but CEGUI. The rest is tinted using the viewports background colour.
My suggestion is, that CEGUI somehow is messing up the render state since it manually calls low level stuff of the render system from Ogre3D to render things. But I do not exactly know what's going wrong. -.-
Code: Select all
// shader source code strings
static Ogre::String S_hlsl_vs_2_0_source(
"uniform float4x4 worldViewProjMatrix;"
"struct VS_OUT {"
" float4 position : POSITION;"
" float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;"
" float4 colour : COLOR;"
"VS_OUT main(float4 position : POSITION,"
" float2 uv : TEXCOORD0,"
" float4 colour : COLOR)"
" VS_OUT o;"
" o.uv = uv;"
" o.colour = colour;"
" o.position = mul(worldViewProjMatrix, position);"
" return o;"
static Ogre::String S_hlsl_vs_4_0_source(
"uniform matrix worldViewProjMatrix;"
"struct VS_OUT {"
" float4 position : SV_POSITION;"
" float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;"
" float4 colour : COLOR0;"
"VS_OUT main(float4 position : POSITION,"
" float2 uv : TEXCOORD0,"
" float4 colour : COLOR0)"
" VS_OUT o;"
" o.uv = uv;"
" o.colour = colour;"
" o.position = mul(worldViewProjMatrix, position);"
" return o;"
static Ogre::String S_hlsl_ps_2_0_source(
"float4 main(float4 colour : COLOR,"
" float2 texCoord : TEXCOORD0,"
" uniform sampler2D texture : TEXUNIT0) : COLOR"
" return tex2D(texture, texCoord) * colour;"
static Ogre::String S_hlsl_ps_4_0_source(
"struct VS_OUT {\n"
" float4 position : SV_POSITION;\n"
" float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;\n"
" float4 colour : COLOR;\n"
"SamplerState g_sampler\n"
" Filter = MIN_MAG_MIP_LINEAR;\n"
" AddressU = Wrap;\n"
" AddressV = Wrap;\n"
"float4 main(in VS_OUT input,\n"
" \n"
" uniform Texture2D diffuseMap : register (t0) ) : SV_TARGET\n"
" return diffuseMap.Sample(g_sampler, input.uv) * input.colour;\n"
//" return float4(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);\n"
Interface.log (CEGUI Log)
Code: Select all
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) + Crazy Eddie's GUI System - Event log +
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) + (http://www.cegui.org.uk/) +
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) CEGUI::Logger singleton created. (06EFBB98)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ********************************************************************************
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) * Important: *
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) * To get support at the CEGUI forums, you must post _at least_ the section *
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) * of this log file indicated below. Failure to do this will result in no *
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) * support being given; please do not waste our time. *
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ********************************************************************************
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ********************************************************************************
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) * -------- START OF ESSENTIAL SECTION TO BE POSTED ON THE FORUM -------- *
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ********************************************************************************
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- Version 0.7.9 (Build: Sep 7 2013 Static Microsoft Windows MSVC++ Great Scott! 32 bit) ----
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- Renderer module is: CEGUI::OgreRenderer - Official OGRE based 2nd generation renderer module. ----
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- XML Parser module is: CEGUI::ExpatParser - Official expat based parser module for CEGUI ----
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- Image Codec module is: SILLYImageCodec - Official SILLY based image codec ----
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- Scripting module is: CEGUI::LuaScriptModule - Official Lua based scripting module for CEGUI ----
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ********************************************************************************
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) * -------- END OF ESSENTIAL SECTION TO BE POSTED ON THE FORUM -------- *
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ********************************************************************************
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- Begining CEGUI System initialisation ----
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) CEGUI::ImagesetManager singleton created (06D7F270)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) CEGUI::FontManager singleton created. (06D7FAB0)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) CEGUI::WindowFactoryManager singleton created
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) CEGUI::WindowManager singleton created (06E80800)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) CEGUI::SchemeManager singleton created. (06D7F3F0)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) CEGUI::MouseCursor singleton created. (06E0B610)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) CEGUI::GlobalEventSet singleton created. (06E8D758)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) CEGUI::AnimationManager singleton created (06E3D628)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) CEGUI::WidgetLookManager singleton created. (06EAAAD8)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) CEGUI::WindowRendererManager singleton created (06EAAAF8)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) CEGUI::RenderEffectManager singleton created (06E09CB8)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowFactory for 'DefaultWindow' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowFactory for 'DefaultWindow' windows added. (06E3B770)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowFactory for 'DragContainer' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowFactory for 'DragContainer' windows added. (06E3B818)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowFactory for 'ScrolledContainer' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowFactory for 'ScrolledContainer' windows added. (06E3B8C0)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowFactory for 'ClippedContainer' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowFactory for 'ClippedContainer' windows added. (06E3B620)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Checkbox' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Checkbox' windows added. (06E3B968)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/PushButton' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/PushButton' windows added. (06E3B578)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/RadioButton' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/RadioButton' windows added. (06E3BA10)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Combobox' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Combobox' windows added. (06E3B6C8)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ComboDropList' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ComboDropList' windows added. (06E3B188)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Editbox' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Editbox' windows added. (06E3B230)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/FrameWindow' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/FrameWindow' windows added. (06E3B0E0)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ItemEntry' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ItemEntry' windows added. (06E3B380)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Listbox' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Listbox' windows added. (06E3B428)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ListHeader' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ListHeader' windows added. (06E3A7B0)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ListHeaderSegment' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ListHeaderSegment' windows added. (06E3A858)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Menubar' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Menubar' windows added. (06E3AE40)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/PopupMenu' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/PopupMenu' windows added. (06E3A3C0)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/MenuItem' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/MenuItem' windows added. (06E3A318)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/MultiColumnList' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/MultiColumnList' windows added. (06E39C88)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/MultiLineEditbox' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/MultiLineEditbox' windows added. (06E3A510)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ProgressBar' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ProgressBar' windows added. (06E3A270)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ScrollablePane' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ScrollablePane' windows added. (06E3A468)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Scrollbar' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Scrollbar' windows added. (06E3A5B8)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Slider' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Slider' windows added. (06E3A660)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Spinner' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Spinner' windows added. (06E3AF90)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/TabButton' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/TabButton' windows added. (06E39BE0)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/TabControl' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/TabControl' windows added. (06E39D30)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Thumb' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Thumb' windows added. (06E3A900)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Titlebar' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Titlebar' windows added. (06E3AC48)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Tooltip' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Tooltip' windows added. (06E3A9A8)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ItemListbox' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ItemListbox' windows added. (06E3A120)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/GroupBox' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/GroupBox' windows added. (06E3AA50)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Tree' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Tree' windows added. (06E39E80)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowFactory for 'HorizontalLayoutContainer' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowFactory for 'HorizontalLayoutContainer' windows added. (06E3AD98)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowFactory for 'VerticalLayoutContainer' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowFactory for 'VerticalLayoutContainer' windows added. (06E3A1C8)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowFactory for 'GridLayoutContainer' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowFactory for 'GridLayoutContainer' windows added. (06E3ACF0)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Window type alias named 'DefaultGUISheet' added for window type 'DefaultWindow'.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) CEGUI::System singleton created. (06E49EF0)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- CEGUI System initialisation completed ----
