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CELayout Editor requires silly - make configure check for it

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 17:15
by PaddyMac
I compiled the CE Layout Editor from source on Gentoo and then when I ran it I got the following two error messages.

Code: Select all

The file 'CELayoutEditor.ini' could not be found; default settings will apply now.

Code: Select all

CELayoutEditor has detected and caught an exception. The following detailed info is available:

Description: Fatal error, application will terminate
Exception Location: CELayoutEditor::InitMainFrame
Exception Message: DynamicModule::DynamicModule - Failed to load module '': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Exception Filename: CEGUIDynamicModule.cpp
Exception Line: 128

I later realized that it was because I had earlier compiled CEGUI without Silly. So I think it would be a nice feature if the CELayoutEditor's configure script checked for the presence of silly to ensure it'll work properly once compiled.

Re: CELayout Editor requires silly - make configure check fo

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 17:18
by Kulik
CELE1 is obsolete and abandoned. If you provide patches we *might* merge them but we won't work on it ourselves. Releasing a new version is also unlikely.

Re: CELayout Editor requires silly - make configure check fo

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 01:32
by PaddyMac
Ah. In that case don't bother. I didn't realize it was deprecated. I later saw that on the page to download the source. None of the programs available here, except for CEGUI, are available on Gentoo, so I'm trying to write ebuilds for all of them to get them into Portage. So CELayoutEditor 2 is the new one, and I guess CEED will supercede both CELayoutEditor and CEImagesetEditor when it is complete?

Re: CELayout Editor requires silly - make configure check fo

Posted: Sat Feb 25, 2012 08:34
by CrazyEddie

CELE2 is very much alpha code, and, due to the work being done on CEED, we decided not to develop if further - so CELE2 became a kind of test/prototype/dummy run for certain things in CEED, and will not itself be developed further either :?

Unfortunately this puts us into a strange situation where we have lots of tools, but they're either no longer receiving active development or not 100% production ready (although CEED approaches that mark quite fast). You are correct that CEED is intended replace all of the other tools.

Btw, the hard coded requirement of SILLY for CELayoutEditor was, IMHO, a mistake. Any of the ImageCodec modules would suffice so long as they load the types of image the user wants to load, though in order to prevent the user being lumbered with the "TGA only" codec, a decision was made to require something else, which is fine, but there should have been a way for the user to override / specify a different module without needing to recompile his editor :D