Hi, thanks for your help
I appreciate it
Unfortunately it could not solve my problem with the menu construct
I've dealt now some more time with the issue and found something that could help. For some time past I went throught
this tutorial and found out that my application crashes in the debug configuration. Now, with the new 0.6.2 CEGUI release it crashes even in debug configuration when I click on one of the menu items.
Quote from the tutorial:
The demo subscribes to the MenuItem::EventMouseEnters event for two features. The first is to display a message when the mouse hovers over a menuitem. The text displayed is stored within the Tooltip property within the Layout Editor. The second is to automatically open a submenu. This code is within the onMouseEntersMenuItem() function.
The code to automatically close a menu (when the mouse leaves) is within the onMouseLeavesMenuItem() and onMouseLeavesPopupMenuItem() functions, called in response to a MenuItem::EventMouseLeaves event.
As mentioned, the code shown in the tutorial lets the menubar open its menu item entries automatically.
Without these both event functions (from the tutorial): - onMouseEntersMenuItem and onMouseLeavesMenuItem - the aplication runs well.
Conclusion: it has something to do with the both functions ::openPopupMenu and ::closePopupMenu that were changed in the newest release in some way and that manipulate this method CEGUI::System::getSingleton().injectMouseButtonUp to make the application crash.
I think the best bet would be to dispense with the automatically opened-menu-items although, this functionality is very comfortable