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- Creating Lua bindings ----
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Started creation of Scheme from XML specification:
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- CEGUI GUIScheme name: Interface
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Started creation of Imageset from XML specification:
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- CEGUI Imageset name: Interface
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- Source texture file: Imagesets/Interface.png in resource group: (Default)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Started creation of Imageset from XML specification:
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- CEGUI Imageset name: InterfaceOld
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- Source texture file: Imagesets/InterfaceOld.png in resource group: (Default)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Started creation of Imageset from XML specification:
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- CEGUI Imageset name: ChatBox
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- Source texture file: Imagesets/ChatBox.png in resource group: (Default)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Started creation of Imageset from XML specification:
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- CEGUI Imageset name: Logo
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- Source texture file: Imagesets/Logo.png in resource group: (Default)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Started creation of Imageset from XML specification:
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- CEGUI Imageset name: races
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- Source texture file: Imagesets/Races.png in resource group: (Default)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Started creation of Imageset from XML specification:
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- CEGUI Imageset name: skillicons
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- Source texture file: Imagesets/SkillIcons.png in resource group: (Default)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Started creation of Imageset from XML specification:
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- CEGUI Imageset name: Homeworks
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- Source texture file: Imagesets/Homeworks.png in resource group: (Default)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Started creation of Imageset from XML specification:
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- CEGUI Imageset name: screen
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- Source texture file: Imagesets/Screen.png in resource group: (Default)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Started creation of Font from XML specification:
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- CEGUI font name: AvQuest-16
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- Font type: FreeType
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- Source file: Fonts/AvQest.ttf in resource group: (Default)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- Real point size: 16
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Started creation of Font from XML specification:
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- CEGUI font name: AvQuest-24
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- Font type: FreeType
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- Source file: Fonts/AvQest.ttf in resource group: (Default)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- Real point size: 24
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Started creation of Font from XML specification:
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- CEGUI font name: Arial
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- Font type: Pixmap
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- Source file: Fonts/Arial.imageset in resource group: (Default)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Started creation of Imageset from XML specification:
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- CEGUI Imageset name: Arial
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- Source texture file: Fonts/Arial.png in resource group: (Default)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Started creation of Font from XML specification:
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- CEGUI font name: ArialBold
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- Font type: FreeType
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- Source file: Fonts/ArialBold.ttf in resource group: (Default)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- Real point size: 8
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Started creation of Font from XML specification:
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- CEGUI font name: Bold
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- Font type: Pixmap
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- Source file: Fonts/Bold.imageset in resource group: (Default)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Started creation of Imageset from XML specification:
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- CEGUI Imageset name: Bold
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- Source texture file: Fonts/Bold.png in resource group: (Default)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Started creation of Font from XML specification:
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- CEGUI font name: Chat
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- Font type: Pixmap
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- Source file: Fonts/Chat.imageset in resource group: (Default)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Started creation of Imageset from XML specification:
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- CEGUI Imageset name: Chat
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- Source texture file: Fonts/Chat.png in resource group: (Default)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Started creation of Font from XML specification:
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- CEGUI font name: ArialBordered
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- Font type: Pixmap
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- Source file: Fonts/ArialBordered.imageset in resource group: (Default)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Started creation of Imageset from XML specification:
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- CEGUI Imageset name: ArialBordered
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- Source texture file: Fonts/ArialBordered.png in resource group: (Default)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Started creation of Font from XML specification:
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- CEGUI font name: ArialBorderedScaled
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- Font type: Pixmap
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- Source file: Fonts/ArialBorderedScaled.imageset in resource group: (Default)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Started creation of Imageset from XML specification:
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- CEGUI Imageset name: ArialBorderedScaled
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- Source texture file: Fonts/ArialBorderedScaled.png in resource group: (Default)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Started creation of Font from XML specification:
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- CEGUI font name: ArialBold_Big
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- Font type: FreeType
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- Source file: Fonts/ArialBold.ttf in resource group: (Default)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- Real point size: 24
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ===== Falagard 'root' element: look and feel parsing begins =====
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ===== Look and feel parsing completed =====
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ===== Falagard 'root' element: look and feel parsing begins =====
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Error) CEGUI::UnknownObjectException in file ..\..\..\cegui\src\CEGUIImageset.cpp(133) : Imageset::getImage - The Image named 'HPProgressBarLitSegment' could not be found in Imageset 'InterfaceOld'.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ===== Look and feel parsing completed =====
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) No window renderer factories specified for module 'CEGUIFalagardWRBase' - adding all available factories...
