Both of these scenarios are possible and what gets drawn and how is controlled in the looknfeel specifications. Basically, the imagery specified under the EnabledProgress and DisabledProgress StateImagery parts is drawn
into the area specified in the ProgressArea NamedArea, and - crucially - clipped at a point determined by scaling by the current progress. Since you do not want the clipping, all you need to do is scale the areas for the progress imagery by the current progress (i.e. setting the right edge to coincide with the right edge of the clipping area - thus, the imagery is drawn unclipped).
For example, you might have an imagery section named "progress_imagery", and define it as such:
Code: Select all
<ImagerySection name="progress_imagery" >
<Dim type="LeftEdge" ><AbsoluteDim value="0" /></Dim>
<Dim type="TopEdge" ><AbsoluteDim value="0" /></Dim>
<Dim type="Width" >
<UnifiedDim scale="1" type="Width">
<DimOperator op="Multiply">
<PropertyDim name="CurrentProgress" />
<Dim type="Height" ><UnifiedDim scale="1" type="Height" /></Dim>
<Image type="TopLeftCorner" imageset="AnImageset" image="FrameTopLeft" />
<Image type="TopRightCorner" imageset="AnImageset" image="FrameTopRight" />
<Image type="BottomLeftCorner" imageset="AnImageset" image="FrameBottomLeft" />
<Image type="BottomRightCorner" imageset="AnImageset" image="FrameBottomRight" />
<Image type="LeftEdge" imageset="AnImageset" image="FrameLeft" />
<Image type="TopEdge" imageset="AnImageset" image="FrameTop" />
<Image type="RightEdge" imageset="AnImageset" image="FrameRight" />
<Image type="BottomEdge" imageset="AnImageset" image="FrameBottom" />
<Image type="Background" imageset="AnImageset" image="FrameMiddle" />
The important part is where the width is multiplied by the current progress value, here:
Code: Select all
<Dim type="Width" >
<UnifiedDim scale="1" type="Width">
<DimOperator op="Multiply">
<PropertyDim name="CurrentProgress" />