Animation::RM_Bounce endless loop

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Animation::RM_Bounce endless loop

Postby JordanWeber » Mon Apr 01, 2013 12:33

When attempting to start my program, it gets caught in an infinite loop when using RM_BOUNCE.

delta = 0;
newPosition = 0;

So the following gets stuck, because newPosition never changes:
newPosition = -newPosition;


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    else if (d_definition->getReplayMode() == Animation::RM_Bounce)
        if (d_bounceBackwards)
            delta = -delta;

        float newPosition = d_position + delta;

        while (newPosition <= 0 || newPosition > duration)
            if (newPosition <= 0)
                d_bounceBackwards = false;

                newPosition = -newPosition;

            if (newPosition > duration)
                d_bounceBackwards = true;

                newPosition = 2.0f * duration - newPosition;


Temporary Workaround:
Everytime you start the animation state, step it a small enough amount so delta isnt 0.0f;

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I will be submitting this into mantis.

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