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/Button' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/Button' added. (10C83568)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/Default' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/Default' added. (10C83178)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/Editbox' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/Editbox' added. (10C82998)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/FrameWindow' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/FrameWindow' added. (10C82A40)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/ItemEntry' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/ItemEntry' added. (10C82848)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/ListHeader' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/ListHeader' added. (10C82F80)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/ListHeaderSegment' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/ListHeaderSegment' added. (10C83370)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/Listbox' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/Listbox' added. (10C827A0)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/Menubar' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/Menubar' added. (10C821B8)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/MenuItem' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/MenuItem' added. (10C82ED8)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/MultiColumnList' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/MultiColumnList' added. (10C83418)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/MultiLineEditbox' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/MultiLineEditbox' added. (10C82110)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/PopupMenu' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/PopupMenu' added. (10C828F0)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/ProgressBar' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/ProgressBar' added. (10C82B90)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/ScrollablePane' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/ScrollablePane' added. (10C82C38)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/Scrollbar' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/Scrollbar' added. (10C82260)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/Slider' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/Slider' added. (10C82CE0)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/Static' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/Static' added. (10C83028)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/StaticImage' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/StaticImage' added. (10C82308)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/StaticText' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/StaticText' added. (10C823B0)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/SystemButton' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/SystemButton' added. (10C83610)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/TabButton' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/TabButton' added. (10C83BF8)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/TabControl' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/TabControl' added. (10C83CA0)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/Titlebar' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/Titlebar' added. (10C83E98)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/ToggleButton' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/ToggleButton' added. (10C836B8)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/Tooltip' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/Tooltip' added. (10C83760)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/ItemListbox' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/ItemListbox' added. (10C83808)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/Tree' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowRendererFactory 'Falagard/Tree' added. (10C83958)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Interface/Button' using base type 'CEGUI/PushButton', window renderer 'Falagard/Button' Look'N'Feel 'Interface/Button' and RenderEffect ''. (01BEB43C)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Interface/Label' using base type 'DefaultWindow', window renderer 'Falagard/Default' Look'N'Feel 'Interface/Label' and RenderEffect ''. (01BEB43C)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Interface/Image' using base type 'DefaultWindow', window renderer 'Falagard/Default' Look'N'Feel 'Interface/Image' and RenderEffect ''. (01BEB43C)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Interface/Panel' using base type 'DefaultWindow', window renderer 'Falagard/Default' Look'N'Feel 'Interface/Panel' and RenderEffect ''. (01BEB43C)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Interface/Panel2' using base type 'DefaultWindow', window renderer 'Falagard/Default' Look'N'Feel 'Interface/Panel2' and RenderEffect ''. (01BEB43C)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Interface/Tooltip' using base type 'CEGUI/Tooltip', window renderer 'Falagard/Tooltip' Look'N'Feel 'Interface/Tooltip' and RenderEffect ''. (01BEB43C)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Interface/Editbox' using base type 'CEGUI/Editbox', window renderer 'Falagard/Editbox' Look'N'Feel 'Interface/Editbox' and RenderEffect ''. (01BEB43C)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Interface/Chatbox' using base type 'CEGUI/Editbox', window renderer 'Falagard/Editbox' Look'N'Feel 'Interface/Chatbox' and RenderEffect ''. (01BEB43C)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Interface/VerticalScrollbar' using base type 'CEGUI/Scrollbar', window renderer 'Falagard/Scrollbar' Look'N'Feel 'Interface/VerticalScrollbar' and RenderEffect ''. (01BEB43C)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Interface/VerticalScrollbarThumb' using base type 'CEGUI/Thumb', window renderer 'Falagard/Button' Look'N'Feel 'Interface/VerticalScrollbarThumb' and RenderEffect ''. (01BEB43C)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Interface/FrameWindow' using base type 'CEGUI/FrameWindow', window renderer 'Falagard/FrameWindow' Look'N'Feel 'Interface/FrameWindow' and RenderEffect ''. (01BEB43C)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Interface/Titlebar' using base type 'CEGUI/Titlebar', window renderer 'Falagard/Titlebar' Look'N'Feel 'Interface/Titlebar' and RenderEffect ''. (01BEB43C)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Interface/ConsoleLogBox' using base type 'CEGUI/Listbox', window renderer 'Falagard/Listbox' Look'N'Feel 'Interface/ConsoleLogBox' and RenderEffect ''. (01BEB43C)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Interface/Checkbox' using base type 'CEGUI/Checkbox', window renderer 'Falagard/ToggleButton' Look'N'Feel 'InterfaceOld/Checkbox' and RenderEffect ''. (01BEB43C)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Interface/ImageButton' using base type 'CEGUI/PushButton', window renderer 'Falagard/Button' Look'N'Feel 'InterfaceOld/ImageButton' and RenderEffect ''. (01BEB43C)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Interface/RadioButton' using base type 'CEGUI/RadioButton', window renderer 'Falagard/ToggleButton' Look'N'Feel 'InterfaceOld/RadioButton' and RenderEffect ''. (01BEB43C)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Interface/SystemButton' using base type 'CEGUI/PushButton', window renderer 'Falagard/SystemButton' Look'N'Feel 'Interface/Button' and RenderEffect ''. (01BEB43C)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Interface/MultiLineEditbox' using base type 'CEGUI/MultiLineEditbox', window renderer 'Falagard/MultiLineEditbox' Look'N'Feel 'InterfaceOld/MultiLineEditbox' and RenderEffect ''. (01BEB43C)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Interface/ProgressBar' using base type 'CEGUI/ProgressBar', window renderer 'Falagard/ProgressBar' Look'N'Feel 'InterfaceOld/ProgressBar' and RenderEffect ''. (01BEB43C)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Interface/HorizontalScrollbar' using base type 'CEGUI/Scrollbar', window renderer 'Falagard/Scrollbar' Look'N'Feel 'InterfaceOld/HorizontalScrollbar' and RenderEffect ''. (01BEB43C)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Interface/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' using base type 'CEGUI/Thumb', window renderer 'Falagard/Button' Look'N'Feel 'InterfaceOld/HorizontalScrollbarThumb' and RenderEffect ''. (01BEB43C)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Interface/LargeVerticalScrollbar' using base type 'CEGUI/Scrollbar', window renderer 'Falagard/Scrollbar' Look'N'Feel 'InterfaceOld/LargeVerticalScrollbar' and RenderEffect ''. (01BEB43C)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Interface/LargeVerticalScrollbarThumb' using base type 'CEGUI/Thumb', window renderer 'Falagard/Button' Look'N'Feel 'InterfaceOld/LargeVerticalScrollbarThumb' and RenderEffect ''. (01BEB43C)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Interface/TabButton' using base type 'CEGUI/TabButton', window renderer 'Falagard/TabButton' Look'N'Feel 'InterfaceOld/TabButton' and RenderEffect ''. (01BEB43C)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Interface/TabControl' using base type 'CEGUI/TabControl', window renderer 'Falagard/TabControl' Look'N'Feel 'InterfaceOld/TabControl' and RenderEffect ''. (01BEB43C)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Interface/TabContentPane' using base type 'DefaultWindow', window renderer 'Falagard/Default' Look'N'Feel 'InterfaceOld/TabContentPane' and RenderEffect ''. (01BEB43C)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Interface/TabButtonPane' using base type 'DefaultWindow', window renderer 'Falagard/Default' Look'N'Feel 'InterfaceOld/TabButtonPane' and RenderEffect ''. (01BEB43C)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Interface/ComboDropList' using base type 'CEGUI/ComboDropList', window renderer 'Falagard/Listbox' Look'N'Feel 'InterfaceOld/ComboDropList' and RenderEffect ''. (01BEB43C)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Interface/ComboEditbox' using base type 'CEGUI/Editbox', window renderer 'Falagard/Editbox' Look'N'Feel 'InterfaceOld/ComboEditbox' and RenderEffect ''. (01BEB43C)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Interface/Combobox' using base type 'CEGUI/Combobox', window renderer 'Falagard/Default' Look'N'Feel 'InterfaceOld/Combobox' and RenderEffect ''. (01BEB43C)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Interface/Listbox' using base type 'CEGUI/Listbox', window renderer 'Falagard/Listbox' Look'N'Feel 'InterfaceOld/Listbox' and RenderEffect ''. (01BEB43C)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Interface/ListHeader' using base type 'CEGUI/ListHeader', window renderer 'Falagard/ListHeader' Look'N'Feel 'InterfaceOld/ListHeader' and RenderEffect ''. (01BEB43C)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Interface/ListHeaderSegment' using base type 'CEGUI/ListHeaderSegment', window renderer 'Falagard/ListHeaderSegment' Look'N'Feel 'InterfaceOld/ListHeaderSegment' and RenderEffect ''. (01BEB43C)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Interface/MultiColumnList' using base type 'CEGUI/MultiColumnList', window renderer 'Falagard/MultiColumnList' Look'N'Feel 'InterfaceOld/MultiColumnList' and RenderEffect ''. (01BEB43C)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Interface/Slider' using base type 'CEGUI/Slider', window renderer 'Falagard/Slider' Look'N'Feel 'InterfaceOld/Slider' and RenderEffect ''. (01BEB43C)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Interface/SliderThumb' using base type 'CEGUI/Thumb', window renderer 'Falagard/Button' Look'N'Feel 'InterfaceOld/SliderThumb' and RenderEffect ''. (01BEB43C)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Interface/ScrollablePane' using base type 'CEGUI/ScrollablePane', window renderer 'Falagard/ScrollablePane' Look'N'Feel 'InterfaceOld/ScrollablePane' and RenderEffect ''. (01BEB43C)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Interface/Spinner' using base type 'CEGUI/Spinner', window renderer 'Falagard/Default' Look'N'Feel 'InterfaceOld/Spinner' and RenderEffect ''. (01BEB43C)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Interface/SkillButton' using base type 'CEGUI/PushButton', window renderer 'Falagard/Button' Look'N'Feel 'InterfaceOld/SkillButton' and RenderEffect ''. (01BEB43C)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Interface/IconButton' using base type 'CEGUI/PushButton', window renderer 'Falagard/Button' Look'N'Feel 'InterfaceOld/IconButton' and RenderEffect ''. (01BEB43C)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Interface/GroupButton' using base type 'CEGUI/PushButton', window renderer 'Falagard/Button' Look'N'Feel 'InterfaceOld/GroupButton' and RenderEffect ''. (01BEB43C)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Interface/BuffIndicator' using base type 'CEGUI/PushButton', window renderer 'Falagard/Button' Look'N'Feel 'InterfaceOld/BuffIndicator' and RenderEffect ''. (01BEB43C)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowFactory for 'InventoryReceiver' windows added. (0705FA60)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowFactory for 'InventoryItem' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowFactory for 'InventoryItem' windows added. (10C83A00)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Created WindowRendererFactory for 'InventoryItemRenderer' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) WindowRendererFactory 'InventoryItemRenderer' added. (10C83AA8)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ===== Falagard 'root' element: look and feel parsing begins =====
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ===== Look and feel parsing completed =====
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) Creating falagard mapping for type 'Interface/InventoryItem' using base type 'InventoryItem', window renderer 'InventoryItemRenderer' Look'N'Feel 'Interface/InventoryItem' and RenderEffect ''. (01BED128)
03/01/2014 16:57:21 (Std) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'Layouts/MessageWindow.xml' ----
03/01/2014 16:57:22 (Std) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'Layouts/LoginWindow.xml' ----
03/01/2014 16:57:22 (Std) Attempting to create Imageset 'AvQuest-16_auto_glyph_images_ ' with texture only.
03/01/2014 16:57:22 (Std) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'Layouts/NewsWindow.xml' ----
03/01/2014 16:57:22 (Std) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'Layouts/OptionsWindow.xml' ----
03/01/2014 16:57:22 (Std) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'Layouts/OptionsPanel_Graphics.xml' ----
03/01/2014 16:57:22 (Std) Attempting to create Imageset 'AvQuest-24_auto_glyph_images_ ' with texture only.
03/01/2014 16:57:24 (Std) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'Layouts/RealmWindow.xml' ----
03/01/2014 16:57:25 (Std) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'Layouts/CharacterWindow.xml' ----
03/01/2014 16:57:25 (Std) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'Layouts/CharacterButtonWindow.xml' ----
03/01/2014 16:57:26 (Std) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'Layouts/RealmWindow.xml' ----
03/01/2014 16:57:26 (Std) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'Layouts/RealmWindow.xml' ----
03/01/2014 16:57:26 (Std) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'Layouts/RealmWindow.xml' ----
03/01/2014 16:57:27 (Std) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'Layouts/LoginWindow.xml' ----
03/01/2014 16:57:27 (Std) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'Layouts/NewsWindow.xml' ----
03/01/2014 16:57:27 (Std) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'Layouts/OptionsWindow.xml' ----
03/01/2014 16:57:27 (Std) ---- Successfully completed loading of GUI layout from 'Layouts/OptionsPanel_Graphics.xml' ----
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) ---- Begining CEGUI System destruction ----
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Tree' windows removed. (06E39E80)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Tree' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Thumb' windows removed. (06E3A900)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Thumb' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Slider' windows removed. (06E3A660)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Slider' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Editbox' windows removed. (06E3B230)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Editbox' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Listbox' windows removed. (06E3B428)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Listbox' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Menubar' windows removed. (06E3AE40)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Menubar' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Spinner' windows removed. (06E3AF90)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Spinner' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Tooltip' windows removed. (06E3A9A8)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Tooltip' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowFactory for 'DefaultWindow' windows removed. (06E3B770)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowFactory for 'DefaultWindow' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowFactory for 'DragContainer' windows removed. (06E3B818)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowFactory for 'DragContainer' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowFactory for 'InventoryItem' windows removed. (10C83A00)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowFactory for 'InventoryItem' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Checkbox' windows removed. (06E3B968)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Checkbox' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Combobox' windows removed. (06E3B6C8)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Combobox' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/GroupBox' windows removed. (06E3AA50)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/GroupBox' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/MenuItem' windows removed. (06E3A318)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/MenuItem' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Titlebar' windows removed. (06E3AC48)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Titlebar' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ItemEntry' windows removed. (06E3B380)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ItemEntry' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/PopupMenu' windows removed. (06E3A3C0)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/PopupMenu' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Scrollbar' windows removed. (06E3A5B8)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/Scrollbar' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/TabButton' windows removed. (06E39BE0)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/TabButton' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ListHeader' windows removed. (06E3A7B0)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ListHeader' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/PushButton' windows removed. (06E3B578)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/PushButton' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/TabControl' windows removed. (06E39D30)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/TabControl' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowFactory for 'ClippedContainer' windows removed. (06E3B620)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowFactory for 'ClippedContainer' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/FrameWindow' windows removed. (06E3B0E0)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/FrameWindow' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ItemListbox' windows removed. (06E3A120)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ItemListbox' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ProgressBar' windows removed. (06E3A270)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ProgressBar' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/RadioButton' windows removed. (06E3BA10)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/RadioButton' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowFactory for 'InventoryReceiver' windows removed. (0705FA60)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowFactory for 'ScrolledContainer' windows removed. (06E3B8C0)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowFactory for 'ScrolledContainer' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ComboDropList' windows removed. (06E3B188)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ComboDropList' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowFactory for 'GridLayoutContainer' windows removed. (06E3ACF0)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowFactory for 'GridLayoutContainer' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ScrollablePane' windows removed. (06E3A468)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ScrollablePane' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/MultiColumnList' windows removed. (06E39C88)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/MultiColumnList' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/MultiLineEditbox' windows removed. (06E3A510)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/MultiLineEditbox' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ListHeaderSegment' windows removed. (06E3A858)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowFactory for 'CEGUI/ListHeaderSegment' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowFactory for 'VerticalLayoutContainer' windows removed. (06E3A1C8)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowFactory for 'VerticalLayoutContainer' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowFactory for 'HorizontalLayoutContainer' windows removed. (06E3AD98)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowFactory for 'HorizontalLayoutContainer' windows.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) ---- Destroying Lua bindings ----
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) ---- Begining cleanup of GUI Scheme system ----
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/Button' WindowRenderers removed. (10C83568)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/Button' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/Default' WindowRenderers removed. (10C83178)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/Default' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/Editbox' WindowRenderers removed. (10C82998)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/Editbox' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/FrameWindow' WindowRenderers removed. (10C82A40)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/FrameWindow' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/ItemEntry' WindowRenderers removed. (10C82848)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/ItemEntry' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/ListHeader' WindowRenderers removed. (10C82F80)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/ListHeader' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/ListHeaderSegment' WindowRenderers removed. (10C83370)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/ListHeaderSegment' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/Listbox' WindowRenderers removed. (10C827A0)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/Listbox' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/Menubar' WindowRenderers removed. (10C821B8)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/Menubar' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/MenuItem' WindowRenderers removed. (10C82ED8)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/MenuItem' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/MultiColumnList' WindowRenderers removed. (10C83418)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/MultiColumnList' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/MultiLineEditbox' WindowRenderers removed. (10C82110)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/MultiLineEditbox' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/PopupMenu' WindowRenderers removed. (10C828F0)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/PopupMenu' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/ProgressBar' WindowRenderers removed. (10C82B90)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/ProgressBar' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/ScrollablePane' WindowRenderers removed. (10C82C38)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/ScrollablePane' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/Scrollbar' WindowRenderers removed. (10C82260)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/Scrollbar' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/Slider' WindowRenderers removed. (10C82CE0)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/Slider' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/Static' WindowRenderers removed. (10C83028)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/Static' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/StaticImage' WindowRenderers removed. (10C82308)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/StaticImage' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/StaticText' WindowRenderers removed. (10C823B0)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/StaticText' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/SystemButton' WindowRenderers removed. (10C83610)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/SystemButton' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/TabButton' WindowRenderers removed. (10C83BF8)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/TabButton' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/TabControl' WindowRenderers removed. (10C83CA0)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/TabControl' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/Titlebar' WindowRenderers removed. (10C83E98)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/Titlebar' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/ToggleButton' WindowRenderers removed. (10C836B8)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/ToggleButton' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/Tooltip' WindowRenderers removed. (10C83760)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/Tooltip' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/ItemListbox' WindowRenderers removed. (10C83808)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/ItemListbox' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/Tree' WindowRenderers removed. (10C83958)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) Deleted WindowRendererFactory for 'Falagard/Tree' WindowRenderers.
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) CEGUI::SchemeManager singleton destroyed. (06D7F3F0)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) CEGUI::WindowManager singleton destroyed (06E80800)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) CEGUI::WindowFactoryManager singleton destroyed
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) CEGUI::WidgetLookManager singleton destroyed. (06EAAAD8)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) CEGUI::WindowRendererManager singleton destroyed (06EAAAF8)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) CEGUI::AnimationManager singleton destroyed (06E3D628)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) CEGUI::RenderEffectManager singleton destroyed (06E09CB8)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) ---- Begining cleanup of Font system ----
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) CEGUI::FontManager singleton destroyed. (06D7FAB0)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) CEGUI::MouseCursor singleton destroyed. (06E0B610)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) ---- Begining cleanup of Imageset system ----
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) CEGUI::ImagesetManager singleton destroyed (06D7F270)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) CEGUI::GlobalEventSet singleton destroyed. (06E8D758)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) CEGUI::System singleton destroyed. (06E49EF0)
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) ---- CEGUI System destruction completed ----
03/01/2014 16:57:28 (Std) CEGUI::Logger singleton destroyed. (06EFBB98)
Grpahics.log (Ogre3D Log)
Code: Select all
16:57:20: Creating resource group General
16:57:20: Creating resource group Internal
16:57:20: Creating resource group Autodetect
16:57:20: SceneManagerFactory for type 'DefaultSceneManager' registered.
16:57:20: Registering ResourceManager for type Material
16:57:20: Registering ResourceManager for type Mesh
16:57:20: Registering ResourceManager for type Skeleton
16:57:20: MovableObjectFactory for type 'ParticleSystem' registered.
16:57:20: ArchiveFactory for archive type FileSystem registered.
16:57:20: ArchiveFactory for archive type Zip registered.
16:57:20: ArchiveFactory for archive type EmbeddedZip registered.
16:57:20: DDS codec registering
16:57:20: FreeImage version: 3.15.3
16:57:20: This program uses FreeImage, a free, open source image library supporting all common bitmap formats. See http://freeimage.sourceforge.net for details
16:57:20: Supported formats: bmp,ico,jpg,jif,jpeg,jpe,jng,koa,iff,lbm,mng,pbm,pbm,pcd,pcx,pgm,pgm,png,ppm,ppm,ras,tga,targa,tif,tiff,wap,wbmp,wbm,psd,cut,xbm,xpm,gif,hdr,g3,sgi,exr,j2k,j2c,jp2,pfm,pct,pict,pic,3fr,arw,bay,bmq,cap,cine,cr2,crw,cs1,dc2,dcr,drf,dsc,dng,erf,fff,ia,iiq,k25,kc2,kdc,mdc,mef,mos,mrw,nef,nrw,orf,pef,ptx,pxn,qtk,raf,raw,rdc,rw2,rwl,rwz,sr2,srf,srw,sti
16:57:20: Registering ResourceManager for type HighLevelGpuProgram
16:57:20: Registering ResourceManager for type Compositor
16:57:20: MovableObjectFactory for type 'Entity' registered.
16:57:20: MovableObjectFactory for type 'Light' registered.
16:57:20: MovableObjectFactory for type 'BillboardSet' registered.
16:57:20: MovableObjectFactory for type 'ManualObject' registered.
16:57:20: MovableObjectFactory for type 'BillboardChain' registered.
16:57:20: MovableObjectFactory for type 'RibbonTrail' registered.
16:57:20: *-*-* OGRE Initialising
16:57:20: *-*-* Version 1.9.0unstable (Ghadamon)
16:57:20: Creating resource group Settings
16:57:20: Added resource location 'C:\Users\Kyoril\Documents\MORPG\Settings' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'Settings'
16:57:20: Loading library Plugins/RenderSystem_Direct3D9
16:57:20: Installing plugin: D3D9 RenderSystem
16:57:20: D3D9 : Direct3D9 Rendering Subsystem created.
16:57:20: D3D9: Driver Detection Starts
16:57:20: D3D9: Driver Detection Ends
16:57:20: Plugin successfully installed
16:57:20: Loading library Plugins/RenderSystem_Direct3D11
16:57:20: Installing plugin: D3D11 RenderSystem
16:57:20: D3D11 : Direct3D11 Rendering Subsystem created.
16:57:20: D3D11: Driver Detection Starts
16:57:20: D3D11: Driver Detection Ends
16:57:20: Plugin successfully installed
16:57:20: Loading library Plugins/RenderSystem_GL
16:57:20: Installing plugin: GL RenderSystem
16:57:20: OpenGL Rendering Subsystem created.
16:57:21: Plugin successfully installed
16:57:21: Loading library Plugins/Plugin_ParticleFX
16:57:21: Installing plugin: ParticleFX
16:57:21: Particle Emitter Type 'Point' registered
16:57:21: Particle Emitter Type 'Box' registered
16:57:21: Particle Emitter Type 'Ellipsoid' registered
16:57:21: Particle Emitter Type 'Cylinder' registered
16:57:21: Particle Emitter Type 'Ring' registered
16:57:21: Particle Emitter Type 'HollowEllipsoid' registered
16:57:21: Particle Affector Type 'LinearForce' registered
16:57:21: Particle Affector Type 'ColourFader' registered
16:57:21: Particle Affector Type 'ColourFader2' registered
16:57:21: Particle Affector Type 'ColourImage' registered
16:57:21: Particle Affector Type 'ColourInterpolator' registered
16:57:21: Particle Affector Type 'Scaler' registered
16:57:21: Particle Affector Type 'Rotator' registered
16:57:21: Particle Affector Type 'DirectionRandomiser' registered
16:57:21: Particle Affector Type 'DeflectorPlane' registered
16:57:21: Plugin successfully installed
16:57:21: D3D11 : RenderSystem Option: Allow NVPerfHUD = No
16:57:21: D3D11 : RenderSystem Option: Driver type = Hardware
16:57:21: D3D11 : RenderSystem Option: FSAA = 8
16:57:21: D3D11 : RenderSystem Option: Floating-point mode = Fastest
16:57:21: D3D11 : RenderSystem Option: Full Screen = No
16:57:21: D3D11 : RenderSystem Option: Information Queue Exceptions Bottom Level = No information queue exceptions
16:57:21: D3D11 : RenderSystem Option: Max Requested Feature Levels = 11.0
16:57:21: D3D11 : RenderSystem Option: Min Requested Feature Levels = 9.1
16:57:21: D3D11 : RenderSystem Option: Rendering Device = NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560
16:57:21: D3D11 : RenderSystem Option: VSync = Yes
16:57:21: D3D11 : RenderSystem Option: VSync Interval = 1
16:57:21: D3D11 : RenderSystem Option: Video Mode = 1280 x 800 @ 32-bit colour
16:57:21: D3D11 : RenderSystem Option: sRGB Gamma Conversion = No
16:57:21: D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: Allow DirectX9Ex = No
16:57:21: D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: Allow NVPerfHUD = No
16:57:21: D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: FSAA = 8
16:57:21: D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: Fixed Pipeline Enabled = Yes
16:57:21: D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: Floating-point mode = Fastest
16:57:21: D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: Full Screen = Yes
16:57:21: D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: Multi device memory hint = Use minimum system memory
16:57:21: D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: Rendering Device = Monitor-1-NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560
16:57:21: D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: Resource Creation Policy = Create on all devices
16:57:21: D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: Use Multihead = Auto
16:57:21: D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: VSync = Yes
16:57:21: D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: VSync Interval = 1
16:57:21: D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: Video Mode = 1920 x 1080 @ 32-bit colour
16:57:21: D3D9 : RenderSystem Option: sRGB Gamma Conversion = No
16:57:21: CPU Identifier & Features
16:57:21: -------------------------
16:57:21: * CPU ID: GenuineIntel: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3570K CPU @ 3.40GHz
16:57:21: * SSE: yes
16:57:21: * SSE2: yes
16:57:21: * SSE3: yes
16:57:21: * MMX: yes
16:57:21: * MMXEXT: yes
16:57:21: * 3DNOW: no
16:57:21: * 3DNOWEXT: no
16:57:21: * CMOV: yes
16:57:21: * TSC: yes
16:57:21: * FPU: yes
16:57:21: * PRO: yes
16:57:21: * HT: no
16:57:21: -------------------------
16:57:21: D3D11 : Subsystem Initialising
16:57:21: D3D11RenderSystem::_createRenderWindow "MORPG Project", 1280x800 windowed miscParams: FSAA=8 FSAAHint= colourDepth=16 gamma=false useNVPerfHUD=false vsync=true vsyncInterval=1
16:57:21: D3D11 : Created D3D11 Rendering Window 'MORPG Project' : 1280x800, 16bpp
16:57:21: Registering ResourceManager for type Texture
16:57:21: Registering ResourceManager for type GpuProgram
16:57:21: RenderSystem capabilities
16:57:21: -------------------------
16:57:21: RenderSystem Name: Direct3D11 Rendering Subsystem
16:57:21: GPU Vendor: nvidia
16:57:21: Device Name: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560
16:57:21: Driver Version:
16:57:21: * Fixed function pipeline: no
16:57:21: * Hardware generation of mipmaps: yes
16:57:21: * Texture blending: yes
16:57:21: * Anisotropic texture filtering: yes
16:57:21: * Dot product texture operation: yes
16:57:21: * Cube mapping: yes
16:57:21: * Hardware stencil buffer: yes
16:57:21: - Stencil depth: 8
16:57:21: - Two sided stencil support: yes
16:57:21: - Wrap stencil values: yes
16:57:21: * Hardware vertex / index buffers: yes
16:57:21: * Vertex programs: yes
16:57:21: * Number of floating-point constants for vertex programs: 512
16:57:21: * Number of integer constants for vertex programs: 16
16:57:21: * Number of boolean constants for vertex programs: 16
16:57:21: * Fragment programs: yes
16:57:21: * Number of floating-point constants for fragment programs: 512
16:57:21: * Number of integer constants for fragment programs: 16
16:57:21: * Number of boolean constants for fragment programs: 16
16:57:21: * Geometry programs: yes
16:57:21: * Number of floating-point constants for geometry programs: 512
16:57:21: * Number of integer constants for geometry programs: 16
16:57:21: * Number of boolean constants for geometry programs: 16
16:57:21: * Tesselation Hull programs: yes
16:57:21: * Number of floating-point constants for tesselation hull programs: 512
16:57:21: * Number of integer constants for tesselation hull programs: 16
16:57:21: * Number of boolean constants for tesselation hull programs: 16
16:57:21: * Tesselation Domain programs: yes
16:57:21: * Number of floating-point constants for tesselation domain programs: 512
16:57:21: * Number of integer constants for tesselation domain programs: 16
16:57:21: * Number of boolean constants for tesselation domain programs: 16
16:57:21: * Compute programs: yes
16:57:21: * Number of floating-point constants for compute programs: 512
16:57:21: * Number of integer constants for compute programs: 16
16:57:21: * Number of boolean constants for compute programs: 16
16:57:21: * Supported Shader Profiles: cs_4_0 cs_4_1 cs_5_0 ds_5_0 gs_4_0 gs_4_1 gs_5_0 hlsl hs_5_0 ps_4_0 ps_4_0_level_9_1 ps_4_0_level_9_3 ps_4_1 ps_5_0 vs_4_0 vs_4_0_level_9_1 vs_4_0_level_9_3 vs_4_1 vs_5_0
16:57:21: * Texture Compression: yes
16:57:21: - DXT: yes
16:57:21: - VTC: no
16:57:21: - PVRTC: no
16:57:21: - BC4/BC5: no
16:57:21: - BC6H/BC7: no
16:57:21: * Scissor Rectangle: yes
16:57:21: * Hardware Occlusion Query: yes
16:57:21: * User clip planes: yes
16:57:21: * VET_UBYTE4 vertex element type: yes
16:57:21: * Infinite far plane projection: yes
16:57:21: * Hardware render-to-texture: yes
16:57:21: * Floating point textures: yes
16:57:21: * Non-power-of-two textures: yes
16:57:21: * 1d textures: yes
16:57:21: * Volume textures: yes
16:57:21: * Multiple Render Targets: 8
16:57:21: - With different bit depths: yes
16:57:21: * Point Sprites: yes
16:57:21: * Extended point parameters: yes
16:57:21: * Max Point Size: 256
16:57:21: * Vertex texture fetch: yes
16:57:21: * Number of world matrices: 0
16:57:21: * Number of texture units: 16
16:57:21: * Stencil buffer depth: 8
16:57:21: * Number of vertex blend matrices: 0
16:57:21: - Max vertex textures: 4
16:57:21: - Vertex textures shared: no
16:57:21: * Render to Vertex Buffer : yes
16:57:21: * Hardware Atomic Counters: no
16:57:21: ***************************************
16:57:21: *** D3D11 : Subsystem Initialized OK ***
16:57:21: ***************************************
16:57:21: DefaultWorkQueue('Root') initialising on thread 76c.
16:57:21: Particle Renderer Type 'billboard' registered
16:57:21: DefaultWorkQueue('Root')::WorkerFunc - thread 1cf4 starting.
16:57:21: DefaultWorkQueue('Root')::WorkerFunc - thread 1c34 starting.
16:57:21: DefaultWorkQueue('Root')::WorkerFunc - thread 864 starting.
16:57:21: DefaultWorkQueue('Root')::WorkerFunc - thread 1340 starting.
16:57:21: Added resource location 'C:/MORPG/assets.git\Assets' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
16:57:21: Added resource location 'C:/MORPG/assets.git\Assets/Compositors' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
16:57:21: Added resource location 'C:/MORPG/assets.git\Assets/Materials' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
16:57:21: Added resource location 'C:/MORPG/assets.git\Assets/Particles' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
16:57:21: Added resource location 'C:/MORPG/assets.git\Assets/Programs' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'General'
16:57:21: Creating resource group Core
16:57:21: Added resource location 'C:/MORPG/assets.git\Core' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'Core'
16:57:21: Creating resource group Interface
16:57:21: Added resource location 'C:/MORPG/assets.git\Interface' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'Interface'
16:57:21: Creating resource group Audio
16:57:21: Added resource location 'C:/MORPG/assets.git\Music' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'Audio'
16:57:21: Creating resource group World
16:57:21: Added resource location 'C:/MORPG/assets.git\World' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'World'
16:57:21: Parsing scripts for resource group Audio
16:57:21: Finished parsing scripts for resource group Audio
16:57:21: Creating resources for group Audio
16:57:21: All done
16:57:21: Parsing scripts for resource group Autodetect
16:57:21: Finished parsing scripts for resource group Autodetect
16:57:21: Creating resources for group Autodetect
16:57:21: All done
16:57:21: Parsing scripts for resource group Core
16:57:21: Finished parsing scripts for resource group Core
16:57:21: Creating resources for group Core
16:57:21: All done
16:57:21: Parsing scripts for resource group General
16:57:21: Parsing script ASharedParameters.program
16:57:21: Parsing script Bloom.program
16:57:21: Parsing script Cooldown.program
16:57:21: Parsing script Lighting.program
16:57:21: Parsing script Lighting_D3D11.program
16:57:21: Parsing script Lighting_D3D9.program
16:57:21: Parsing script ShadowCaster.program
16:57:21: Parsing script ShadowReceiver.program
16:57:21: Parsing script Sky.program
16:57:21: Parsing script Sky_D3D11.program
16:57:21: Parsing script Sky_D3D9.program
16:57:21: Parsing script Splatting.program
16:57:21: Parsing script Splatting_D3D11.program
16:57:21: Parsing script Splatting_D3D9.program
16:57:21: Parsing script VertexColor.program
16:57:21: Parsing script VertexColorDiffuse.program
16:57:21: Parsing script Arena.material
16:57:21: Parsing script Banner.material
16:57:21: Parsing script Base.material
16:57:21: Parsing script Bloom.material
16:57:21: Parsing script Cooldown.material
16:57:21: Parsing script Grid.material
16:57:21: Parsing script Highlight.material
16:57:21: Parsing script Mage.material
16:57:21: Parsing script Mr_Skull.material
16:57:21: Parsing script Particles.material
16:57:21: Parsing script Path.material
16:57:21: Parsing script Pillar.material
16:57:21: Parsing script Shadow.material
16:57:21: Parsing script ShadowMaterials.material
16:57:21: Parsing script Sky.material
16:57:21: Parsing script Aureola.particle
16:57:21: Parsing script GreenyNimbus.particle
16:57:21: Parsing script JetEngine1.particle
16:57:21: Parsing script JetEngine2.particle
16:57:21: Parsing script PurpleFountain.particle
16:57:21: Parsing script Rain.particle
16:57:21: Parsing script Snow.particle
16:57:21: Parsing script Swarm.particle
16:57:21: Parsing script Test.particle
16:57:21: Parsing script Bloom.compositor
16:57:21: Finished parsing scripts for resource group General
16:57:21: Creating resources for group General
16:57:21: All done
16:57:21: Parsing scripts for resource group Interface
16:57:21: Finished parsing scripts for resource group Interface
16:57:21: Creating resources for group Interface
16:57:21: All done
16:57:21: Parsing scripts for resource group Internal
16:57:21: Finished parsing scripts for resource group Internal
16:57:21: Creating resources for group Internal
16:57:21: All done
16:57:21: Parsing scripts for resource group Settings
16:57:21: Finished parsing scripts for resource group Settings
16:57:21: Creating resources for group Settings
16:57:21: All done
16:57:21: Parsing scripts for resource group World
16:57:21: Finished parsing scripts for resource group World
16:57:21: Creating resources for group World
16:57:21: All done
16:57:21: WARNING: material Bloom/BloomBlend2 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation:
Pass 0: Vertex program Blur_vs11_hlsl cannot be used - not supported.
16:57:21: WARNING: material Bloom/BloomBlend2 has no supportable Techniques and will be blank. Explanation:
Pass 0: Vertex program Blur_vs11_hlsl cannot be used - not supported.
16:57:21: CompositorChain: Compositor Bloom has no supported techniques.
16:57:21: OverlayElementFactory for type Panel registered.
16:57:21: OverlayElementFactory for type BorderPanel registered.
16:57:21: OverlayElementFactory for type TextArea registered.
16:57:21: Registering ResourceManager for type Font
16:57:21: Creating resource group Locale_deDE
16:57:21: Added resource location 'C:/MORPG/assets.git\Locales\Locale_deDE' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'Locale_deDE'
16:57:21: Initialising resource group Locale_deDE
16:57:21: Parsing scripts for resource group Locale_deDE
16:57:21: Finished parsing scripts for resource group Locale_deDE
16:57:21: Creating resources for group Locale_deDE
16:57:21: All done
16:57:21: Creating resource group Locale_enGB
16:57:21: Added resource location 'C:/MORPG/assets.git\Locales\Locale_enGB' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'Locale_enGB'
16:57:21: Initialising resource group Locale_enGB
16:57:21: Parsing scripts for resource group Locale_enGB
16:57:21: Finished parsing scripts for resource group Locale_enGB
16:57:21: Creating resources for group Locale_enGB
16:57:21: All done
16:57:21: Creating resource group Locale_enUS
16:57:21: Added resource location 'C:/MORPG/assets.git\Locales\Locale_enUS' of type 'FileSystem' to resource group 'Locale_enUS'
16:57:21: Initialising resource group Locale_enUS
16:57:21: Parsing scripts for resource group Locale_enUS
16:57:21: Finished parsing scripts for resource group Locale_enUS
16:57:21: Creating resources for group Locale_enUS
16:57:21: All done
16:57:21: Texture: _cegui_ogre_0: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8B8G8R8,1024x1024x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8B8G8R8,1024x1024x1.
16:57:21: Texture: _cegui_ogre_1: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8B8G8R8,1024x1024x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8B8G8R8,1024x1024x1.
16:57:21: Texture: _cegui_ogre_2: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8B8G8R8,128x128x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8B8G8R8,128x128x1.
16:57:21: Texture: _cegui_ogre_3: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8B8G8R8,1024x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8B8G8R8,1024x256x1.
16:57:21: Texture: _cegui_ogre_4: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8B8G8R8,256x192x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8B8G8R8,256x192x1.
16:57:21: Texture: _cegui_ogre_5: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8B8G8R8,512x512x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8B8G8R8,512x512x1.
16:57:21: Texture: _cegui_ogre_6: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8B8G8R8,512x128x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8B8G8R8,512x128x1.
16:57:21: Texture: _cegui_ogre_7: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8B8G8R8,32x32x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8B8G8R8,32x32x1.
16:57:21: Texture: _cegui_ogre_8: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8B8G8R8,512x512x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8B8G8R8,512x512x1.
16:57:21: Texture: _cegui_ogre_9: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8B8G8R8,512x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8B8G8R8,512x256x1.
16:57:21: Texture: _cegui_ogre_10: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8B8G8R8,512x512x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8B8G8R8,512x512x1.
16:57:21: Texture: _cegui_ogre_11: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8B8G8R8,1024x512x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8B8G8R8,1024x512x1.
16:57:21: Texture: _cegui_ogre_12: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8B8G8R8,1024x512x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8B8G8R8,1024x512x1.
16:57:22: Texture: _cegui_ogre_13: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8B8G8R8,256x256x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8B8G8R8,256x256x1.
16:57:22: Texture: _cegui_ogre_14: Loading 1 faces(PF_A8B8G8R8,512x512x1) with 0 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_A8B8G8R8,512x512x1.
16:57:25: Mesh: Loading Models/Characters/Mage/Mage.mesh.
16:57:25: Skeleton: Loading Mage.skeleton
16:57:25: OGRE EXCEPTION(6:FileNotFoundException): Cannot locate resource Mage.skeleton in resource group General or any other group. in ResourceGroupManager::openResource at ..\..\..\..\OgreMain\src\OgreResourceGroupManager.cpp (line 756)
16:57:25: Unable to load skeleton Mage.skeleton for Mesh Models/Characters/Mage/Mage.mesh. This Mesh will not be animated. You can ignore this message if you are using an offline tool.
16:57:25: WARNING: Models/Characters/Mage/Mage.mesh is an older format ([MeshSerializer_v1.41]); you should upgrade it as soon as possible using the OgreMeshUpgrade tool.
16:57:25: Texture: Textures/Characters/Mage/Mage_clothes_dif.dds: Loading 1 faces(PF_DXT1,2048x2048x1) with 11 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_DXT1,2048x2048x1.
16:57:25: Texture: Textures/Characters/Mage/Mage_clothes_normals.dds: Loading 1 faces(PF_DXT1,4096x4096x1) with 12 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_DXT1,4096x4096x1.
16:57:25: Texture: Textures/Characters/Mage/Mage_Skintextures_dif.dds: Loading 1 faces(PF_DXT1,2048x2048x1) with 11 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_DXT1,2048x2048x1.
16:57:25: Texture: Textures/Characters/Mage/Mage_Skintextures_normals.dds: Loading 1 faces(PF_DXT1,2048x2048x1) with 11 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_DXT1,2048x2048x1.
16:57:25: Texture: Textures/Characters/Mage/Mage_metall_Dif.dds: Loading 1 faces(PF_DXT1,2048x2048x1) with 11 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_DXT1,2048x2048x1.
16:57:25: Texture: Textures/Characters/Mage/Mage_metall_normals.dds: Loading 1 faces(PF_DXT1,2048x2048x1) with 11 generated mipmaps from Image. Internal format is PF_DXT1,2048x2048x1.
16:57:28: OGRE EXCEPTION(5:ItemIdentityException): Cannot find a writable location in group Settings in ResourceGroupManager::createResource at ..\..\..\..\OgreMain\src\OgreResourceGroupManager.cpp (line 845)
Edit: I got it working now - well, almost xD The problem was that the scissor test wasn't turned off. So all I did was to put...
Code: Select all
d_renderSystem.setScissorTest(false, 0, 0, 0, 0);
...at the end of void OgreGeometryBuffer::draw() const in CEGUIOgreGeometryBuffer.cpp and it renders!
![Very Happy :D](./images/smilies/icon_biggrin.gif)
Well, now my textures are fucked up, but I already have a guess why that happens...
Edit 2: I got it fixed now. It wasn't CEGUIs fault - Ogre 1.9.0 don't like my dds textures and messed them up
![Sad :(](./images/smilies/icon_sad.gif)
Well, everything is fine now ^^